Covering the conventional areas of international economics, this edition provides the blend of events and analysis to help readers understand global economic developments and to evaluate proposals for changes in economic policies. It combines economic analysis with attention to the issues of economic policy that are important.
Bringing urban issues into a modern microeconomic framework, this work uses basic economic analysis to explain why cities exist, where they develop, how they grow and how various activities are arranged within them. Census data is incorporated into the text, and used in charts and tables.
Labor Economics, 5e is a well-received text that blends coverage of traditional topics with modern theory and developments into a superb Labor Economics book. The Fifth Edition builds on the features and concepts that made the first four editions successful, updating and adding new content to keep the text on the cusp of recent events in the Labor Economics field. The new edition continues to be the most concise book in the market, enabling the instructor to teach all relevant material in a semester-long class. Despite the book’s brevity, the instructor will find that all of the key topics in labor economics are efficiently covered in the Fifth Edition. Thanks to updated pedagogy, new end-of-chapter material, and even stronger instructor support, the Fifth Edition of Labor Economics remains one of the most relevant textbooks in the market.
Improve YOUR world! Karlan Economics 3e is built around the central concept that economics is a powerful and positive tool that students can use to improve their world. Economics uses examples and issues that resonate with students' experience to draw them in and frame ideas to help develop their economic intuition.
David Doane offers an Excel focused approach to using statistics in business. All statistical concepts are illustrated with applied examples immediately upon introduction.
Schiller’s Essentials of Economics is the market leader for the one-semester survey course, praised for its strong policy focus and core theme of seeking the best possible answers to the basic questions of WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM to produce. The 9th edition is benefitted by SmartBook, the first adaptive reading experience designed to engage students with the content in an active and dynamic way, as opposed to the passive and linear reading experience they are used to. As a result, students are more likely to master and retain important concepts in the survey course. As in previous editions, students are confronted early on with the reality that the economy doesn’t always operate optimally, either at the macro or micro level, and are encouraged to examine the policy challenge of finding the appropriate mix of market reliance and government regulation that generates the best possible outcomes. In addition to the suite of resources available within Connect Economics, over 100 key topics are reinforced with interesting and innovative videos on YouTube, provided to help non-majors see the relevance of economics. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.