Lists citations with abstracts for aerospace related reports obtained from world wide sources and announces documents that have recently been entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database.
Strategien zur Lösung wissenschaftlicher Probleme mittels Fortran 90 und C++ sind Thema dieses Buches. Behandelt werden Fragestellungen, denen sich Naturwissenschaftler im Alltag häufig gegenübersehen, wie Simulationen, Graphik, Datenanalyse und die Manipulation von Datenstrukturen. Den Autoren kommt es nicht darauf an, zu zeigen, wie man ein Problem codiert - sie zielen eher auf die Vermittlung allgemeingültiger Prinzipien ab. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen. (8/98)
Provides an authoritative overview of the role which computers now play in the field of seismology and discusses ways in which they can be improved for solving the increasingly complex problems now facing the scientist and engineer. Topics covered include typical seismic models, computational requirements associated with several standard numerical modelling techniques, three-dimensional processing, migration and forward modelling, advances in both hardware and software, iterative modelling, hypercube supercomputing, reservoir simulation using supercomputers, algorithms used in modelling and inversion, wave equation computations and simulation of seismic waves.
The Connection Machine is one of the first commercially available machines which allows users to explore massive parallelism for the solution of large scale engineering and scientific applications. The CM2 features up to 64,000 processors. This is parallelism on an unprecedented scale which opens up new areas of computational science. Because of the overwhelming response to the first edition, a new edition has been prepared. New papers which document recent developments are added, bringing the volume up-to-date.