Foundations of American Education

Foundations of American Education

Author: L. Dean Webb

Publisher: Pearson Higher Ed

Published: 2012-06-11

Total Pages: 465

ISBN-13: 0133122026


This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Seventh Edition of Foundations of American Education provides a clear picture of the field of education and how its evolution affects today’s teaching and learning. The seventh edition brings attention to the major challenges and issues that are shaping education in the second decade of the twenty-first century, including major changes in the teaching profession, the classroom, and the board room, increased involvement of state and federal governments in education, the movement toward national standards, the continued emphasis on student achievement data and the push to include these data in pay-for-performance compensation and value-added evaluation, the rapid growth and support for charter schools, and the minority to majority demographic shift in the student population which all have major impacts on the future of education in the United States.