Described as a lifesaver for pool owners, this book reveals how to save money on pool maintenance while handling poisons safely. Pool doctor Hardy draws on his 20 years of experience in the industry to reveal everything homeowners and professionals need to know about chemicals, mechanics, safety, repairing filtration, and more.
If you are a pool owner, you have made a major investment and proper swimming pool maintenance is an absolute must! Keeping your pool clean and maintained should be a top priority since a clean pool is essential in many ways.
Changing The Guard is a fictional story about a modern day coup d etat of our present political leadership. Citizens being tired of over taxation and our leaders lining their pockets with money, while ignoring the wishes of the population that voted for them, had reached the point where it was time to get rid of them. Although the characters are fiction, many things came from our present day situations. Inspired by present day citizens of America and their frustration of actions by our elected officials, this is the time for this story.
This book will provide you with all the information you need to know about hot tubs and spas, whether you are looking to buy one or already own one. It will help you to determine what you want and what you need, how to install it, clean it, and control the settings. You will learn about the health benefits of hot water, including hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, chromotherapy, and Watsu. You will also learn about soft sided spas, acrylic spas, cabinets, pumps, flow rate, skimmers, suction ports and drains, jets, special waters, covers, ozonators, heaters, permanent spas, blowers, spa packs, plumbing issues, alkalinity, water hardness, temperature, sanitizers, oxidizers, water analysis, the pH scale, and test kits. Also included is a discussion of cartridges, including sand and diatomaceous earth (DE), and water chemistry. Additionally, it will provide you with tips for buying, realistic cost estimates, winterizing, and upgrade options, plus tricks and tools of the trade. --Adapted from back cover.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Keep your swimming pool, spa, or hot tub clean and full of beautiful sparkling water. Covering a variety of essential maintenance procedures, this easy-to-use guide shows you how to expertly and economical care for your favorite backyard water feature. With advice on everything from basic cleaning routines to making your own repairs, Alan E. Sanderfoot guides you through water filtration systems, pumps, motors, heaters, winterizing, and more. Enjoy the pleasures of healthy and crystal clear water all summer long.