Artículos de Deleuze, Rampazzo Bazzan, Shirani, Fazio y GIdeas, revista de filosofía moderna y contemporánea, número 3 (2016). Artículos de Deleuze ("Descripción de la mujer"), Rampazzo Bazzan ("El Hobbes de Fichte"), Shirani ("La lucha-entre de Deleuze y el pensamiento oriental"), Fazio ("Leibniz lector de la Ética: el papel de Spinoza en la reforma leibniziana de la noción de sustancia") y Gerszenson ("El amor pasional en la Etica de Spinoza"). El lanzamiento de la sección debates con la respuesta de Virginia Moratiel a la reseña de Gaudio a su libro sobre el Islam. Reseñas de: Deleuze y las fuentes de su filosofía II; La enseñanza filosófica. Cuestiones de política, género y educación ¿Un sujeto?; Art and Truth after Plato y Leçons sur la Philosophie de Gilles Deleuze. Un Système kantien. Une Politique anarcho-capitaliste.erszenson. El lanzamiento de la sección debates con la respuesta de Virginia Moratiel a la reseña de Gaudio a su libro sobre el Islam. Y reseñas de: Deleuze y las fuentes de su filosofía II; La enseñanza filosófica. Cuestiones de política, género y educación ¿Un sujeto?; Art and Truth after Plato y Leçons sur la Philosophie de Gilles Deleuze. Un Système kantien. Une Politique anarcho-capitaliste.
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FILOSOFÍA PARA POLICÍAS Todos los y las policías del mundo, deben tener un mínimo de conocimiento no sólo jurídico, político y criminal. La filosofía es una oportunidad para conocer desde una perspectiva más humanista el trabajo policial. En este contexto, encontramos la ética policial, la filosofía de la mente y las mentes criminales, entre otras ramas del conocimiento filosófico. Conforme nos conozcamos a nosotros mismos, nos volvemos más conscientes de nuestros objetivos en nuestra vida, más responsables y comprometidos con nuestro trabajo como defensores de los Derechos Humanos y Estados de Derecho Democráticos. En este libro, encontrarás algunas de las premisas más importantes de la filosofía y su aplicación en el trabajo policial, como podría ser: El darnos cuenta de nuestras potencialidades como seres humanos, el uso eficiente de nuestra inteligencia, racionalidad, voluntad, intuición y tendencias a la superación personal. Conforme te introduces en el mundo de la filosofía, te irás sintiendo más humano, más inquieto por el conocimiento, más seguro de ti mismo, de tus objetivos de vida y lo más importante, te irás convirtiendo, cada vez más, en un oficial de la policía responsable, profesional y con alta calidad humana.
The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is a diverse and intersectional collection which examines human and more-than-human animal relations, as well as the interconnectedness of human and animal oppressions through various lenses. Comprising fifty chapters, the book explores a range of debates and scholarship within important contemporary topics such as companion animals, hunting, agriculture, and animal activist strategies. It also offers timely analyses of zoonotic disease pandemics, mass extinction, and the climate catastrophe, using perspectives including feminist, critical race, anti-colonial, critical disability, and masculinities studies. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is an essential reference for students in gender studies, sexuality studies, human-animal studies, cultural studies, sociology, and environmental studies.
The life of Mexican Revolutionary Emiliano Zapata was the stuff that legends are made of. Born and raised in a tiny village in the small south-central state of Morelos, he led an uprising in 1911--one strand of the larger Mexican Revolution--against the regime of long-time president Porfirio Díaz. He fought not to fulfill personal ambitions, but for the campesinos of Morelos, whose rights were being systematically ignored in Don Porfirio's courts. Expanding haciendas had been appropriating land and water for centuries in the state, but as the twentieth century began things were becoming desperate. It was not long before Díaz fell. But Zapata then discovered that other national leaders--Francisco Madero, Victoriano Huerta, and Venustiano Carranza--would not put things right, and so he fought them too. He fought for nearly a decade until, in 1919, he was gunned down in an ambush at the hacienda Chinameca. In this new political biography of Zapata, Brunk, noted journalist and scholar, shows us Zapata the leader as opposed to Zapata the archetypal peasant revolutionary. In previous writings on Zapata, the movement is covered and Zapata the man gets lost in the shuffle. Brunk clearly demonstrates that Zapata's choices and actions did indeed have an historical impact.
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research under way in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Dolores Moyano Martin, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 1977, and P. Sue Mundell was assistant editor from 1994 to 1998. The subject categories for Volume 56 are as follows: ∑ Electronic Resources for the Humanities ∑ Art ∑ History (including ethnohistory) ∑ Literature (including translations from the Spanish and Portuguese) ∑ Philosophy: Latin American Thought ∑ Music
In this commentary, John O'Neill concentrates upon three themes in the goal Merleau-Ponty set for himself, namely "to restore to things their concrete physiognomy, to organisms their individual ways of dealing with the world, and to subjectivity its inherence in history." O'Neill considers the three objectives in their original order: first, the study of animal and human psychology; then, the phenomenology of perception; and finally, certain extensions of these perspectives in the historical and social sciences.