Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals

Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals

Author: Atsushi Fujimori

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1995

Total Pages: 296

ISBN-13: 9783540589716


I Theory of Mott Transition and Correlated Metals.- Classification Scheme of the Metal-Insulator Transition and Anomalous Metals.- The Mott Transition: Results from Mean-Field Theory.- Some Aspects of Spin Gap in One- and Two-Dimensional Systems.- Quasi-Particles in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Splitting of Spectral Weight.- Almost Localized Fermions and Mott-Hubbard Transitions at Non-Zero Temperature.- Anomalous Physical Properties Around Magnetic and Metal-Insulator Transitions - A Spin-Fluctuation Theory.- Exact Diagonalization Study of Strongly Correlated Electron Models: Hole Pockets and Shadow Bands in the Doped t - J Model.- II Electronic Structure.- Electronic Band Structures of LaMO3 (M = Ti, V, Cr, ..., Ni, Cu) in the Local Spin-Density Approximation.- First-Principles Calculations of the Electronic Structure and Spectra of Strongly Correlated Systems: LDA + U Method.- Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Study of Perovskite-iype Transition-Metal Oxides.- Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Compounds.- Core-Level Spectroscopy in Early-Transition-Metal Compounds.- Systematics of Optical Gaps in Perovskite-iype 3d Transition Metal Oxides.- III Charge Transport and Excitations.- Optical Spectroscopy on the Mott Transition in Perovskiteiype Titanates.- Spectral Weight Transfer and Mass Renormalization in Correlated d-Electron Systems.- Charge Transport Properties of Strongly Correlated Metals near Charge Transfer Insulator to Metal Transition.- Infrared Studies of Kondo Insulator and Related Compounds.- IV Magnetic Response.- Magnetic Correlations in Doped Transition-Metal Oxides.- Spin and Charge Differentiation in Doped CuO2 Planes Observed by Cu NMR/NQR Spectra.- Orbital-Spin Coupling in V2O3 and Related Oxides.- Magnetic and Transport Properties of the Kondo Lattice Model with Ferromagnetic Exchange Coupling.- V New Materials.- Superconductivity, Magnetism and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Some Ternary and Pseudoternary 3d-, 4d-, and 5d-Metal Oxides.- NMR Studies of Superconductivity and Metal-Insulator Transition in Cu Spinel CuM2X4 (M = Rh, Ir and X = S, Se).- Index of Contributors.

Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials

Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials

Author: Vladimir Anisimov

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2010-07-23

Total Pages: 298

ISBN-13: 3642048269


Electronic structure and physical properties of strongly correlated materials containing elements with partially filled 3d, 4d, 4f and 5f electronic shells is analyzed by Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT). DMFT is the most universal and effective tool used for the theoretical investigation of electronic states with strong correlation effects. In the present book the basics of the method are given and its application to various material classes is shown. The book is aimed at a broad readership: theoretical physicists and experimentalists studying strongly correlated systems. It also serves as a handbook for students and all those who want to be acquainted with fast developing filed of condensed matter physics.

Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials

Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials

Author: Vladimir Anisimov


Published: 2010

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9783642048685


Electronic structure and physical properties of strongly correlated materials containing elements with partially filled 3d, 4d, 4f and 5f electronic shells is analyzed by Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT). DMFT is the most universal and effective tool used for the theoretical investigation of electronic states with strong correlation effects. In the present book the basics of the method are given and its application to various material classes is shown. The book is aimed at a broad readership: theoretical physicists and experimentalists studying strongly correlated systems. It also serves as a handbook for students and all those who want to be acquainted with fast developing filed of condensed matter physics.

Electronic Structure and Collective Excitations in Correlated Materials

Electronic Structure and Collective Excitations in Correlated Materials

Author: Felix Tilman Schmitt


Published: 2011

Total Pages:



In condensed matter, electrons are not independent but are coupled to their neighbors via interactions; they are said to be correlated. This fact that electronic states are aware of their neighbors' states and changes thereof gives rise to a rich variety of properties and physics that defines the nature around us. Correlations in condensed matter can range in their effect from slight changes in the band structure to the emergence of order and symmetry breaking, which lead to novel properties and phases. These correlations exhibit themselves on different time scales. Mott-insulators, in which strong Coulomb repulsion between electrons splits a half-filled conduction band to result in an insulator, can have a band gap of several eV. On the other hand, transitions into the superconducting or charge density wave state, for example, happen on energy scales within several tens to hundreds of meV of EF. Despite the plethora of phenomena arising from these correlations, this many-body problem is hard to tackle and there is still much to be learned. This work investigates different aspects of correlated systems in and out of equilibrium with angle resolved photoemission (ARPES), and time resolved ARPES, two powerful spectroscopic techniques that are able to elucidate the dynamics and mechanics of correlations. Starting out, the experimental ARPES setup is introduced, and the ARPES system located in the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Stanford University is described in more detail, since its maintenance and enhancement were an integral part of this work. In the following, the high energy properties of Nd2-xCexCuO4+d (NCCO) are investigated with ARPES. NCCO belongs to the electron doped side of a class of materials called high temperature superconducting Cuprates (HTSCs), so called because of their unusually high transition temperatures. The HTSCs exhibit a plethora of rich physics; including the anti-ferromagnetic insulating phase of the undoped parent compound dominated by Mott-Hubbard physics to the superconducting dome which features superconductivity with a d-wave symmetry whose origin is still a mystery. The hole doped HTSCs show a vertical band dispersion in ARPES measurements around 0.3 eV which was termed the high energy anomaly (HEA). Here, a systematic study of high energy features on NCCO revealed a similar HEA, albeit around 0.6 eV binding energy. We were able to successfully explain the HEA within the Hubbard model as being a cross-over from the quasi particle band resulting from doping and the lower or upper Hubbard band, depending on doping. The simulations also captured the difference in energy scale between hole and electron doping. Next, focusing on energies within several tens of meV of EF, a different energy scale of NCCO is explored. In the hole doped HTSCs, a discontinuity of the electronic dispersion around 50-70 meV was observed both in the region of the Brillouin zone were the d-wave superconducting gap had a node ("nodal") and where it had a maximum ("antinodal"). Conversely, in the electron doped materials this kink could only be observed in the antinodal region. If the discontinuity or "kink", which is hypothesized to originate from electron phonon coupling to certain Oxygen modes, is related to superconductivity, one would imagine it to have the same universality as the observed superconductivity. Our work demonstrates that new and improved ARPES data show a kink in the nodal region of NCCO as well, giving this discontinuity universality among the HTSCs. Superconductivity (SC) (at least conventional, electron phonon mediated superconductivity according to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) is closely related to its brethren, the spin- (SDW) or charge-density waves (CDW): all are mediated by different channels of the same type of interaction. The non-equilibrium dynamics and excitation modes of CDWs and SCs are closely related. Time resolved ARPES (tr-ARPES) is able to probe both non-equilibrium dynamics and collective excitation modes in real time. Continuing, this work explores the non-equilibrium physics of TbTe3, a model system for studying charge density waves. Our systematic study of the transient dynamics in dependence of excitation density revealed a complex picture ranging all the way from a weakly perturbed regime, in which collective modes were evident to a strongly perturbed regime, where we could observe the transient melting of the CDW state. This unprecedented insight into the dynamics of interactions will enhance our future understanding of correlated materials. Through the strengths of tr-ARPES, we were able to assign one of the collective modes we observed to the amplitude mode of the CDW. This provides a major stepping stone towards seeing a similar amplitude mode in superconductors. Especially in novel superconductors like the HTSCs or the Pnictides, where the mechanism of superconductivity is still debated, the observation of such collective modes could greatly aid towards their understanding which is needed in order to eventually exploit their huge potential for real-life applications.

Mott Insulators

Mott Insulators

Author: Sindhunil Barman Roy


Published: 2019

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780750315968


"There have been many recent developments in the physics and materials science of Mott insulators, especially their recognition as emergent materials for important and innovative device applications such as information processing and storage, and the possibilities of even further applications in optical and thermal switches, thermo-chromic devices, gas sensors and even solar cell applications. Aimed at advanced undergraduate students of physics, chemistry, materials science, and electrical and electronics engineering, this book introduces the subject and reviews present knowledge in the field, enabling students and researchers to get acquainted with this very interesting and emerging area of science and technology. Professional researchers in academic institutions and industries already engaged in the programmes of correlated electron materials and devices will also find this title of use." -- Prové de l'editor.

Combined Study of Local Spectroscopy and Macroscopic Electronic Transport of the Correlated Honeycomb Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Na2IrO3

Combined Study of Local Spectroscopy and Macroscopic Electronic Transport of the Correlated Honeycomb Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Na2IrO3

Author: Thomas Dziuba


Published: 2022

Total Pages:



The search for novel phenomena that exceeds and interconnects our existing knowledge is at the heart of every scientific effort. Physics, and particularly solid-state research, is no exception. If anything, the technological advancements of the last decades have made the need for new concepts even more apparent. A prototypical example here is the beginning breakdown of Moore's law in the semiconductor industry, where electronic components shrunk down to a few nanometres in size. This greatly enhanced the performance of, e.g., integrated circuits, but leads to a dead end since the further sh...

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Strongly Correlated Materials

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Strongly Correlated Materials

Author: Volodymyr Turkowski

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-04-22

Total Pages: 393

ISBN-13: 3030649040


​​This is the first book that provides a detailed summary of one of the most successful new condensed matter theories - dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) - in both static and dynamical cases of systems of different sizes. DMFT is one of the most successful approaches to describe the physical properties of systems with strong electron-electron correlations such as bulk materials, multi-layers, surfaces, 2D materials and nanostructures in both metallic and insulating phases. Strongly correlated materials usually include partially-filled localized d- or f-orbitals, and DMFT takes into account crucial for these systems time-resolved interaction between electrons when they “meet” on one atom and occupy one of these orbitals. The First Part of the book covers the general formalism of DMFT as a many-body theory, followed by generalizations of the approach on the cases of finite systems and out-of-equilibrium regime. In the last Chapter of the First Part we discuss generalizations of the approach on the case when the non-local interactions are taken into account. The Second Part of the book covers methodologies of merging DMFT with ab initio static Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Time-Dependent DFT (TDDFT) approaches. Such combined DFT+DMFT and DMFT+TDDFT computational techniques allow one to include the effects of strong electron-electron correlations at the accurate ab initio level. These tools can be applied to complex multi-atom multi-orbital systems currently not accessible to DMFT. The book helps broad audiences of students and researchers from the theoretical and computational communities of condensed matter physics, material science, and chemistry to become familiar with this state-of-art approach and to use it for reaching a deeper understanding of the properties of strongly correlated systems and for synthesis of new technologically-important materials.