L¿any 1997 la Universidad de Oriente de Santiago de Cuba i la Universitat Jaume I establiren un conveni de col¿laboració amb l¿objectiu de promoure la docència i la investigació, com també la formació dels professors universitaris d¿ambdues universitats. Deu anys més tard, i després de l¿èxit de la col¿laboració, en aquest llibre es reuneixen alguns dels treballs d¿investigació desenvolupats pels alumnes participants en el programa de doctorat «Sistemes Informàtics Avançats».
This study provides indicators on security and justice at the sub-national level for Mexico and compares them to a sample of indicators from other OECD countries.
As dams age, they are subject to a series of external agents and processes which tend to deteriorate the qualities with which they were originally conceived to stand against these actions. At the same time, it is often necessary to respond to increased safety standards, either in the structural or hydrological fields. Reservoir sedimentation or wat
The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.
The diary of Heinrich Witt (1799-1892) is the most extensive private diary written in Latin America known to us today. Written in English by a German migrant who lived in Lima, it is a unique source for the history of Peru, and for international trade and migration.
Cecilia Valdés is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Originally published in New York City in 1882, Cirilo Villaverde's novel has fascinated readers inside and outside Cuba since the late 19th century. In this new English translation, a vast landscape emerges of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. Set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel introduces us to Cecilia, a beautiful light-skinned mulatta, who is being pursued by the son of a Spanish slave trader, named Leonardo. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same father. Eventually Cecilia gives in to Leonardo's advances; she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Leonardo, who gets bored with Cecilia after a while, agrees to marry a white upper class woman, Cecilia vows revenge. A mulatto friend and suitor of hers kills Leonardo, and Cecilia is thrown into prison as an accessory to the crime. For the contemporary reader Helen Lane's masterful translation of Cecilia Valdés opens a new window into the intricate problems of race relations in Cuba and the Caribbean. There are the elite social circles of European and New World Whites, the rich culture of the free people of color, the class to which Cecilia herself belonged, and then the slaves, divided among themselves between those who were born in Africa and those who were born in the New World, and those who worked on the sugar plantation and those who worked in the households of the rich people in Havana. Cecilia Valdés thus presents a vast portrait of sexual, social, and racial oppression, and the lived experience of Spanish colonialism in Cuba.
Con este significativo título, el más universal de los escritores daneses, autor de cuentos tan populares como "El patito feo", "La sirenita" y tantos otros, nos dio un relato de su vida que no sólo nos proporciona las claves para entender su original y compleja personalidad sino también para comprender mejor los argumentos de sus famosísimas cuentos.