This is a routine revision of a general fact sheet that describes the Clean Cities partnership efforts and includes a list of Local Clean Cities Coordinators.
This report draws on the wealth of information housed in the U.S. Department of Energy¿s Alternative Fuels Data Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Trends and analyses are examined from data as far back as 1991. The findings of those trends and salient features are summarized. Contents: Light Duty Original Manufacturer Vehicle Offerings; Fueling Station Analysis; State and Federal Laws and Incentives; The Clean Cities Program; The National Alternative Fuels and Clean Cities Hotlines; Final Remarks; Appendices. Illustrations.
TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 24: Strategies and Financing Opportunities for Airport Environmental Programs summarizes public and private funding opportunities and strategies available to airports to help accomplish their environmental programs and objectives.