CONTENIDO: Análisis económico de los recursos ambientales - Valoración de activos ambientales -Recursos no renovables - Recursos renovables: el caso de las pesquerías - El turno forestal óptimo - Apéndice: Una breve introducción al análisis multicriterio - Externalidad óptima vía programación compromiso - Objetivos ambientales versus objetivos económicos: búsqueda de un compromiso.
Medicion del impacto economico de la adopcion de tecnologias de produccion para la agricultura sostenible; Ingresso economico y la valorizacion del medio ambiente; Avaliacao de impactos ambientais de projetos de desenvolvimento tecnologico agropecuario; Environmental accounting: emergy perspectivas on perspectives on sustainability; Sustentabilidaddel desarrollo en Chile: um analisis del sector exportador; Criterios de evaluacion de proyectos y estudios de impacto ambiental en el sector agropecuario; Evaluacion de impacto ambiental de represas en el alto Biobio. Valoracion de efectos sobre comunidades indigenas; concept paper. Natural resource valuation, environmental. Impact assessment and sustainability the role of the NIARs in the Southern Cone.
Taking advantage of the many specialists visiting Spain prior to the INFORMS Meeting in Barcelona, hold from July 14th to July 17th 1997, we organized a work shop on Decision Analysis Applications at the Real Academia de Ciencias, Madrid, Spain, from J uly 11th to 12th 1997, under the sponsorship of de the Instituto Espaiia. This workshop had a precedent in the International Conference Decision Making: Towards the 21st Century also held at the Real Academia de Ciencias in 1993. The idea of organizing an event, this time devoted to applications of Decision Analysis, was due to Prof. Sixto Rfos, who some four years ago, .sponsored and encouraged by the Royal Academy of Sciences, was the creator of an Interdisciplinary Working Group on Decision Analysis -formed with researchers from within and outside this Academy- which has been active since then, organizing periodical meetings, and whose last project has tumed out into this Workshop. The workshop turned out to be an stimulating opportunity for communicating and discussing the enormous variety of applications of Decision Sciences. In this volume we have included most of the invited papers and a selection of refereed contributed papers. Due to the varied nature of the applications, we have grouped them into five groups ending, as way of an epilog, with a paper by Sarin which contains important insights and reftections on the nature of Decision Analysis in public and private sectors.
This volume provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the conditions of the global environment, highlighting key global concerns and making recommendations for policy action.
The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations. Theoretical Foundations and Applications provides a synthesis of current knowledge about industrial forestry management planning processes. It covers components of the forest supply chain ranging from modelling techniques to management planning approaches and information and communication technology support. It may provide effective support to education, research and outreach activities that focus on forest industrial plantations management. It may contribute further to support forest managers when developing industrial plantations management plans. The book includes the discussion of applications in 26 Management Planning in Actions boxes. These applications highlight the linkage between theory and practice and the contribution of models, methods and management planning approaches to the efficiency and the effectiveness of industrial plantations management planning.