The study of defects in semiconductors has never been independent of the progress in semiconductor technology. With rapid development in semiconductor device technology, novel types of defects as well as very peculiar behavior of defects in semiconductors have been found one after another. New subjects in the basic study of defects have often been arisen from experiences in the practical field. Great progress has also been achieved in device production technology on the basis of the knowledge clarified in the basic field.
The systematic study of defects in semiconductors began in the early fifties. FrQm that time on many questions about the defect structure and properties have been an swered, but many others are still a matter of investigation and discussion. Moreover, during these years new problems arose in connection with the identification and char acterization of defects, their role in determining transport and optical properties of semiconductor materials and devices, as well as from the technology of the ever in creasing scale of integration. This book presents to the reader a view into both basic concepts of defect physics and recent developments of high resolution experimental techniques. The book does not aim at an exhaustive presentation of modern defect physics; rather it gathers a number of topics which represent the present-time research in this field. The volume collects the contributions to the Advanced Research Workshop "Point, Extended and Surface Defects in Semiconductors" held at the Ettore Majo rana Centre at Erice (Italy) from 2 to 7 November 1988, in the framework of the International School of Materials Science and Technology. The workshop has brought together scientists from thirteen countries. Most participants are currently working on defect problems in either silicon submicron technology or in quantum wells and superlattices, where point defects, dislocations, interfaces and surfaces are closely packed together.
This two-volume set documents the present understanding of many topics of interest, such as the growth of bulk crystals, the growth of epitaxial layers, theoretical modelling, the characterization of as-grown material, the development of suitable processes and of electronic devices which can operate under extreme conditions and exhibit outstanding properties. PART 1: 1. SiC BULK GROWTH. 2. SiC EPITAXY. 2.1 Homoepitaxial Growth. 2.2 Heteroepitaxial Growth. 3. THEORY. 4. CHARACTERISATION OF SiC. 4.1 Surfaces and Interfaces. 4.2 Structural Characterisation. 4.3 Optical Characterisation. 4.4 Electrical Characterisation. 4.5 Magnetic Resonance Characterisation. 4.6 Thermal and Mechanical Properties. 5. MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES. PART 2: 6. PROCESSING OF SiC. 6.1 Doping and Implantation. 6.2 Contacts and Etching. 6.3 Dielectrics. 6.4 Micromachining. 7. SiC DEVICES. 7.1 Surveys. 7.2 Unipolar Devices. 7.3 Bipolar Devices. 7.4 Sensors. 8. GROWTH OF III-NITRIDES. 9. CHARACTERISATION OF III-NITRIDES. 9.1 Structural Characterisation. 9.2 Optical Characterisation. 9.3 Electrical Characterisation. 10. PROCESSING OF III-NITRIDES. 11. III-NITRIDE DEVICES. 12. RELATED MATERIALS.