Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts aims to present a comprehensive documen tation of the literature concerning all aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and their border fields. It is devoted to the recording, summarizing, and indexing of the relevant publications throughout the world. Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts is prepared by a special department of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union. Volume 34 records literature published in 1983 and received before February 17, 1984. Some older documents which we received late and which are not surveyed in earlier volumes are included too. We acknowledge with thanks contributions of our colleagues all over the world. We also express our gratitude to all organiza tions, observatories, and publishers which provide us with complimentary copies of their publications. Starting with Volume 33, all the recording, correction, and data processing work was done by means of computers. The recording was done by our technical staff members Ms. Helga Ballmann, Ms. Mona El-Choura and Ms. Monika Kohl. Mr. Martin Schlotelburg and Mr. Ulrich Oberall supported our task by careful proofreading. It is a pleasure to thank them all for their encouragement. Heidelberg, March 1984 The Editors Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . Concordance Relation: ICSU-AB-AAA 3 Abbreviations 10 Periodicals, Proceedings, Books, Activities 001 Periodicals . . . . . . . . . . . 15 002 Bibliographical Publications, Documentation, Catalogues, Atlases 50 003 Books ...... . 58 004 History of Astronomy 67 005 Biography . . 71 006 Personal Notes 73 007 Obituaries . . .
DYNAMICS REPORTED reports on recent developments in dynamical systems. Dynamical systems of course originated from ordinary differential equations. Today, dynamical systems cover a much larger area, including dynamical pro cesses described by functional and integral equations, by partial and stochastic differential equations, etc. Dynamical systems have involved remarkably in recent years. A wealth of new phenomena, new ideas and new techniques are proving to be of considerable interest to scientists in rather different fields. It is not surprising that thousands of publications on the theory itself and on its various applications are appearing. DYNAMICS REPORTED presents carefully written articles on major sub jects in dynamical systems and their applications, addressed not only to special ists but also to a broader range of readers including graduate students. Topics are advanced, while detailed exposition of ideas, restriction to typical result- rather than the most general ones - and, last but not least, lucid proofs help to gain the utmost degree of clarity. It is hoped, that DYNAMICS REPORTED will be useful for those enter ing the field and will stimulate an exchange of ideas among those working in dynamical systems.
It is now a well established tradition that every four years, at the end of winter, a group of "celestial mechanicians" from all over the world gather at the "Alpen gasthof Peter Rosegger" in the Styrian Alps (Ramsau, Austria). This time the colloquium was held from March 17 to March 23, 1996 and was devoted to the Dynamical Behaviour of our Planetary System. The papers covered a large range of questions of current interest: theoretical questions (re- nances, universal properties, non integrability, transport, ... ) and questions about numerical tools ( symplectic maps, indicators of chaos, ... ) were particularly well represented; the never ending problem of the sculpting of the asteroid belt was also qui te popular. You will find in the following pages a pot-pourri of what we listen to; you will miss of course the diversity of accents with which the tunes were delivered: from China, from Japan, from Brazil, from the United-States of America and from all over Europe, East and West. Let us not forget that the comet 199682 (Hyakutake) came to visit us; many an evening was spent on the deck of the Alpengasthof contemplating this celestial visitor who liked to play hide-and-seek behind the spruce trees.
This book sets forth and builds upon the fundamentals of the dynamics of natural systems in formulating the problem presented by Jacobi in his famous lecture series "Vorlesungen tiber Dynamik" (Jacobi, 1884). In the dynamics of systems described by models of discrete and continuous media, the many-body problem is usually solved in some approximation, or the behaviour of the medium is studied at each point of the space it occupies. Such an approach requires the system of equations of motion to be written in terms of space co-ordinates and velocities, in which case the requirements of an internal observer for a detailed description of the processes are satisfied. In the dynamics discussed here we study the time behaviour of the fundamental integral characteristics of the physical system, i. e. the Jacobi function (moment of inertia) and energy (potential, kinetic and total), which are functions of mass density distribution, and the structure of a system. This approach satisfies the requirements of an external observer. It is designed to solve the problem of global dynamics and the evolution of natural systems in which the motion of the system's individual elements written in space co-ordinates and velocities is of no interest. It is important to note that an integral approach is made to internal and external interactions of a system which results in radiation and absorption of energy. This effect constitutes the basic physical content of global dynamics and the evolution of natural systems.
It is this editor's distinct pleasure to offer to the readership the text of the lectures presented at our recent NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy between August 6 and August 17, 1984. The invited lectures are printed in their entirety while the seminar contributions are presented as abstracts. Our Advanced Study Institutes were originated in 1972 and the reader, familiar with periodic phenomena, so important in Celestial Mechanics, will easily establish the fact that this Institute was our fifth one in the series. We dedicated the Institute to the subject of stability which itself is a humbling experience since it encompasses all fields of sciences and it is a basic element of human culture. The many definitions in existence and their practical applications could easily fill another volume. It is known in this field that it is easy to deliver lectures or write papers on stability as long as the definition of stability is carefully avoided. On the other hand, if one selects a definition, he might be criticized for using that definition and not another one. In this volume we carefully defined the specific concept of stability used in every lecture. If the reader wishes to introduce other definitions we feel that he should be entirely free and we encourage him to do so. It is also known that certain sta bility definitions and concepts are more applicable to certain given fields than to others.