Recoge:Estudio del comportamiento del consumidor; Influencia de los factores internos en el consumidor; Influencia de los factores externos en el consumidor; Conocimiento del consumidor; Tendencias en el comportamiento del consumidor.
Jaime Romano has for several decades been studying the human brain. As a neuroscientist and marketing consultant, he has amalgamated his knowledge from these fields to create a pioneering model which explains the mental processes that are triggered after we receive a stimulus through our senses, until they lead to an action. An understanding of this model, called Romano ́s Neuropyramid, is a prerequisite for those who are starting in the neuromarketing field and essential reading for marketeers and publisists. The author takes us on a journey through the various levels of the Neuropyramid: attention, sensory activation, emotion, cognition, action regulator and action, through examples, diagrams and friendly language, that remind us of our own experience and invites introspection. Thus, it is possible to understand what happens at the subconscious and intuitive levels in our mind, which substantially increases our ability to predict the action outcome and therefore, consumer behavior.
This title describes the state of the art in all areas of spatial marketing, discussing the various constituents which make up the geography of markets. Demand varies according to location and can be measured according to revenue, the number of households, spending patterns and lifestyles. Supply is also dependent on position, because prices, services, products and available shops rely on location, while the difference between supply and demand is the rationale for the role of the trader. The book also covers the way geographic techniques help to solve marketing problems and contains chapters written by contributors with extensive experience in this field; given that it is crucial for companies to direct their marketing correctly at their target audience, this will be indispensable reading for those involved in this area.
En la actualidad no se concibe adquirir conocimientos de marketing sin que paralelamente se estudie el comportamiento del consumidor. Son las dos caras de una misma moneda. El marketing proporciona conceptos e instrumentos para la gestión, y el comportamiento del consumidor enseña cómo perciben, sienten y actúan las personas destinatarias de los bienes y servicios que producen las organizaciones. Los conceptos de marketing son insuficientes para actuar con éxito en el mercado si no se sabe cómo son y se comportan las personas. Este libro responde en estructura y contenido a los manuales más avanzados de comportamiento del consumidor, generalmente de procedencia norteamericana, con la diferencia de que en su redacción se ha puesto especial énfasis en nuestra cultura y en la forma que tenemos de explicar y entendernos. La línea argumental se basa en la formulación de conceptos, planteamiento de preguntas, discusión de soluciones, incorporación de aportaciones de otros autores, datos y estadísticas nacionales, todo ello de forma lógica, rigurosa y ordenada. También se incluyen numerosas ilustraciones relacionadas con el texto, para conseguir un mejor entendimiento y recuerdo de los conceptos que el lector aprenderá. El lenguaje empleado para escribir este libro es sencillo, sin tecnicismos innecesarios. Sin embargo, posee numerosos conceptos, que si bien pueden resultar inicialmente complejos, la forma en que se exponen y comentan los hace perfectamente asequibles a cualquier lector. Este lector puede ser un estudiante de grado o postgrado que entra por vez primera en contacto con el apasionante mundo del comportamiento de los consumidores. También los profesionales de la gestión encontrarán en sus páginas numerosas estrategias que contribuirán al éxito de sus negocios. El libro se acompaña de las presentaciones en Microsoft PowerPoint de todos los capítulos. En ellas se resumen los conceptos clave de cada uno de los temas tratados, así como todas las ilustraciones que figuran en el texto impreso. De esta manera se proporciona al lector un recurso adicional para la lectura del libro y al docente un material didáctico de indudable utilidad para sus presentaciones académicas ante su audiencia. Índice Marketing y comportamiento del consumidor.- La integración interdisciplinar y el estudio de las necesidades.- Los modelos de comportamiento del consumidor.- El entorno de la demanda.- Cultura y comportamiento del consumidor.- Los estratos sociales.- Análisis de los grupos y de la familia.- Procesamiento de la información: análisis de la percepción.- Aprendizaje y memoria.- Personalidad y estilos de vida.- Actitudes y cambio de actitudes.- Reconocimiento del problema y búsqueda de información.- Procesos de compra y actuaciones postcompra.- El consumidor y la compra electrónica. Estrategias de fidelización.- La investigación del consumidor.- Consumerismo, sociedad, marketing y ética.- Ideas para recordar. Cuestiones para meditar. Bibliografía.
Most startups end in failure. Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don't have are enough customers. Traction Book changes that. We provide startup founders and employees with the framework successful companies use to get traction. It helps you determine which marketing channel will be your key to growth. "If you can get even a single distribution channel to work, you have a great business." -- Peter Thiel, billionare PayPal founder The number one traction mistake founders and employees make is not dedicating as much time to traction as they do to developing a product. This shortsighted approach has startups trying random tactics -- some ads, a blog post or two -- in an unstructured way that will likely fail. We developed our traction framework called Bullseye with the help of the founders behind several of the biggest companies and organizations in the world like Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Alexis Ohanian (Reddit), Paul English (, Alex Pachikov (Evernote) and more. We interviewed over forty successful founders and researched countless more traction stories -- pulling out the repeatable tactics and strategies they used to get traction. "Many entrepreneurs who build great products simply don't have a good distribution strategy." -- Mark Andreessen, venture capitalist Traction will show you how some of the biggest internet companies have grown, and give you the same tools and framework to get traction.
This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.
Beyond the highly publicized heroics and foibles of players and teams, when the grandstands are empty and the scoreboards dark, there is a world of sport about which little is known by even the most ardent fan. It is the business world of sport; it is characterized by a thirst for power and money, and its players are just as active as those on the professional teams they oversee. In this collection, some of the best scholars in the field use examples from baseball, football, basketball, and hockey to illuminate the significant economic, legal, social, and historic aspects of the business of professional sports. Contributors: Dennis A. Ahlburg, Rob B. Beamish, Joan M. Chandler, James B. Dworkin, Lawrence M. Kahn, Charles P. Korr, John J. MacAloon, David Mills, Roger G. Noll, Steven A. Reiss, Gary R. Roberts, Stephen F. Ross, Peter D. Sherer, Leigh Steinberg, and David G. Voigt,
This eighteenth volume in the Jossey-Bass Organizational Frontiers Series provides an in-depth examination of how I/O psychologists can help find, recruit, and manage knowledge. The authors explain the nature of different types of knowledge, how knowledge-based competition is affecting organizations, and how these ideas relate to innovation and learning in organizations. They describe the strategies and organizational structures and designs that facilitate the acquisition and development of knowledge. And they discuss how continuous knowledge acquisition and innovation is promoted among individuals and teams and how to foster the creation of new knowledge. In addition, they explain how to assess the climate and culture for organizational learning, measure and monitor knowledge resources at the organizational level, and more.
An introduction to marketing concepts, strategies and practices with a balance of depth of coverage and ease of learning. Principles of Marketing keeps pace with a rapidly changing field, focussing on the ways brands create and capture consumer value. Practical content and linkage are at the heart of this edition. Real local and international examples bring ideas to life and new feature 'linking the concepts' helps students test and consolidate understanding as they go. The latest edition enhances understanding with a unique learning design including revised, integrative concept maps at the start of each chapter, end-of-chapter features summarising ideas and themes, a mix of mini and major case studies to illuminate concepts, and critical thinking exercises for applying skills.