Los autores enfocan sus reflexiones hacia tres puntos de vista distintos pero no excluyentes: el lenguaje, el pensamiento y los valores. Su objetivo es desarrollar en los niños estos tres aspectos a partir de una intervención educativa que aproveche sus posibilidades en el contexto del aula.
Podríamos convenir que en el cruce de la erudición, la ficción y la tertulia se vantejiendo las creencias y los supuestos a partir de los que cada cual forma su teoría educativa. Nos tememos que unas pueden tener más peso que otras: quizás las últimas, con su potencia mediática, sean más suculentas y de consumo rápido; seguramente las literarias tienen un alto poder explicativo y resultan siempre muy atractivas; sin duda, las eruditas suelen ser más aburridas y se alejan del gran público. En cualquier caso, lo que resulta notorio es que el bosquejo de la educación no es exclusivo de ninguna de estas aproximaciones teóricas: ni el sabio ni el artista ni el opinador amateur o profesional pueden atribuirse la exclusividad sobre la verdad en educación. Este libro debe leerse como una defensa corporativa de la pedagogía y está dedicado a sus practicantes, pedagogos y pedagogas –de ambos sexos, como exige la corrección política–, que se esfuerzan, también desde la buena fe, por intentar entender mejor la cosa educativa, quizás los más inofensivos, o por sugerir alivios para los males que la aquejan, los más atrevidos, fabricando las pócimas y los remedios más variados, no siempre del todo inocuos
By examining the centrality of Romantic authorship to both copyright and the music industry, the author highlights the mutual dependence of capitalism and Romanticism, which situates the individual as the key creative force while challenging the commodification of art and self. Marshall reveals how the desire for bootlegs is driven by the same ideals of authenticity employed by the legitimate industry in its copyright rhetoric and practice and demonstrates how bootlegs exist as an antagonistic but necessary component of an industry that does much to prevent them. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students in the sociology of culture, social theory, cultural studies and law.
Considering both the theoretical and practical possibilities of the sustainability of higher education research in a world in which research budgets are often hard to secure, this book shares results from international research to demonstrate the innovation occurring to secure sustainable research funding. Rooted in diverse research experiences and reflections of academics and higher education institutional leaders, this book explores ways to promote and sustain pedagogical innovation in the higher education context. Beginning with an analysis of theoretical views from political, institutional and research practice spheres about the relevance of sustainability of educational research in higher education, it considers the need to promote educational research focused on pedagogical innovations in higher education. The second part of the book addresses practical experiences of funded educational research and offers guidance to assure the future of sustainable pedagogical interventions. This book is ideal reading for anyone interested in the role of sustainable funding in ensuring the future of higher education research, including researchers and postgraduate or undergraduate students who are researching or interested in the topic. It will also be of interest to senior institutional leaders and managers responsible for educational development in higher education.
The scientific literature has been showing that the teaching of controversial topics constitutes one of the most powerful tools for the promotion of active citizenship, the development and acquisition of critical-reflective thinking skills (Misco, 2013), and education for democratic citizenship (Pollak, Segal, Lefstein, and Meshulam, 2017; Misco and Lee, 2014). It has also highlighted, however, the complexities, risks and interference of emotional reactions in learning about sensitive, controversial or controversial historical, geographical or social issues (Jerome and Elwick, 2019; Reiss, 2019; Ho and Seow, 2015; Washington and Humphries, 2011; Swalwell and Schweber, 2016). Recent studies have advanced in the analysis of strategies employed by teacher educators in teaching controversial issues (Nganga, Roberts, Kambutu, and James, 2019; Pace, 2019), and in the curricular decisions of teachers about this teaching (Hung, 2019; King, 2009). These developments confirm the appropriateness of discussing or developing deliberative skills and conversational learning as the most appropriate strategy for the didactic treatment of controversial issues (Claire and Holden, 2007; Hand, 2008; Hess, 2002; Oulton, Day, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Oulton, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Myhill, 2007; Hand and Levinson, 2012; Ezzedeen, 2008). The promotion of discussion on specific social justice issues has also been approached from the use of controversial or documentary images in teacher education contexts, in order to question what is happening or has happened in present and past societies (Hawley, Crowe, and Mooney, 2016; Marcus and Stoddard, 2009). In this context, the aim of this contributed volume is, on one hand, to understand the discourses and decision-making of teachers on controversial issues in interdisciplinary educational contexts and their association with the development of deliberation skills. On the other hand, it seeks to offer studies focused on the analysis of the levels of coherence between their attitudes, positions and teaching practices for the teaching and learning of social problems and controversial issues from an integrated disciplinary perspective.
Pensadores de Oriente es una coleccion de anecdotas y "e;parabolas en accion"e; que ilustran el acercamiento lucido y eminentemente practico de los maestros derviches orientales.Este material, el cual es una destilacion de las ensenanzas de mas cien sabios provenientes de tres continentes, hace hincapie en lo experiencial por sobre lo teorico; y es justamente tal caracteristica particular del estudio Sufi la que provee su impacto y vitalidad unica.El enfasis de Pensadores de Oriente contrasta fuertemente con el concepto que Occidente tiene de Oriente, como si este fuese un lugar de teoria sin practica o de pensamiento sin accion.El autor del libro, Idries Shah, dice: "e;Sin la experiencia directa de tal ensenanza, o al menos un registro directo de ella, no veo la manera en que el pensamiento oriental pueda ser alguna vez comprendido."e;
Research on history education and historical thinking is becoming increasingly relevant internationally. The need for a renewal of history education is not only justified by the epistemology of history itself, but also by the demand for a methodological change in education in general, making students active protagonists in the construction of their learning and based on the development of competencies. Further study on the potential use of gamification within social studies and humanities education is required to understand its benefits and challenges. Cases on Historical Thinking and Gamification in Social Studies and Humanities Education proposes and analyzes gamification as a pedagogical innovation that can enable the renewal of the teaching and learning process of history, facilitating the active learning of historical thinking concepts while influencing students' conceptions of history as a discipline and as a school subject. Covering key topics such as historical thinking, social sciences, video games, and mobile learning, this reference work is ideal for historians, policymakers, researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.