Now enhanced with the innovative DE Tools CD-ROM and the iLrn teaching and learning system, this proven text explains the "how" behind the material and strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differential equations. This accessible text speaks to students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, "Remarks" boxes, definitions, and group projects. This book was written with the student's understanding firmly in mind. Using a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, this book provides a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations.
A Course in Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, 2nd Edition adds additional content to the author’s successful A Course on Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition. This text addresses the need when the course is expanded. The focus of the text is on applications and methods of solution, both analytical and numerical, with emphasis on methods used in the typical engineering, physics, or mathematics student’s field of study. The text provides sufficient problems so that even the pure math major will be sufficiently challenged. The authors offer a very flexible text to meet a variety of approaches, including a traditional course on the topic. The text can be used in courses when partial differential equations replaces Laplace transforms. There is sufficient linear algebra in the text so that it can be used for a course that combines differential equations and linear algebra. Most significantly, computer labs are given in MATLAB®, Mathematica®, and MapleTM. The book may be used for a course to introduce and equip the student with a knowledge of the given software. Sample course outlines are included. Features MATLAB®, Mathematica®, and MapleTM are incorporated at the end of each chapter All three software packages have parallel code and exercises There are numerous problems of varying difficulty for both the applied and pure math major, as well as problems for engineering, physical science and other students. An appendix that gives the reader a "crash course" in the three software packages Chapter reviews at the end of each chapter to help the students review Projects at the end of each chapter that go into detail about certain topics and introduce new topics that the students are now ready to see Answers to most of the odd problems in the back of the book
Written in a clear and accurate language that students can understand, Trench's new book minimizes the number of explicitly stated theorems and definitions. Instead, he deals with concepts in a conversational style that engages students. He includes more than 250 illustrated, worked examples for easy reading and comprehension. One of the book's many strengths is its problems, which are of consistently high quality. Trench includes a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations and has organized the book to allow instructors to select the level of technology desired. This has been simplified by using symbols, C and L, to designate the level of technology. C problems call for computations and/or graphics, while L problems are laboratory exercises that require extensive use of technology. Informal advice on the use of technology is included in several sections and instructors who prefer not to emphasize technology can ignore these exercises without interrupting the flow of material.
Applied Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems presents a contemporary treatment of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and an introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs), including their applications in engineering and the sciences. This new edition of the author’s popular textbook adds coverage of boundary value problems. The text covers traditional material, along with novel approaches to mathematical modeling that harness the capabilities of numerical algorithms and popular computer software packages. It contains practical techniques for solving the equations as well as corresponding codes for numerical solvers. Many examples and exercises help students master effective solution techniques, including reliable numerical approximations. This book describes differential equations in the context of applications and presents the main techniques needed for modeling and systems analysis. It teaches students how to formulate a mathematical model, solve differential equations analytically and numerically, analyze them qualitatively, and interpret the results.
Building on the basic techniques of separation of variables and Fourier series, the book presents the solution of boundary-value problems for basic partial differential equations: the heat equation, wave equation, and Laplace equation, considered in various standard coordinate systems--rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical. Each of the equations is derived in the three-dimensional context; the solutions are organized according to the geometry of the coordinate system, which makes the mathematics especially transparent. Bessel and Legendre functions are studied and used whenever appropriate throughout the text. The notions of steady-state solution of closely related stationary solutions are developed for the heat equation; applications to the study of heat flow in the earth are presented. The problem of the vibrating string is studied in detail both in the Fourier transform setting and from the viewpoint of the explicit representation (d'Alembert formula). Additional chapters include the numerical analysis of solutions and the method of Green's functions for solutions of partial differential equations. The exposition also includes asymptotic methods (Laplace transform and stationary phase). With more than 200 working examples and 700 exercises (more than 450 with answers), the book is suitable for an undergraduate course in partial differential equations.
Written from the perspective of the applied mathematician, the latest edition of this bestselling book focuses on the theory and practical applications of Differential Equations to engineering and the sciences. Emphasis is placed on the methods of solution, analysis, and approximation. Use of technology, illustrations, and problem sets help readers develop an intuitive understanding of the material. Historical footnotes trace the development of the discipline and identify outstanding individual contributions. This book builds the foundation for anyone who needs to learn differential equations and then progress to more advanced studies.
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 11e, like its predecessors, is written from the viewpoint of the applied mathematician, whose interest in differential equations may sometimes be quite theoretical, sometimes intensely practical, and often somewhere in between. The authors have sought to combine a sound and accurate (but not abstract) exposition of the elementary theory of differential equations with considerable material on methods of solution, analysis, and approximation that have proved useful in a wide variety of applications. While the general structure of the book remains unchanged, some notable changes have been made to improve the clarity and readability of basic material about differential equations and their applications. In addition to expanded explanations, the 11th edition includes new problems, updated figures and examples to help motivate students. The program is primarily intended for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year of study. The main prerequisite for engaging with the program is a working knowledge of calculus, gained from a normal two or three semester course sequence or its equivalent. Some familiarity with matrices will also be helpful in the chapters on systems of differential equations.
Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Differential, Difference and Fractional Equations: Positive Solutions discusses the concept of a differential equation that brings together a set of additional constraints called the boundary conditions. As boundary value problems arise in several branches of math given the fact that any physical differential equation will have them, this book will provide a timely presentation on the topic. Problems involving the wave equation, such as the determination of normal modes, are often stated as boundary value problems. To be useful in applications, a boundary value problem should be well posed. This means that given the input to the problem there exists a unique solution, which depends continuously on the input. Much theoretical work in the field of partial differential equations is devoted to proving that boundary value problems arising from scientific and engineering applications are in fact well-posed. - Explains the systems of second order and higher orders differential equations with integral and multi-point boundary conditions - Discusses second order difference equations with multi-point boundary conditions - Introduces Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations with uncoupled and coupled integral boundary conditions
This book is the most comprehensive, up-to-date account of the popular numerical methods for solving boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations. It aims at a thorough understanding of the field by giving an in-depth analysis of the numerical methods by using decoupling principles. Numerous exercises and real-world examples are used throughout to demonstrate the methods and the theory. Although first published in 1988, this republication remains the most comprehensive theoretical coverage of the subject matter, not available elsewhere in one volume. Many problems, arising in a wide variety of application areas, give rise to mathematical models which form boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. These problems rarely have a closed form solution, and computer simulation is typically used to obtain their approximate solution. This book discusses methods to carry out such computer simulations in a robust, efficient, and reliable manner.
This open access book presents a comprehensive survey of modern operator techniques for boundary value problems and spectral theory, employing abstract boundary mappings and Weyl functions. It includes self-contained treatments of the extension theory of symmetric operators and relations, spectral characterizations of selfadjoint operators in terms of the analytic properties of Weyl functions, form methods for semibounded operators, and functional analytic models for reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Further, it illustrates these abstract methods for various applications, including Sturm-Liouville operators, canonical systems of differential equations, and multidimensional Schrödinger operators, where the abstract Weyl function appears as either the classical Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficient or the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. The book is a valuable reference text for researchers in the areas of differential equations, functional analysis, mathematical physics, and system theory. Moreover, thanks to its detailed exposition of the theory, it is also accessible and useful for advanced students and researchers in other branches of natural sciences and engineering.