Migration to CICS Transaction Server for z/VSE V2.1

Migration to CICS Transaction Server for z/VSE V2.1

Author: Klaus Wacker

Publisher: IBM Redbooks

Published: 2017-05-10

Total Pages: 286

ISBN-13: 0738442461


The IBM® CICS® Transaction Server for z/VSE® (CICS TS for z/VSE) 2.1 provides functions to improve application programming, system programming, system management, and data security and availability. With CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1, you can use the extended functionality of Basic Security Manager. CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1 can be administrated by the IBM CICS Explorer® function on a workstation, which allows CICS management in a convenient way. This IBM Redbooks® publication provides information to help you install, tailor, and configure the CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1 product. The book is intended for IBM z/VSE customers and IBM technical personnel who are responsible for planning and migrating to IBM z/VSE 6.1 and CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1. The book also provides information to help you understand the affect of migrating to CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1. It provides detailed guidance and samples for installing and configuring CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1. Also included in the book is a description of the CICS TS for z/VSE 2.1 features and capabilities and the affect of removing obsolete functions. The book also covers security and performance issues and provides samples for first level problem determination through the use of memory dumps or the use of trace tools.

CICS Transaction Server from Start to Finish

CICS Transaction Server from Start to Finish

Author: Chris Rayns

Publisher: IBM Redbooks

Published: 2011-12-07

Total Pages: 410

ISBN-13: 0738436178


In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we discuss CICS®, which stands for Customer Information Control System. It is a general-purpose transaction processing subsystem for the z/OS® operating system. CICS provides services for running an application online where, users submit requests to run applications simultaneously. CICS manages sharing resources, the integrity of data, and prioritizes execution with fast response. CICS authorizes users, allocates resources (real storage and cycles), and passes on database requests by the application to the appropriate database manager, such as DB2®. We review the history of CICS and why it was created. We review the CICS architecture and discuss how to create an application in CICS. CICS provides a secure, transactional environment for applications that are written in several languages. We discuss the CICS-supported languages and each language's advantages in this Redbooks publication. We analyze situations from a system programmer's viewpoint, including how the systems programmer can use CICS facilities and services to customize the system, design CICS for recovery, and manage performance. CICS Data access and where the data is stored, including Temporary storage queues, VSAM RLS, DB2, IMSTM, and many others are also discussed.

Security on IBM z/VSE

Security on IBM z/VSE

Author: Helmut Hellner

Publisher: IBM Redbooks

Published: 2018-06-14

Total Pages: 472

ISBN-13: 0738456918


One of a firm's most valuable resources is its data: client lists, accounting data, employee information, and so on. This critical data must be securely managed and controlled, and simultaneously made available to those users authorized to see it. The IBM® z/VSE® system features extensive capabilities to simultaneously share the firm's data among multiple users and protect them. Threats to this data come from various sources. Insider threats and malicious hackers are not only difficult to detect and prevent, they might be using resources with the business being unaware. This IBM Redbooks® publication was written to assist z/VSE support and security personnel in providing the enterprise with a safe, secure and manageable environment. This book provides an overview of the security that is provided by z/VSE and the processes for the implementation and configuration of z/VSE security components, Basic Security Manager (BSM), IBM CICS® security, TCP/IP security, single sign-on using LDAP, and connector security.

Introduction to the New Mainframe: IBM z/VSE Basics

Introduction to the New Mainframe: IBM z/VSE Basics

Author: Mike Ebbers

Publisher: IBM Redbooks

Published: 2016-03-02

Total Pages: 446

ISBN-13: 0738441406


This IBM® Redbooks® publication is based on the book Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics, SG24-6366, which was produced by the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Poughkeepsie Center. It provides students of information systems technology with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic facilities of a mainframe computer. For optimal learning, students are assumed to have successfully completed an introductory course in computer system concepts, such as computer organization and architecture, operating systems, data management, or data communications. They should also have successfully completed courses in one or more programming languages, and be PC literate. This textbook can also be used as a prerequisite for courses in advanced topics, or for internships and special studies. It is not intended to be a complete text covering all aspects of mainframe operation. It is also not a reference book that discusses every feature and option of the mainframe facilities. Others who can benefit from this course include experienced data processing professionals who have worked with non-mainframe platforms, or who are familiar with some aspects of the mainframe but want to become knowledgeable with other facilities and benefits of the mainframe environment. As we go through this course, we suggest that the instructor alternate between text, lecture, discussions, and hands-on exercises. Many of the exercises are cumulative, and are designed to show the student how to design and implement the topic presented. The instructor-led discussions and hands-on exercises are an integral part of the course, and can include topics not covered in this textbook. In this course, we use simplified examples and focus mainly on basic system functions. Hands-on exercises are provided throughout the course to help students explore the mainframe style of computing. At the end of this course, you will be familiar with the following information: Basic concepts of the mainframe, including its usage and architecture Fundamentals of IBM z/VSE® (VSE), an IBM zTM Systems entry mainframe operating system (OS) An understanding of mainframe workloads and the major middleware applications in use on mainframes today The basis for subsequent course work in more advanced, specialized areas of z/VSE, such as system administration or application programming

Exploring IBM EServer ZSeries and S/390 Servers

Exploring IBM EServer ZSeries and S/390 Servers

Author: Jim Hoskins

Publisher: Maximum Press

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 468

ISBN-13: 9781885068910


Considered the bible of the IBM zSeries and S/390 world, this new edition closely examines the role large computers will play in the new century. All the new hardware models and operating system products—Linux, VSE, MVS, VM, AIX, and Open Edition—are now available for the zSeries and are fully explained, as are critical business issues such as cost justification, lease versus purchase, support, security, and maintenance. Hypothetical small, medium, and large businesses are described and then outfitted with the appropriate zSeries solution. This replaces 1885068700.

Linux Dictionary

Linux Dictionary

Author: Binh Nguyen

Publisher: Binh Nguyen


Total Pages: 1761



This document is designed to be a resource for those Linux users wishing to seek clarification on Linux/UNIX/POSIX related terms and jargon. At approximately 24000 definitions and two thousand pages it is one of the largest Linux related dictionaries currently available. Due to the rapid rate at which new terms are being created it has been decided that this will be an active project. We welcome input into the content of this document. At this moment in time half yearly updates are being envisaged. Please note that if you wish to find a 'Computer Dictionary' then see the 'Computer Dictionary Project' at http://computerdictionary.tsf.org.za/ Searchable databases exist at locations such as: http://www.swpearl.com/eng/scripts/dictionary/ (SWP) Sun Wah-PearL Linux Training and Development Centre is a centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, established in 2000. Presently SWP is delivering professional grade Linux and related Open Source Software (OSS) technology training and consultant service in Hong Kong. SWP has an ambitious aim to promote the use of Linux and related Open Source Software (OSS) and Standards. The vendor independent positioning of SWP has been very well perceived by the market. Throughout the last couple of years, SWP becomes the Top Leading OSS training and service provider in Hong Kong. http://www.geona.com/dictionary?b= Geona, operated by Gold Vision Communications, is a new powerful search engine and internet directory, delivering quick and relevant results on almost any topic or subject you can imagine. The term "Geona" is an Italian and Hebrew name, meaning wisdom, exaltation, pride or majesty. We use our own database of spidered web sites and the Open Directory database, the same database which powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search engines and portals. Geona is spidering all domains listed in the non-adult part of the Open Directory and millions of additional sites of general interest to maintain a fulltext index of highly relevant web sites. http://www.linuxdig.com/documents/dictionary.php LINUXDIG.COM, "Yours News and Resource Site", LinuxDig.com was started in May 2001 as a hobby site with the original intention of getting the RFC's online and becoming an Open Source software link/download site. But since that time the site has evolved to become a RFC distribution site, linux news site and a locally written technology news site (with bad grammer :)) with focus on Linux while also containing articles about anything and everything we find interesting in the computer world. LinuxDig.Com contains about 20,000 documents and this number is growing everyday! http://linux.about.com/library/glossary/blglossary.htm Each month more than 20 million people visit About.com. Whether it be home repair and decorating ideas, recipes, movie trailers, or car buying tips, our Guides offer practical advice and solutions for every day life. Wherever you land on the new About.com, you'll find other content that is relevant to your interests. If you're looking for "How To" advice on planning to re-finish your deck, we'll also show you the tools you need to get the job done. If you've been to About before, we'll show you the latest updates, so you don't see the same thing twice. No matter where you are on About.com, or how you got here, you'll always find content that is relevant to your needs. Should you wish to possess your own localised searcheable version please make use of the available "dict", http://www.dict.org/ version at the Linux Documentation Project home page, http://www.tldp.org/ The author has decided to leave it up to readers to determine how to install and run it on their specific systems. An alternative form of the dictionary is available at: http://elibrary.fultus.com/covers/technical/linux/guides/Linux-Dictionary/cover.html Fultus Corporation helps writers and companies to publish, promote, market, and sell books and eBooks. Fultus combines traditional self-publishing practices with modern technology to produce paperback and hardcover print-on-demand (POD) books and electronic books (eBooks). Fultus publishes works (fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, mystery, ...) by both published and unpublished authors. We enable you to self-publish easily and cost-effectively, creating your book as a print-ready paperback or hardcover POD book or as an electronic book (eBook) in multiple eBook's formats. You retain all rights to your work. We provide distribution to bookstores worldwide. And all at a fraction of the cost of traditional publishing. We also offer corporate publishing solutions that enable businesses to produce and deliver manuals and documentation more efficiently and economically. Our use of electronic delivery and print-on-demand technologies reduces printed inventory and saves time. Please inform the author as to whether you would like to create a database or an alternative form of the dictionary so that he can include you in this list. Also note that the author considers breaches of copyright to be extremely serious. He will pursue all claims to the fullest extent of the law.