Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach. There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what motivates and demotivates adult learners, how to be a good ally, fostering a healthy community, getting the word out, and building alliances with like-minded groups. The book includes over a hundred exercises that can be done individually or in groups, over 350 references, and a glossary to help you navigate educational jargon.
This open access book summarizes the findings of the VUELCO project, a multi-disciplinary and cross-boundary research funded by the European Commission's 7th framework program. It comprises four broad topics: 1. The global significance of volcanic unrest 2. Geophysical and geochemical fingerprints of unrest and precursory activity 3. Magma dynamics leading to unrest phenomena 4. Bridging the gap between science and decision-making Volcanic unrest is a complex multi-hazard phenomenon. The fact that unrest may, or may not lead to an imminent eruption contributes significant uncertainty to short-term volcanic hazard and risk assessment. Although it is reasonable to assume that all eruptions are associated with precursory activity of some sort, the understanding of the causative links between subsurface processes, resulting unrest signals and imminent eruption is incomplete. When a volcano evolves from dormancy into a phase of unrest, important scientific, political and social questions need to be addressed. This book is aimed at graduate students, researchers of volcanic phenomena, professionals in volcanic hazard and risk assessment, observatory personnel, as well as emergency managers who wish to learn about the complex nature of volcanic unrest and how to utilize new findings to deal with unrest phenomena at scientific and emergency managing levels. This book is open access under a CC BY license.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping, CMC 2016, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in September 2016. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 135 submissions. The papers address issues such as facilitation of learning; eliciting, capturing, archiving, and using “expert” knowledge; planning instruction; assessment of “deep” understandings; research planning; collaborative knowledge modeling; creation of “knowledge portfolios”; curriculum design; eLearning, and administrative and strategic planning and monitoring.
This report is the ninth edition of the OECD's Tax Administration Series. It provides internationally comparative data on aspects of tax systems and their administration in 59 advanced and emerging economies.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown, and extends R Markdown for technical writing, so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures, tables, equations, theorems, citations, and references. Similar to LaTeX, you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats, including LaTeX/PDF, HTML, EPUB, and Word, thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book, but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers, reports, dissertations, course handouts, study notes, and even novels. You do not have to use R, either. Other choices of computing languages include Python, C, C++, SQL, Bash, Stan, JavaScript, and so on, although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing, for example, to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown, and its source is fully available on GitHub.
This guide is for adult learners who wish to undertake a program of self-study in preparation for the GED Language Arts Writing Tests. It includes: --1 diagnostic and 2 practice exams with complete answer explanations, Review of all topics, including sentence structure, word usage, and writing tips, Mini-quizzes for all topics, Free access to an online exam, Tip boxes with mnemonic aids and study advice, Boost boxes with motivational information from potential employers
Microsoft Excel es la hoja de cálculo de la suite Microsoft Office. En este libro se trata la temática avanzada en el trabajo con Excel de una forma secuencial en dificultad y práctica con ejemplos paso a paso. Se comienza estudiando las aplicaciones de Excel en Matemáticas a través de funciones trigonométricas, hiperbólicas, exponenciales, logarítmicas, combinatorias, factoriales, numéricas y matriciales. Excel es la herramienta por excelencia para el trabajo en el campo matemático. A continuación se presentan las aplicaciones de Excel en el mundo de la Estadística. Se trata la Estadística Descriptiva, Cálculo de Probabilidades, variables aleatorias, intervalos de confianza, contrastes de hipótesis y la regresión. Se muestra a través de ejemplos y ejercicios paso a paso como Excel permite trabajar adecuadamente en una materia en auge actualmente como es la Estadística y que tiene aplicaciones en la mayoría de los campos de la Ciencia. Para completar la temática anterior se trata profundamente la Estadística Avanzada a través de las Herramientas de Análisis de Excel. Se desarrollan temas como los modelos predictivos de regresión lineal, los modelos del análisis de la varianza, los contrastes de hipótesis para medias, varianzas, diferencias de medias y cocientes de varianzas, todo tipo de intervalos de confianza, la generación de números aleatorios y la teoría de la correlación y matrices de correlaciones. Posteriormente se incide en el trabajo con Excel en el campo financiero tratando funciones sobre préstamos, anualidades, funciones para valores bursátiles, funciones específicas sobre cupones y letras del tesoro, funciones para el análisis de proyectos de inversión y funciones sobre amortización. Más adelante se presentan las aplicaciones de Excel en Programación Lineal y Técnicas de Optimización a través de Solver. En temas posteriores se abordan contenidos relativos a esquemas, listas, filtros y consolidación de hojas de cálculo. A continuación se presenta el trabajo en Excel con funciones de bases de datos, lógicas, de ingeniería e información. También se incluye el modo de trabajo con técnicas de “análisis y si”, sensibilidad, tablas de datos, búsqueda de objetivos, escenarios y tablas y gráficos dinámicos217. Finalmente se trata la auditoría de hojas de cálculo y la importación y exportación de datos249. Todo el contenido que se presenta es válido para las versiones 2013, 2010 y 2007 de Excel.