Compositional Data Analysis

Compositional Data Analysis

Author: Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2011-09-19

Total Pages: 405

ISBN-13: 0470711353


It is difficult to imagine that the statistical analysis of compositional data has been a major issue of concern for more than 100 years. It is even more difficult to realize that so many statisticians and users of statistics are unaware of the particular problems affecting compositional data, as well as their solutions. The issue of ``spurious correlation'', as the situation was phrased by Karl Pearson back in 1897, affects all data that measures parts of some whole, such as percentages, proportions, ppm and ppb. Such measurements are present in all fields of science, ranging from geology, biology, environmental sciences, forensic sciences, medicine and hydrology. This book presents the history and development of compositional data analysis along with Aitchison's log-ratio approach. Compositional Data Analysis describes the state of the art both in theoretical fields as well as applications in the different fields of science. Key Features: Reflects the state-of-the-art in compositional data analysis. Gives an overview of the historical development of compositional data analysis, as well as basic concepts and procedures. Looks at advances in algebra and calculus on the simplex. Presents applications in different fields of science, including, genomics, ecology, biology, geochemistry, planetology, chemistry and economics. Explores connections to correspondence analysis and the Dirichlet distribution. Presents a summary of three available software packages for compositional data analysis. Supported by an accompanying website featuring R code. Applied scientists working on compositional data analysis in any field of science, both in academia and professionals will benefit from this book, along with graduate students in any field of science working with compositional data.

Estadística descriptiva a través de Excel

Estadística descriptiva a través de Excel

Author: Felicidad Marqués

Publisher: RC Libros

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 49

ISBN-13: 8493700843


En el libro se explica el entorno de cálculo de Excel y luego temas como las variables estadisticas, las distribuciones de frecuencias, los gráficos, medidas de posición, dispersión y forma, distribuciones bidimensionales y la correción y regresion simple, variables cualitativas, tablas de contingencia y distribuciones multidimensionales y regresion múltiple.

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

Author: Andy Field

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Published: 2009-01-21

Total Pages: 857

ISBN-13: 1847879071


'In this brilliant new edition Andy Field has introduced important new introductory material on statistics that the student will need and was missing at least in the first edition. This book is the best blend that I know of a textbook in statistics and a manual on SPSS. It is a balanced composite of both topics, using SPSS to illustrate important statistical material and, through graphics, to make visible important approaches to data analysis. There are many places in the book where I had to laugh, and that's saying a lot for a book on statistics. His excellent style engages the reader and makes reading about statistics fun' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont USA This award-winning text, now fully updated with SPSS Statistics, is the only book on statistics that you will need! Fully revised and restructured, this new edition is even more accessible as it now takes students through from introductory to advanced level concepts, all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SPSS Statistics. Andy Field's humorous and self-deprecating style and the book's host of characters make the journey entertaining as well as educational. While still providing a very comprehensive collection of statistical methods, tests and procedures, and packed with examples and self-assessment tests to reinforce knowledge, the new edition now also offers: - a more gentle introduction to basic-level concepts and methods for beginners - new textbook features to make the book more user-friendly for those learning about more advanced concepts, encouraging 'critical thinking' - a brand new, full-colour design, making it easy for students to navigate between topics, and to understand how to use the latest version of SPSS Statistics - both 'real world' (the bizarre and the wonderful) and invented examples illustrate the concepts and make the techniques come alive for students - an additional chapter on multilevel modelling for advanced-level students - reinforced binding to make the book easier to handle at a computer workstation. The book also includes access to a brand new and improved companion Website, bursting with features including: - animated 'SPSS walk-through' videos clearly demonstrating how to use the latest SPSS Statistics modules - self-marking multiple choice questions - data sets for psychology, business and management and health sciences - a flash-card glossary for testing knowledge of key concepts - access to support material from SAGE study skills books. Statistics lecturers are also provided with a whole range of resources and teaching aids, including: - the test bank - over 300 multiple-choice questions ready to upload to WebCT, Blackboard or other virtual learning environments - charts and diagrams in electronic format for inclusion in lecture slides - PowerPoint slides written by the author to accompany chapters of the text.

Estadística descriptiva con Microsoft Excel 2007

Estadística descriptiva con Microsoft Excel 2007

Author: Ursicino Carrascal Arranz

Publisher: Editorial Ra-Ma

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 9788478978038


El libro que tiene en sus manos constituye un manual completo de Estadística Descriptiva correspondiente a la materia que con el mismo titulo se imparte en las Licenciaturas de Economía y Administración de empresas de las universidades españolas, si bien puede ser utilizado por cualquier otro estudioso o profesional de muchas otras ramas con necesidad de analizar datos. De hecho y aunque en ocasiones aparecen en el texto otros ejemplos con carácter económico, también aparecen de otros temas. La ventaja de este manual es que se desarrolla a la vez con el programa Excel 2007, programa que incorpora cambios de forma y de fondo sobre las versiones anteriores del mismo. Sin embargo no se dedica a explicar todos los apartados de Excel, sino que se van tratando los distintos temas estadísticos y se van viendo con detalle aquellas funciones de Excel que se van necesitando en cada momento. De esta forma, cuando alguien esté interesado en hacer un determinado análisis estadístico podrá encontrar en este manual una explicación de lo que quiere hacer y el modo práctico de llevarlo a cavo con Excel 2007, ilustrado profusamente con ejemplos que se van realizando a lo largo de toda la explicación, así como un análisis de los resultados obtenidos. Todos los temas incluyen además ejercicios resueltos y ejercicios propuestos con los que el lector puede practicar por su cuenta lo explicado.

Statistics In the Pharmaceutical Industry, 3rd Edition

Statistics In the Pharmaceutical Industry, 3rd Edition

Author: C. Ralph Buncher

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2005-09-28

Total Pages: 512

ISBN-13: 9780824754693


The growth of the pharmaceutical industry over the past decade is astounding, but the impact of this growth on statistics is somewhat confusing. While software has made analysis easier and more efficient, regulatory bodies now demand deeper and more complex analyses, and pharmacogenetic/genomic studies serve up an entirely new set of challenges. For more than two decades, Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry has been the definitive guide to sorting through the challenges in the industry, and this Third Edition continues that tradition. Updated and expanded to reflect the most recent trends and developments in the field, Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Third Edition presents chapters written by experts from both regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies who discuss everything from experimental design to post-marketing studies. This approach sheds light on what regulators consider acceptable methodologies and what methods have proven successful for industrial statisticians. Both new and revised chapters reflect the increasingly global nature of the industry as represented by authors from Japan and Europe, the increasing trend toward non-inferiority/equivalence testing, adaptive design in clinical trials, global harmonization of regulatory standards, and multiple comparison studies. The book also examines the latest considerations in anti-cancer studies. Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Third Edition demystifies the approval process by combining regulatory and industrial points of view, making it a must-read for anyone performing statistical analysis at any point in the drug approval process.



Author: Yihui Xie

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2016-12-12

Total Pages: 140

ISBN-13: 1351792601


bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown, and extends R Markdown for technical writing, so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures, tables, equations, theorems, citations, and references. Similar to LaTeX, you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats, including LaTeX/PDF, HTML, EPUB, and Word, thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book, but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers, reports, dissertations, course handouts, study notes, and even novels. You do not have to use R, either. Other choices of computing languages include Python, C, C++, SQL, Bash, Stan, JavaScript, and so on, although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing, for example, to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown, and its source is fully available on GitHub.

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics

Author: Andy Field

Publisher: SAGE

Published: 2017-11-03

Total Pages: 2026

ISBN-13: 152644030X


With an exciting new look, math diagnostic tool, and a research roadmap to navigate projects, this new edition of Andy Field’s award-winning text offers a unique combination of humor and step-by-step instruction to make learning statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students. The Fifth Edition takes students from initial theory to regression, factor analysis, and multilevel modeling, fully incorporating IBM SPSS Statistics© version 25 and fascinating examples throughout. SAGE edge offers a robust online environment featuring an impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and further exploration, keeping both instructors and students on the cutting edge of teaching and learning. Course cartridges available for Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle. Andy Field is the award winning author of An Adventure in Statistics: The Reality Enigma and is the recipient of the UK National Teaching Fellowship (2010), British Psychological Society book award (2006), and has been recognized with local and national teaching awards (University of Sussex, 2015, 2016).



Author: Stella Maris Diez

Publisher: Mp Ediciones Corporation

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 258

ISBN-13: 9789875262577


La estadística es una herramienta más que imprescindible en diferentes ámbitos profesionales, como los negocios, la mercadotecnia y la sociología, ya que nos da la posibilidad de discernir entre información útil e inútil, relevante y no relevante, confiable y no confiable, y así poder tomar decisiones de manera eficiente. Este libro busca introducir al lector en los conceptos fundamentales que hacen a esta técnica, desarrollando la teoría y su aplicación en ejemplos concretos, a través de las funciones que brinda Excel. Su autora, Stella Maris Diez, cuenta con más de veinte años de experiencia en el área de la docencia universitaria, y desarrolla con especial sencillez cada uno de los temas, utilizando ejemplos claros que hacen más llevadero el proceso de aprendizaje.En este libro, se tratan, entre otros temas, los diferentes métodos de análisis, las representaciones gráficas, los estudios exploratorios, las variables aleatorias discretas y continuas, y los modelos probabilísticos. En cada caso, se presentan aplicaciones vinculadas a los negocios, específicamente a los microemprendimientos, y hasta a algunas situaciones cotidianas.En definitiva, esta obra es la oportunidad de acercarse a la Estadística y descubrir todo lo que puede brindar.English description:Statistics is an essential tool in business, marketing and sociology, to make sound decisions. This book presents the basic aspects of this science, developing theory and practical applications through Excel functions. Some of the topics include analytical methods, graphical representations, discrete and continuous variables, and probabilistic models.

Análisis estadístico mediante aplicaciones informáticas. SPSS, Statgraphics, Minitab y Excel

Análisis estadístico mediante aplicaciones informáticas. SPSS, Statgraphics, Minitab y Excel

Author: Lluís Salafranca Cosialls

Publisher: Edicions Universitat Barcelona

Published: 2005-07-19

Total Pages: 277

ISBN-13: 8447529568


Con este documento docente los autores pretenden que el lector adquiera aprendizajes referidos a la interpretación de datos y aprenda el funcionamiento de algunas herramientas informáticas para realizar los cálculos estadísticos. El texto se estructura en torno a un problema de investigación sobre el cual se plantean y resuelven distintas cuestiones. Desde un punto de vista operativo, se muestra cómo obtener los cálculos mediante cuatro aplicaciones informáticas como son SPSS 12.0.1, Statgraphics 5.1, Minitab 14 y Microsoft Excel 2002. Con una perspectiva conceptual, en el texto se comentan los diferentes problemas, los índices estadísticos y se proporcionan pautas para alcanzar conclusiones. Si bien es un documento destinado a los alumnos del primer ciclo universitario que se inician en la estadística, también resultará útil para los alumnos de segundo y tercer ciclo (doctorado, posgrado y másters).