Este libro exhibe la idea de rescatar las prácticas agroalimentarias que se utilizaban antes de la invasión de los europeos en América Latina, las cuales eran prósperas y ecológicas, y aunque no se usaba el adjetivo sustentable, éste hace muy buena referencia a ello. Se muestran las ventajas de mantener la práctica de una agricultura libre de fertilizantes y agroquímicos industriales, mostrando el beneficio de utilizar compostajes para fertilizar de forma natural el suelo y para potenciar sus nutrientes para mejorar la cosecha, así como la práctica de policultivos seleccionados para cada región, para con ello obtener el aprovechamiento que proveé el suelo sin estresarlo, como lo hace la agroindustria. Con estas prácticas se hace énfasis en no dejar perder estas costumbres en la agricultura, pues la agroecología que proponemos rescatar es el principal camino hacia una agricultura y sociedad sustentables, es el espíritu de la sustentabilidad al que aspiramos todos. DOI:
La sostenibilidad, cualidad de lo sostenible, hace referencia a un proceso que puede alargarse en el tiempo. Cuando este proceso lo referimos a cuestiones socio-ecológicas, comprobamos cómo, desde hace ya largo tiempo, no son pocas las voces acreditadas que han puesto sobre aviso del progresivo deterioro ecológico y sus consecuencias perjudiciales para la vida humana. Nuestra obra parte de estas negatividades para repensar la idea de sostenibilidad en sus justos términos, y así dar cabida a una variedad de aportaciones que ayuden a restituimos dentro de los límites ecosistémicos.
Exploring the important role of education in both pursuing and implementing sustainable development, this timely Handbook highlights how teaching methods at schools and universities can impact the future. It looks at ways not only to inform students about matters related to sustainable development, but also to empower them to adopt behaviours and actions that lead to more sustainable lifestyles.
Covers the range of natural and managed oak forests in the highlands of tropical America. Providing an understanding of ecological patterns and processes that determine the structure and functioning of these forests, this volume aims to serve as a basis for sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation.
Manual de Gestión de Riesgo Ambiental o GdRA' es una obra de consulta con contenido técnico y no técnico –humanístico-, simple –de fácil lectura-; que nuclea conceptos, información sobre el controvertido tema ambiental. Esta obra es un texto de consulta para académicos, estudiantes, periodistas, empresarios y servidores públicos.
The scientific literature has been showing that the teaching of controversial topics constitutes one of the most powerful tools for the promotion of active citizenship, the development and acquisition of critical-reflective thinking skills (Misco, 2013), and education for democratic citizenship (Pollak, Segal, Lefstein, and Meshulam, 2017; Misco and Lee, 2014). It has also highlighted, however, the complexities, risks and interference of emotional reactions in learning about sensitive, controversial or controversial historical, geographical or social issues (Jerome and Elwick, 2019; Reiss, 2019; Ho and Seow, 2015; Washington and Humphries, 2011; Swalwell and Schweber, 2016). Recent studies have advanced in the analysis of strategies employed by teacher educators in teaching controversial issues (Nganga, Roberts, Kambutu, and James, 2019; Pace, 2019), and in the curricular decisions of teachers about this teaching (Hung, 2019; King, 2009). These developments confirm the appropriateness of discussing or developing deliberative skills and conversational learning as the most appropriate strategy for the didactic treatment of controversial issues (Claire and Holden, 2007; Hand, 2008; Hess, 2002; Oulton, Day, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Oulton, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Myhill, 2007; Hand and Levinson, 2012; Ezzedeen, 2008). The promotion of discussion on specific social justice issues has also been approached from the use of controversial or documentary images in teacher education contexts, in order to question what is happening or has happened in present and past societies (Hawley, Crowe, and Mooney, 2016; Marcus and Stoddard, 2009). In this context, the aim of this contributed volume is, on one hand, to understand the discourses and decision-making of teachers on controversial issues in interdisciplinary educational contexts and their association with the development of deliberation skills. On the other hand, it seeks to offer studies focused on the analysis of the levels of coherence between their attitudes, positions and teaching practices for the teaching and learning of social problems and controversial issues from an integrated disciplinary perspective.