Considers related proposals to amend the Federal Aviation Act to grant CAB regulatory authority over rates, schedules, and practices of U.S. and foreign air carriers engaged in foreign operations.
Global Supply Chain Security and Management: Appraising Programs, Preventing Crimes examines the relationship between securing a supply chain and promoting more efficient worldwide trade. Historically, the primary goal of supply chain security was guarding against theft and damage. Today, supply chains are also on the frontlines in the fight against terrorism. This book showcases industry leaders and their best practices, also exploring how the government is both a policing organization and a supply chain partner. In addition, it covers the critical roles that various technologies play, focusing on how Big Data is collected and turned into knowledge. By using the tools provided, readers will gain a stronger understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by any organization that imports or exports products.
Now in its Seventh Edition, Air Transportation: A Management Perspective by John Wensveen is a proven textbook that offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of air transportation management.