Our knowledge of the functional characteristics of the plants of mediterranean-cl imate regions has increased greatly in the past decade. In recent times the possibility of large-scale util ization of biomass for energy from these regions has been proposed. In order to assess the feasibil ity of these proposals we must consider the productive structure of these plant communities and how they vary through time and space. This symposium was an attempt to examine our recently acquired basic knowledge of the environmental I imitations on the productivity of Mediterranean plant communities in relation to the consequences of the possible util ization of these communities for energy and chemicals. Specifically in this book we examine the mechanisms by which plants of mediterranean-cl imate regions maintain their productive capacity under the prevail ing conditions of summer draught and winter cold. We consider the characteristics of leaves, their history, morphology and plasticity. Evergreen sclerophyll leaves are common to the dominant plants of all mediterranean-cl imate regions and thus they have significance in terms of enhancing carbon gain and water-use efficiency as well as ensuring survival under the prevail ing cl imatic conditions.
This volume contains a selection of 14 articles dealing with different aspects of biomonitoring and their relation to questions of global change. The first part concerns general aspects of biomonitoring. The second part gives examples of applied biomonitoring in Germany and Switzerland (changes in species composition, phenologies, vegetation restoration, changes in soil conditions, and heavy metal concentrations). The third part deals with climate-related monitoring studies of arctic-alpine and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (mountain peaks and timberline ecotones of the Alps, spread of exotic evergreen broad-leaved plants, phytomass and carbon balance in Svalbard).
The configuration of Volume 9 of the International Treatise Series has been done absolutely due to commendable contributions from World Scientists of eminence in unambiguous fields. Amazingly, within the time span of nine years, now this treatise has been duly recognized through 151 Web of Knowledge Current Contorts in - the hearts of distinguished readers and has beyond doubt achieved the international status. This programme has been undertaken with a view to reinforce the identical efforts to recognize the outcome of meticulous research in some of the very sensible and stirring areas of Molecular Physiology & Biology of Plants. In order to sustain and further advance Plant Physiology, it is dedicated to continue the originality and the introduction of spanking new ideas, ensure that the treatise welcomes the best science done across the full extent of modern plant biology, in general, and plant physiology., in particular, persevere on advancing the quality of what is published, place high value on the quality of production, and be highly attentive and responsive to the rapidly changing face of academic publishing. In spite of handiness of quick accessibility of vast literature from internet, this treatise series in the field of life sciences has been realized over and above to be like a true guide, friend and philosopher, everlastingly enlightening the most hidden perceptible nerves of an individual worker, which is beyond the competence of mere web service. In Volume 9. with inventive applied research, attempts have been made to bring together much needed twenty review articles by Forty-six contributors from Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy and Spain dispersed duly evaluated by the respective Consulting Editors of international stature from India, U.K.:4„ U.S.A., Argentina. Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain. Portugal, Israel, and Morocco and rationally disseminated in Nine Sections. Creditably in this volume, over ten important reviews belong to the field of Environmental Stresses besides covering significant areas of research. In reality the treatise is prosperity fir interdisciplinary exchange of information. Apart from fulfilling the firm need of this kind of exclusive edition in different volumes for research teams and scientists engaged in various facets of research in Molecular Physiology and Biology of Plants in traditional and agricultural universities, institutes and research laboratories throughout the world, it would be extremely a constructive book and a voluminous reference material for acquiring advanced knowledge by post-graduate and Ph.D. scholars in response to the innovative courses in Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Botany.
recruitment of adult plants in entire communities, and all of them focus on changes in total densities of A central issue of plant ecology is the understanding individuals and do not refer to changes in community of the relative role of different life history stages in structure (Moles and Drake 1999; Rebollo et al. successful plant recruitment. The consecutive stages 2001; Goldberg et al. 2001). This ?eld of research of seed, seedling, and adult are related to each other has hardly been explored empirically, and we think it in a complex way that largely depends on species and may reveal interesting mechanisms for the regulation the in?uence of physical and biological factors of individual density and species diversity in plant (Goldberg et al. 2001), for example, irrigation and communities. At the functional group level (which grazing. As a result of relationships between these sorts species according to common features), we stages, the consequences of an ecological factor expect differences depending on growth form depend on the way that its effects propagate onto the (grasses versus forbs) and depending on seed mass following stage of the recruitment process. As far as (differences between small-seeded, medium-seeded, we know, there are no published studies that have and large-seeded species). Some authors (Goldberg addressed this subject. et al. 2001; Rebollo et al. 2001) studying annual In this article, we characterize the relationships plant communities have found greater seedling between the three plant developmental stages.
The innovative theme of the book entitled Environmental Physiology is basically molecular physiology of abiotic stress response in plants. This has been especially edited for realistic and rational utilization by planners, scientists, investigators, academicians and postgraduate students. This book is an exceptional assimilation of well-timed, crucial and comprehensive twenty-one worthy reviews of diverse significance contributed by sincere dedication of experienced, laudable and well-known scientists/ stalwarts all over the world. The genuineness that due to incredible harmony with the world scientists of various disciplines developed in the last eight years, over nineteen Indian and twenty-nine foreign intellectuals enthusiastically came forward and associated in this extensive project of pragmatic importance. In fact, this kind of momentous work cannot be accomplished effectively and productively by a single person belonging principally to a specific field of specialization. This is also strongly realized that there is progressively more a need of united effort of experts in the ground-breaking work of precise importance above all in the agricultural sciences, which absolutely depends on environmental situations. The intricacies of abiotic and biotic stresses on growth and development of plants have been understood in the last few decades. This is the right time to apply the knowledge acquired in this direction, out of exhaustive research throughout the globe, in anyhow enhancing yield of crop plants cultivated under a variety of environmental stresses, in general, and extending basic research, in particular, for having more insight in establishing new cultivars under higher intensities of abiotic stresses like drought, high and low temperature, salinity, sodicity, flooding, mineral, oxidative, heavy metals, etc. This book too is an endeavour to make aware the young workers with allied techniques comprising destructive and non-destructive methods for extending relevant research incessantly in the years to come to gain further information of both basic and applied significance for sustainability of agriculture under environmental stresses. The manifold ideas on basic problems of the present and the future as well as resolutions have been consolidated through precious reviews by distinguished personnel of plant sciences in twenty-one chapters. In this enthusiastic and forceful enterprise, the real appreciation is due to all notable and brilliant authors, for bringing up most needed unrivalled, practical, thoughtful and comprehensive reviews of international standard on physiology of plants and their responses under wide-ranging environmental stresses. Hopefully, the wonderful multifaceted reviews selected and compiled very systematically in this exclusive book for the first time by genuine experts and distinguished scientists would enable to plan meaningful advanced research and profuse consequential teaching on the extremely crucial theme of abiotic stress responses in plants. This unique collection must be of enormous help for post-graduate studies and higher research in all disciplines of plant science in every university and research institute of the world.
The bibi iograp hy includes papers in a l I fields of photosynthesis research - from stu dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of t he photosynt hes is mechanism to primary prod ucti on studied by t he so-ca Ile d growth analysis . In addition to papers devoted enti rel y to photosynth es is, papers on other topics are inc luded if t hey con t ai n data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo rophylland carotenoid synthesi s and destruction, eta., or if they conta in valuable methodological information (measurement of selected environmentaI factars, leaf area, eta.) . In many branches it has been difficult to defi ne th e limits of int erest for photosynthesis researchers. This problem has arisen e. g. in topics deal ing with t he transfer of gases, where - in addition to t he papers on ca rbon dioxide transfe r - so me pape rs on water vapour transfer are included, these being of general appl icat ion or bringing new approaches . On th e other hand, m any papers deal ing wit h the anatomy and phys io logy of stomata have been omitted, if the aspect of ca rbon dioxide or water vapour exchange has not been discussed.
Following Volume I, released in 2002, this new volume adds to and complements data and information on salt desert ecosystems of numerous West and Central Asian countries, including many of which are located in the Arabian Peninsula. The comprehensive coverage assists the reader gaining a thorough understanding of sabkha geology, hydrology, geomorphology, zoology, botany, ecology and ecosystem functioning, as well as sabkha conservation, utilisation, and development.
This volume follows up a seminal meeting, presenting reports on progress made with recommendations made there. The text reports on the development of pilot projects and on the organization of an international organization. All this will serve as the foundation for future efforts to develop the common utilisation of cash crop halophytes.
This book addresses the importance woody plants have in agriculture, forestry, and the environment and how various stresses affect their performance. It reviews physiological and molecular responses of woody plants to major environmental stresses and focuses on the mechanisms involved in imparting resistance to stress. Chapters cover basics of plant physiology including plant structure and plant growth, photosynthesis, respiration, plant growth regulation, abiotic and biotic plant stresses including drought, water logging, nutrient deficiency, salinity, chilling, freezing, heat, oxidative stress, and heavy metal toxicity.