Dictionary of 15- to 18-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

Dictionary of 15- to 18-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2020-09-15

Total Pages: 54



In this book, you will learn the meanings of 675 useful 15- to 18-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. “Letter Count” has been mentioned in the bracket after each and every word. Sample this: 01 – absentmindedness [16] [n.] -- a lack of attention or awareness to what you are doing or what is happening around you [synonym: inattentiveness] 02 -- accountableness [15] [n.] -- the quality or state of being answerable or accountable 03 -- acquaintanceship [16] [n.] -- the state of being familiar to sb in a way that involves less intimate relation than friendship 04 -- acquisitiveness [15] [n.] -- excessive interest in acquiring and owning money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetousness, hoarding, materialism] 05 -- acrimoniousness [15] [n.] -- (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) the fact or quality of having strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). state of having a strong unpleasant taste or smell 06 -- advantageousness [16] [n.] -- the quality or state of being good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonym: profitableness] 07 -- adventurousness [15] [n.] -- (a). the trait of being willing to take risks and try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). a state of having full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audaciousness, boldness, daringness] 08 -- ambidextrousness [16] [n.] -- the fact or property of being equally skillful with each hand 09 – antagonistically 16 [adv.] -- In a manner that shows or feels dislike or opposition [synonym: hostility] 10 – anthropocentric [15] [adj.] -- believing that humans are the most significant or central entity of the universes 11 – anthropocentricism [18] [n.] -- the belief that humans are the most significant or central entity of the universes 12 – anthropomorphic [15] [adj.] -- treating gods, animals or objects as if they have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings 13 – anthropomorphism [16] [n.] -- treatment of gods, animals or objects as if they have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings 14 – approachability [15] [n.] -- the quality or state of being easy to get to [synonym: accessibility] 15 -- approachableness [16] [n.] -- the quality of being friendly and easy to meet, talk to, or deal with | (of a place) the quality of being able to be reached from a particular direction or position, or by a particular method. [synonym: accessible] 16 – argumentatively [16] [adv.] -- in a manner that shows someone wants to argue 17 – argumentativeness [17] [n.] -- the state or fact of showing tendency to argue 18 -- ascertainableness [17] [n.] -- the quality of being able to be found out, determined, fixed, etc. 19 – asymptomatically [16] [adv.] -- (of a person or illness) in a manner that shows no symptoms 20 – atmospherically [15] [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that relates to the mixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). in a manner that creates an emotional or thrilling mood

Dictionary of Category Words: Vocabulary Building

Dictionary of Category Words: Vocabulary Building

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 75



This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. Category Words -- Sounds 02. Category Words -- Ways of Thinking 03. Category Words -- Ways of Walking 04. Category Words -- Ways of Movement 05. Category Words -- Ways of Changing 06. Category Words -- Ways of Laughing and Smiling 07. Category Words -- Ways of Seeing 08. Category Words -- Ways of Saying Something 09. Category Words -- Ways of Writing and Marking 10. Category Words -- Ways of Continuing 11. Category Words -- Feelings 12. Category Words -- Cooking 13. Category Words -- Disturbance 14. Category Words -- Situation of Confusion 15(A). Category Words -- Smells 15(B). Category Words -- Tastes 16. Category Words -- Cries of Creatures 17. Category Words -- Colors 18. Category Words -- Remarks 19. Category Words -- Body Marks 20. Category Words -- Body and Body Shape 21. Category Words -- ‘Old’ 22. Category Words -- Time and Numbers 23. Category Words -- Zodiac Sign and Birthstones 24. Category Words -- Fabrics 25. Category Words -- Shapes 26. Category Words -- Religion 27(A). Category Words -- Nature 27(B). Category Words -- Biomes 28. Category Words -- People and Family 29. Category Words -- Currencies 30. Category Words -- Measurement Units 31. Category Words -- Government 32. Category Words -- Miscellaneous Sample This: 01. Category Words -- Sounds 01. Babble -- the sound of many people speaking all together Example: Babble of Voices 02. Bang -- a sudden loud noise Example: Bang of a Gun 03. Beat -- sound made by a series of regular blows to something Examples: Beating of Drums | Beating of Wings 04. Blast -- the sound of an explosion | sound made by blowing of musical instruments Examples: Blast of a Bomb | Blast of a Siren 05. Blow -- to produce a sound by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed Examples: Blowing of Bungles | Blowing of Trumpet | Blowing of Whistle 06. Boom -- loud deep sound Example: Booming of Guns 07. Chatter -- a series of short high sounds Examples: Chattering of Birds | Chattering of Monkeys | Chattering of Teeth 08. Chink -- light ringing sound Example: Chinking of Glass 09. Clang -- the loud ringing sound of metals Examples: Clanging of Arms | Clanging of Bells 10. Clank -- the loud sound of metal objects hitting together Example: Clanking of Chains 11. Clap -- the sound of hitting something by hand | sudden loud noise Examples: Clapping of Hands | Clapping of Thunder 12. Clatter -- loud noise made by knocking of hard objects Examples: Clattering of Hoofs | Clattering of Knife 13. Crackle -- a series of light sharp sounds Examples: Crackling of Fire-Wood | Crackling of Gunfire | Crackling of Flames 14. Creak -- a series of sharp sounds Examples: Creaking of a Whip | Creaking of Shoes 15. Din -- a loud, unpleasant sound that lasts for a long time Example: Din of a Crowd 16. Ding -- sound made by a bell Example: Ding of a Bell 17. Explode -- to make a loud, violent sound Examples: Exploding of Guns | Exploding of Bombs | Exploding of Rocket 18. Flap -- quick noisy movement Examples: Flapping of Wings | Flapping of Newspaper | Flapping of Steam 19. Jingle -- a sound like small bells ringing Example: Jingling of Coins 20. Knock -- the sound of somebody hitting a door, gate, window, etc. Examples: Knocking of a Door | Knocking of a Window

Dictionary of English Capitonyms: Vocabulary Building

Dictionary of English Capitonyms: Vocabulary Building

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 74



What are “Capitonyms”? CAPITONYMS ---- [Capital- capital letter; -Onym: Name] Capitonym is a word that changes its meaning (and sometimes pronunciation) based on whether or not it is capitalized. Capitonym [singular] | Capitonyms [plural] Capitonyms may be nouns, pronouns, verbs, or adjectives. Characteristics of Capitonyms: Same spelling except for capitalization Different meaning when capitalized Same or different pronunciation Examples: Polish and polish Polish: connected with Poland [adjective] polish: to make a surface smooth and glossy [verb] Piedmonts and piedmonts Piedmont: a region of North West Italy (noun) piedmont: a slope leading from the foot of mountains to a region of flat land (noun) Traveler and traveler Traveler: traveling people of Irish origin [noun] traveler: a person who is traveling [noun] Roman and roman Roman: connected with the Rome roman: the ordinary type of printing [adjective] Rosemary and rosemary Rosemary: a common first name for females in English speaking countries [noun] rosemary: a bush with small narrow leaves that smell sweet and are used in cooking as a herb [noun] Regency and regency Regency: in the style of the period 1811–20 in Britain [adjective] regency: government by a regent (a person who rules a country in place of the king or queen) [noun] Scot and scot Scot: a native of Scotland [noun] scot: a charge, tax, or payment [noun] Self and self Self: a popular American magazine [noun] self: character or personality [noun] Warren and warren Warren: a common name in English speaking countries [noun] warren: a system of holes and underground tunnels where wild rabbits live [noun] ****** Capitonyms are case-sensitive words. However, when capitonyms appear at the beginning of a sentence, there is no way to understand which meaning is being referred to except the context in which they are used. Capitonyms also create confusion in the aspect of listening. Because there is no way to understand which meaning is being referred to except the context in which they are used. Capitonyms generally occur due to one form being a proper noun. A proper noun is a word that is the name of a person, a place, an establishment, etc. and is written with a capital letter. Thus, capitonyms may include: A name of a person (Jack/jack) A name of a place, city, country, etc. (Japan/japan) A name of a language (Ewe/ewe) A name of a company (Fiat/fiat) A name of a publication (Time/time) A name of a river/lake/hill/mountain, etc. DETAILED LIST OF PAIRS OF CAPITONYMS:

Dictionary of Old-fashioned Words: Vocabulary Building

Dictionary of Old-fashioned Words: Vocabulary Building

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 100



What are “Old-fashioned Words”? Definition of ‘Old-fashioned words’: “Words and expressions that were common in the past but are passing out of ordinary use.” ‘Old-fashioned words’ are also known as ‘archaic words’. Many people use the term ‘old use’ for the words and expressions that were common in the past but have passed out of ordinary use. These words are mainly used in historical novels. They are also used to amuse people. Examples: Old-fashioned word: dandified [adjective] (of a man) too careful about his look or clothes Old-fashioned word: vamoose [verb] to leave fast Old-fashioned idiom blot your copybook -- to do something bad to spoil your good reputation among people Old-fashioned phrasal verb buck up! -- used to tell somebody to make haste A detailed list of “old-fashioned words”, parts of speech they belong to, and their meanings are as follows: Old-fashioned Words -- A abed [adverb] in bed abide [verb] to stay or live in a place Use in a sentence: Everybody must abide by the law. abroad [adverb] outside; outdoors accidence [noun] the part of grammar that deals with the change in the form of a word accursed [adjective] having a bad magic spell on something Use in a sentence: They lived in the forest as if accursed. || There is no escaping the sense of anxiety that we humans are accursed with. adieu [exclamation] goodbye Use in a sentence: They bid adieu to him with mixed emotions. addled [adjective] confused / (of an egg) not fresh Use in a sentence: He is not a silly and addled dude. without further/more ado [idiom] at once; immediately Use in a sentence: Once it was sure that the area had been secured, the children were without more ado accompanied to the assembly hall. adventurer / adventuress [noun] a person who is very fond of going to unusual places or gaining new experiences Use in a sentence: She is a hard-core adventuress, a travel journalist, who has traveled around the world. aerodrome (airdrome) [noun] a small airport Use in a sentence: The extension of the runway was aimed at better services for private operators at the aerodrome. affair [noun] a strange or inexplicable thing affright [verb] to scare; to frighten Use in a sentence: Let nothing affright you. ague [noun] malaria, dengue or other diseases that cause fever and shivering ail [verb] to make somebody ill/sick air hostess [noun] a female flight attendant alack [exclamation] a word that is used to show you are sad or sorry Use in a sentence: Alas and alack, only a few of those stories are all that funny. alas [exclamation] a word that is used to show you are sad or sorry Use in a sentence: His experiments, alas, were flawed and had been mythologized. be all up (with somebody) [idiom] to be the end for somebody almoner [noun] a person employed by a hospital to handle the financial and social problems of patients Use in a sentence: They wanted a more active almoner, who could find innovative ways to help the poor. alms [noun] money, clothes, food, etc. given to beggars or poor people Use in a sentence: They were injured in a stampede to receive alms being distributed by a charity. in the altogether [idiom] without wearing any clothes Amerindian [noun] Native American Use in a sentence: The word 'guava' originates from the language of the Arawaks, an Amerindian people from the Caribbean. ammo [noun] ammunition Use in a sentence: They have tested and run a lot of ammo through their rifles. amour [noun] a secret love affair anon [adverb] soon; early, immediately; in a moment apoplexy [noun] the sudden and complete loss of the ability to sense or move apoplectic [adjective] related to apoplexy apparel [noun] formal clothes Use in a sentence: The US apparel industry is highly fragmented with many players. applesauce [noun] nonsense Use in a sentence: All politics is applesauce! apprehend [verb] to understand, realize or be aware of something Use in a sentence: Making language easy to apprehend is intrinsic to making it appealing. apricity [noun] the sun’s warmth on a cold winter’s day aright [adverb] correctly or properly

Dictionary of Combining Forms: Vocabulary Building

Dictionary of Combining Forms: Vocabulary Building

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 91



What are “Combining Forms”? A combining form is a form of a word that can combine with a free word, root word or another combining form to get a new word. ‘Combining form’ adds extra meaning to the new word. ‘Combining form’ is added to the beginning or end of a free word, root word or another combining form. (A). Examples of “Combining form + Free Word”: Agro- + Industry = Agro-industry Agro- denotes: connected with farming (B). Example of “Combining form + Root Word”: Aero- + Gramme = Aerogramm Aero- denotes: connected with aircraft Gramme denotes: writing (C). Examples of “Combining form + Combining form”: Hydro- + -Logy = Hydrology [the scientific study of the earth's water] Hydro- denotes: relating to water -Logy denotes: a subject of study IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. “Combining form” generally cannot stand alone as free words, but there are many exceptions to this rule. EXAMPLES: Combining Form: -like [free word] lotus + -like = lotus-like rope + -like = rope-like -like- denotes: similar to the thing that is mentioned 2. Many Words ending in “-ed”, “-en”, etc. are used as COMBINING FORMS. EXAMPLES: Combining Form: -based (ending in ‘-ed’) foreign + -based = foreign-based demand + -based = demand-based -based denotes: containing something as an important feature or part 3. Many words ending in “-ing” are used as COMBINING FORMS. EXAMPLES: Combining Form: -looking (ending in ‘-ing’) fine + -looking = fine-looking suspicious + -looking = suspicious-looking -looking- denotes: to be appearing in a way that is mentioned Alphabetical List of Combining Forms Along With Their Meanings And Examples Combining Forms -- A AERO- Used to form: adjectives, adverbs and nouns General meaning: connected with aircraft Examples: aerobatics / aerodrome / aerodynamics / aerofoil / aerogramme (also, aerogram) / aeronaut / aeronautics / aerospace / aerostat ****** -AFFECTED Used to form: adjectives General meaning: suffering from the thing that is mentioned Examples [along with their use in phrases]: drug-affected ---- [drug-affected newborns] famine-affected ---- [famine-affected village] flu-affected ---- [flu-affected patients] militancy-affected ---- [militancy-affected state] quake-affected ---- [quake-affected hills] Other Examples: flood-affected / cyclone-affected / explosion-affected / drought-affected / rain-affected / violence-affected ****** AFRO- Used to form: adjectives and nouns General meaning: African Examples [along with their use in phrases]: Afro-Brazilian ---- [Afro-Brazilian heritage] Afro-British ---- [Afro-British people] Afro-Caribbean ---- [Afro-Caribbean cooperation] Afro-Colombian ---- [Afro-Colombian celebrities] Afro-Cuban ---- [Afro-Cuban player] Afro-descendant ---- [Afro-descendant communities] Afro-Iranian ---- [Afro-Iranian minority] Afro-Latina ---- [Afro-Latina engineers] Afro-Mexican ---- [Afro-Mexican students] Afro-Palestinian ---- [Afro-Palestinian group] Afro-Turk ---- [Afro-Turk music star] ALL- Used to form: adjectives and adverbs General meaning: each and every one | totally | in the highest degree Examples: all-American / all-around / all-British / all-Canadian / all-clear / all-consuming / all-embracing / all-encompassing / all-important / all-inclusive / all-night / all-nighter / all-out / all-over / all-party / all-pervading / all-powerful / all-purpose / all-round / all-rounder / all-star / all-ticket / all-time

Dictionary of Verbs: Vocabulary Building

Dictionary of Verbs: Vocabulary Building

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2020-09-14

Total Pages: 149



2250 Useful Verbs and Their Meanings Verbs are words that show action, state of being, or occurrence and form the main part of the predicate of a sentence. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. In this book, you will study and learn useful English verbs along with their meanings. || Sample this: English Verbs -- A 01 -- abase -- to behave in a way so as to make someone that he/she does seem unimportant [synonyms: belittle, degrade, demean, humiliate, subjugate] 02 -- abate -- to become less strong or widespread; to make something less strong or widespread. [synonyms: decline, subside] 03 -- abduct -- to illegally and forcefully take sb away and keep them as a prisoner, especially in order to get sth such as money for returning them [synonym: kidnap] 04 -- abet -- to help or encourage or support sb to do sth wrong or illegal 05 -- abhor -- to strongly hate a way of thinking or behaving for moral reasons [synonyms: detest, despise, loathe] 06 -- abrade -- to remove part of the surface of sth, such as rock or skin, and damage it or make it rough by rubbing it against sth rough and hard i.e. by friction or erosion [synonyms: graze, roughen, scrape] 07 -- abridge -- to make a shortened version of an ‘original text’ [synonyms: abbreviate, shorten] 08 -- abrogate -- to officially cancel or end sth such as a law, agreement, contract, decision, etc. and make them no longer valid [synonyms: repeal, revoke, rescind] 09 -- abstract -- (a). to extract or remove something from something else | (b). to consider something theoretically or separately from (something else) | (c). to make a written summary of the main points of an argument, theory or a book, etc. 10 -- abut -- (of an area of land or a building) to be next to sth or to have a common boundary with the side of sth [synonym: adjoin] 11 -- acclaim -- to praise, admire or welcome sb/sth enthusiastically and publicly 12 -- ache -- (a). to feel continuous pain in a part of your body [synonym: hurt] | (b). to have a strong desire for sb/sth or to do sth | (c). to be very sad or distressed 13 -- adore -- to be very fond of something or to like sb very much [synonyms: admire, love] 14 -- affect -- (a). to cause a change in someone or something; to have an impact or an influence on someone or something | (b). to produce strong feelings of distress, pity, regret, sorrow, or sympathy, etc. on sb | (c). (of a disease) to make sb become ill or sick; to have an impact on sb or a particular part of the body | (d). -- to act as if you are feeling or thinking sth | (e). to try to impress other people by using or wearing sth that looks special/unique; to behave insincerely or unnaturally to impress other people [synonym: put on] 15 -- aggrandize -- to increase power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhance; extend] 16 -- aggravate -- (a). to intentionally irritate somebody [synonyms: annoy, exasperate] | (b).to make an unpleasant situation or an illness worse or more serious [synonyms: exacerbate, worsen] 17 -- ante -- to put a sum of money in poker before receiving cards 18 -- ape -- (a). to do sth in the same way as sb else, however not in a proper manner [synonym: imitate] | (b). to irritate or make fun of sb by copying the way they behave, talk, or walk, etc in an absurd manner [synonym: mimic] 19 -- appease -- (a). to make sb calmer and prevent them from harming you by accepting their demands [synonyms: conciliate; soothe; pacify] | (b). to make or preserve peace with a nation and avoid war by giving it what they want 20 -- arch -- (a). (of part of your body) to move and form a curved shape | (b). to be in a curved line or shape across or over sth 21 -- aspire -- to direct your hopes, efforts, etc. towards a particular career or activity [synonyms: aim, seek] 22 -- attain -- (a). to get something after a lot of effort | (b). to reach a particular level, age, condition, etc. 23 -- aver -- to state firmly that sth is certainly true [synonyms: assert, avow] 24 -- avow -- to publicly express your opinion about sth in a firm way [synonym: affirm]

Dictionary of Difficult Words: 5000 English Words

Dictionary of Difficult Words: 5000 English Words

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-12-31

Total Pages: 163



5000 Difficult English Words and their Meanings. | Advanced Words in English Language | Letter A -- 275 Words | Letter B -- 242 Words | Letter C -- 438 Words | Letter D -- 321 Words | Letter E -- 238 Words | Letter F -- 233 Words | Letter G -- 171 Words | Letter H -- 149 Words | Letter I -- 266 Words | Letter J -- 51 Words | Letter K -- 19 Words | Letter L -- 132 Words | Letter M -- 175 Words | Letter N -- 66 Words | Letter O -- 109 Words | Letter P -- 393 Words | Letter Q -- 22 Words | Letter R -- 303 Words | Letter S -- 787 Words | Letter T -- 205 Words | Letter U -- 172 Words | Letter V -- 98 Words | Letter W -- 112 Words | Letter XYZ -- 23 Words Sample This: 01 -- abandon (v.) -- to discard; to dump; to leave sb/sth permanently || related words: abandoned (adj.), abandonment (n.) 02 -- abase (v.) -- to do sth that makes people have less respect for you; to degrade || related word: abasement (n.) 03 -- abashed (adj.) -- ashamed in a social situation; embarrassed 04 -- abate (v.) -- to become very weak; to fade away; to subside || related word: abatement (n.) 05 -- abdicate (v.) -- to step down from the position of being king; to renounce; to give up || related word: abdication (n.) 06 -- aberrant (adj.) -- abnormal, unsocial or weird; nonstandard || related word: aberration (n.) 07 -- abet (v.) -- to assist, encourage or support sb in doing sth illegal, immoral, etc. 08 -- abhor (v.) -- to extremely hate or dislike sb/sth for ethical reasons; to detest || related words: abhorrent (adj.), abhorrence (n.) 09 -- abide (v.) -- to reside somewhere 10 -- abiding (adj.) -- (of feelings, ideas, etc.) long-lasting 11 -- abject (adj.) -- having no hope or self-esteem; miserable || related word: abjectly (adv.) 12 -- abjure (v.) -- to give up a belief or idea publicly; to renounce 13 -- ablaze (adj.) -- on fire; afire | full of strong feelings, bright lights, etc. 14 -- ablutions (n.) -- an action of cleaning or washing yourself 15 -- abnegate (v.) -- to reject sth that you like; to renounce || related word: abnegation (n.) 16 -- abode (n.) -- the place where you reside/live; residence 17 -- abolish (v.) -- to get rid of a law, rule, etc. officially; to eliminate || related words: abolition (n.), abolitionist (n.) 18 -- abominate (v.) -- to hate intensely || related words: abominable (adj.), abomination (n.) 19 -- aboriginal (adj.) -- primitive 20 -- abortive (adj.) -- (of an action) unsuccessful 21 -- abound (v.) -- to be plentiful 22 -- about-turn (n.) -- a reversal of a plan or opinion, etc. 23 -- above board (adj./adv.) -- honest or genuine / honestly or genuinely 24 -- abrasion (n.) -- cut or scratch 25 -- abrasive (adj.) -- rough | rude || related words: abrasively (adv.), abrasiveness (n.) 26 -- abreast (adv.) -- side by side 27 -- abridge (v.) -- to shorten a book, etc. || related words: abridged (adj.), abridgment (n.) 28 -- abrogate (v.) -- to officially cancel a law || related word: abrogation (n.) 29 -- abrupt (adj.) -- sudden | impolite || related words: abruptly (adv.), abruptness (n.) 30 -- abscond (v.) -- to run away; to escape 31 -- abseil (v.) -- to descend a steep cliff 32 -- absolution (n.) -- forgiveness 33 -- absolutism (n.) -- rule by dictator; autocracy || related word: absolutist (adj./n.) 34 -- absolve (v.) -- to officially forgive somebody 35 -- abstain (v.) -- to give up or stay away from sth bad, illegal or immoral | to decide not to cast your vote in election | related words: abstainer (n.), abstention (n.) 36 -- abstemious (adj.) -- self-disciplined 37 -- abstinence (n.) -- restraint from eating or drinking because of ethical reasons | related word: abstinent (adj.) 38 -- abstracted (adj.) -- absentminded || related word: abstractedly (adv.) 39 -- abstruse (adj.) -- that cannot be understood easily; obscure 40 -- abundant (adj.) -- plentiful || related word: abundantly (adv.) 41 -- abut (v.) -- to be next to sth; to adjoin 42 -- abysmal (adj.) -- extremely bad || related word: abysmally (adv.) 42 -- abyss (n.) -- enormously deep hole 44 -- accede (v.) -- to give approval to a plan, request, etc. | to become ruler 45 -- accentuate (v.) -- to highlight something; to emphasize || related word: accentuation (n.) 46 -- accession (n.) -- the state of becoming a ruler

Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic Expressions

Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic Expressions

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 84



Most popular idioms and phrases | English idiomatic phrases | English language idiomatic expressions | List of popular idioms and phrases | Use of Idioms and Phrases in Sentences Sample This: English Idioms and Phrases -- A ADD 001. -- State governments should add more teeth to anti-ragging laws. [‘add more teeth’ -- to make something more effective] 002. -- Financial issues are further going to add to their woes. ABACK 003. -- He appeared to be taken aback when it was revealed to him that an avid fan had his face tattooed on his arm. || We all were taken aback by bomb attacks. [‘taken aback’ -- very surprised] ACE 004. -- Our opponents hold all the Aces as they are strong where we are weak. [‘hold all the aces’ -- to have all the advantages] ACCOUNT 005. -- From all accounts, he was a loving family man. || From all accounts, he is a smart, fair-minded, detail-oriented middle-of-the-road jurist. [‘from all accounts’ -- according to what other people say] ACT 006. -- An accidental fire in your home is not considered an act of God because it could have been prevented. [‘act of God’ -- an event that is caused by natural forces] ADVANCE 007. -- The celebration started a day in advance. [‘in advance’ -- ahead of time] AFFAIR 008. -- Budget data revealed an alarming state of affairs. [‘state of affairs’ -- situation] 009. -- My birthday is going to be a quiet affair with a nice dinner. || We want our wedding to be a quiet affair. AGREE 010. -- Democracy requires that we agree to differ. [‘agree to differ’ -- (of people) to decide not to argue with each other over their different opinions about something.] AIR 011. -- Her clarification did not clear the air. [‘clear the air’ -- to improve a tense situation] 012a. -- When the residents started receiving mysterious threats, there was an air of mystery and fear. 012b. -- The air of celebration was evident outside the president’s office. 013a. -- It was fortunate that he arrived and erased the negativity in the air. 013b. -- There was an evil smell in the air. 014a. -- Body is nothing but a pile of ashes and it will one day disappear into thin air. 014b. -- Money was vanishing into thin air. ALL 015. -- I do not think we will be paying much more if at all we do. 016. -- If you stop her doing anything, she wants to do it all the more. [‘all the more’ -- extra] 017. -- These problems need to be solved once and for all. [‘once and for all’ -- forever] 018. -- All of a sudden, there was the fire. | All of a sudden a warm gust of wind came. [‘all of a sudden’ -- surprisingly] 019. -- I learned computer programming all by myself. || It is a lot of work, and I do it all by myself. || He had to run the family all by himself. ALONE 020. -- Workers were clearly in no mood to listen let alone comply with the request. || They could not figure out how to punish corrupt officials, let alone fix them. [‘let alone’ -- used to emphasize that because the first thing is not true, possible, etc. the next thing cannot be true, possible, etc. either] APART 021. -- A saddle tank on the tractor-trailer came apart and caused a diesel spill. [‘come apart’ -- to shatter] 022. -- In less than a fortnight of its formation, the Joint Committee for drafting the bill is falling apart. || Talks on a deal finally fell apart. [‘fall apart’ -- to collapse] 023. -- Storm has torn apart the lives of thousands of people. [‘tear apart’ -- to destroy] 024. -- We are poles apart. || Two exhibitions in prominent galleries immediately next to each other showed works that were poles apart in concept. [‘pole apart’ -- completely opposite] APPLE 025. -- We expected him to keep his business affairs in apple-pie order. || Everything inside the shop was spick and span and in apple-pie order, from the well-polished service counters to the glistening display cabinets. [‘in apple pie order’ -- well organized] ARM 026. -- Government maintained arm's length distance in all matters relating to film certification. [‘arms-length distance’ -- to avoid having a close relationship] 027. -- Nation welcomed new football coach with open arms. || European countries welcomed the refugees with open arms. [‘with open arms’ -- in an extremely happy manner]

Daily English- Important Notes: Improve Your English

Daily English- Important Notes: Improve Your English

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2014-10-25

Total Pages: 57



This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. Collective Phrases 02. Cries of Creatures 03(A). Young Ones of Birds/Animals/Insects 03(B). Animals/Birds/Insects and Their Homes 04. Flowers and the Quality They Refer to 05. Anniversary Gifts 06. Idiomatic Comparisons 07. Natives Sample This: 01. Collective Phrases [AMOUNT / NUMBER] 01. ACCUMULATION Meaning: gradual increase of something in number or quantity Examples: an accumulation of capital an accumulation of fat an accumulation of laws an accumulation of paperwork 02. ARMADA Meaning: a large group of armed ships | a large group of people, things, etc. Examples: an armada of drivers an armada of gunboats an armada of trucks an armada of vessels 03. ARMY Meaning: an organized group of people or things Examples: an army of advisers an army of ants an army of nurses an army of photographers an army of robots an army of soldiers an army of volunteers 04. ARRAY Meaning: an impressive group or collection of things or people Examples: an array of activities an array of bottles an array of costumes an array of hats an array of jackets an array of programs an array of regulations an array of services an array of styles an array of topics an array of weapons 05. ASSORTMENT Meaning: a collection of different things or of different types of the same thing Examples: an assortment of artists an assortment of clothes an assortment of dishes an assortment of evidence an assortment of films an assortment of games an assortment of gifts an assortment of homes an assortment of plates an assortment of weapons 06. BAND Meaning: a group of people who do something together or who have the same ideas, interests or purpose Examples: a band of criminals a band of activists a band of musicians a band of outlaws a band of protesters a band of singers a band of thieves 07. BALE Meaning: a large amount of a light material; pressed or wrapped tightly together and tied up with cords, etc. Examples: a bale of cardboard a bale of cotton a bale of the fibers a bale of hay a bale of paper a bale of straw a bale of wool 08. BARRAGE Meaning: a sudden and aggressive occurrence of a large number of something, that are directed at somebody Examples: a barrage of abuses a barrage of attacks a barrage of bullets a barrage of changes a barrage of complaints a barrage of criticism a barrage of digital ads a barrage of emails a barrage of gunfire a barrage of phone calls a barrage of punches a barrage of queries a barrage of questions a barrage of tests 09. BATCH Meaning: a number of people or things that are regarded as a group | a consignment of goods produced at one time Examples: a batch of bottles a batch of cookies a batch of ice cream a batch of images a batch of letters a batch of noodles a batch of petitions a batch of players a batch of students a batch of vehicles 10. BEVY Meaning: a large group of people or things of the same kind Examples: a bevy of dancers a bevy of girls or women a bevy of laws a bevy of models a bevy of officers a bevy of proposals a bevy of quails a bevy of schools a bevy of sensors a bevy of vendors 11. BOARD Meaning: a powerful group of people who make decisions and control a company or other organization Examples: a board of advisors a board of commissioners a board of directors a board of doctors a board of governors a board of legislators a board of managers a board of regents a board of service operators a board of supervisors a board of trustees

English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps

English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps

Author: Manik Joshi

Publisher: Manik Joshi

Published: 2020-10-25

Total Pages: 100



“Fill in the gaps” worksheets for use in school or at home. Enter the correct word or phrase in a sentence. Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with an appropriate word or phrase. English grammar exercises with answers on filling the gaps with suitable words or phrases. Sample This: Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word or phrase: 01. Doctors took ……………..his vital parameters which came out to be normal. (a). down (b). along (c). after (d). upon (e). into 02. Access …………….. the internet is essential for contacting friends and family. (a). with (b). for (c). to (d). in (e). at 03. Whatever you start …………….. ensure its completion. (a). at (b). on (c). for (d). to (e). with 04. He has been missing ……………..…, four days now. (a). since (b). from (c). at (d). for (e). upon 05. She is eager to gather information ……………..various subjects. (a). on (b). into (c). in (d). upon (e). toward 06. I had a great time working ……………..him. (a). onto (b). into (c). with (d). upon (e). over 07. We change and evolve as we go ……………..in life. (a). beneath (b). along (c). underneath (d). towards (e). below 08. I found myself being dragged …………….. controversy. (a). throughout (b). through (c). within (d). into (e). inside 09. He came home to be with his family …………….. the occasion of New Year. (a). for (b). in (c). to (d). off (e). on 10. Nature brings …………….. positive behavioral change in human beings. (a). upon (b). about (c). down (d). over (e). upon ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE 01 01. (a). down | 02. (c). to | 03. (e). with | 04. (d). for | 05. (a). on | 06. (c). with | 07. (b). along | 08. (d). into | 09. (e). on | 10. (b). about