Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this brief monograph examines elementary and convergence theories of convolution quotients, differential equations involving operator functions, exponential functions of operators. Solutions. 1962 edition.
It is not the object of the author to present comprehensive cov erage of any particular integral transformation or of any particular development of generalized functions, for there are books available in which this is done. Rather, this consists more of an introductory survey in which various ideas are explored. The Laplace transforma tion is taken as the model type of an integral transformation and a number of its properties are developed; later, the Fourier transfor mation is introduced. The operational calculus of Mikusinski is pre sented as a method of introducing generalized functions associated with the Laplace transformation. The construction is analogous to the construction of the rational numbers from the integers. Further on, generalized functions associated with the problem of extension of the Fourier transformation are introduced. This construction is anal ogous to the construction of the reals from the rationals by means of Cauchy sequences. A chapter with sections on a variety of trans formations is adjoined. Necessary levels of sophistication start low in the first chapter, but they grow considerably in some sections of later chapters. Background needs are stated at the beginnings of each chapter. Many theorems are given without proofs, which seems appro priate for the goals in mind. A selection of references is included. Without showing many of the details of rigor it is hoped that a strong indication is given that a firm mathematical foundation does actu ally exist for such entities as the "Dirac delta-function".
This volume presents the general theory of generalized functions, including the Fourier, Laplace, Mellin, Hilbert, Cauchy-Bochner and Poisson integral transforms and operational calculus, with the traditional material augmented by the theory of Fourier series, abelian theorems, and boundary values of helomorphic functions for one and several variables. The author addresses several facets in depth, including convolution theory, convolution algebras and convolution equations in them, homogenous generalized functions, and multiplication of generalized functions. This book will meet the needs of researchers, engineers, and students of applied mathematics, control theory, and the engineering sciences.
Even though the theories of operational calculus and integral transforms are centuries old, these topics are constantly developing, due to their use in the fields of mathematics, physics, and electrical and radio engineering. Operational Calculus and Related Topics highlights the classical methods and applications as well as the recent advan
"Based on a math course for advanced undergraduates and graduate students at Cal Tech, this brief monograph requires a background in advanced calculus. Topics include elementary and convergence theories of convolution quotients, differential equations involving operator functions, exponential functions of operators, and problems in partial differential equations. Includes solutions. 1962 edition"--
In the end of the last century, Oliver Heaviside inaugurated an operational calculus in connection with his researches in electromagnetic theory. In his operational calculus, the operator of differentiation was denoted by the symbol "p". The explanation of this operator p as given by him was difficult to understand and to use, and the range of the valid ity of his calculus remains unclear still now, although it was widely noticed that his calculus gives correct results in general. In the 1930s, Gustav Doetsch and many other mathematicians began to strive for the mathematical foundation of Heaviside's operational calculus by virtue of the Laplace transform -pt e f(t)dt. ( However, the use of such integrals naturally confronts restrictions con cerning the growth behavior of the numerical function f(t) as t ~ ~. At about the midcentury, Jan Mikusinski invented the theory of con volution quotients, based upon the Titchmarsh convolution theorem: If f(t) and get) are continuous functions defined on [O,~) such that the convolution f~ f(t-u)g(u)du =0, then either f(t) =0 or get) =0 must hold. The convolution quotients include the operator of differentiation "s" and related operators. Mikusinski's operational calculus gives a satisfactory basis of Heaviside's operational calculus; it can be applied successfully to linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients as well as to the telegraph equation which includes both the wave and heat equa tions with constant coefficients.
Distribution theory, a relatively recent mathematical approach to classical Fourier analysis, not only opened up new areas of research but also helped promote the development of such mathematical disciplines as ordinary and partial differential equations, operational calculus, transformation theory, and functional analysis. This text was one of the first to give a clear explanation of distribution theory; it combines the theory effectively with extensive practical applications to science and engineering problems. Based on a graduate course given at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, this book has two objectives: to provide a comparatively elementary introduction to distribution theory and to describe the generalized Fourier and Laplace transformations and their applications to integrodifferential equations, difference equations, and passive systems. After an introductory chapter defining distributions and the operations that apply to them, Chapter 2 considers the calculus of distributions, especially limits, differentiation, integrations, and the interchange of limiting processes. Some deeper properties of distributions, such as their local character as derivatives of continuous functions, are given in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 introduces the distributions of slow growth, which arise naturally in the generalization of the Fourier transformation. Chapters 5 and 6 cover the convolution process and its use in representing differential and difference equations. The distributional Fourier and Laplace transformations are developed in Chapters 7 and 8, and the latter transformation is applied in Chapter 9 to obtain an operational calculus for the solution of differential and difference equations of the initial-condition type. Some of the previous theory is applied in Chapter 10 to a discussion of the fundamental properties of certain physical systems, while Chapter 11 ends the book with a consideration of periodic distributions. Suitable for a graduate course for engineering and science students or for a senior-level undergraduate course for mathematics majors, this book presumes a knowledge of advanced calculus and the standard theorems on the interchange of limit processes. A broad spectrum of problems has been included to satisfy the diverse needs of various types of students.
This volume consists of a collection of 14 accepted submissions (including several invited feature articles) to the Special Issue of MDPI's journal Symmetry on the general subject area of integral transformations, operational calculus and their applications from many different parts around the world. The main objective of the Special Issue was to gather review, expository, and original research articles dealing with the state-of-the-art advances in integral transformations and operational calculus as well as their multidisciplinary applications, together with some relevance to the aspect of symmetry. Various families of fractional-order integrals and derivatives have been found to be remarkably important and fruitful, mainly due to their demonstrated applications in numerous diverse and widespread areas of mathematical, physical, chemical, engineering, and statistical sciences. Many of these fractional-order operators provide potentially useful tools for solving ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as integral, differintegral, and integro-differential equations; fractional-calculus analogues and extensions of each of these equations; and various other problems involving special functions of mathematical physics and applied mathematics, as well as their extensions and generalizations in one or more variables.