Chignik River System Sockeye Salmon Smolt Sampling Project Operational Plan, 2020–2022

Chignik River System Sockeye Salmon Smolt Sampling Project Operational Plan, 2020–2022

Author: Matthew Olson


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 33



This operational plan describes the procedures for the sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka smolt sampling project conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) in the Chignik River system. The project goal is to evaluate and document size and abundance trends of sockeye salmon smolt in the Chignik River system to understand rearing capacity and habitat use. The research is designed to assess age structure, fish body condition, and provide additional context for the adult sockeye salmon forecast. Age structure of the population will be estimated from scales of sockeye salmon smolt collected using a beach seine. Juvenile salmon habitat use will be examined by beach seining in near-shore marine environment. Findings from this project are vital for understanding effects of the commercial fishery and environmental changes occurring in the Chignik River system on the sockeye salmon population.

Chignik River Sockeye Salmon Escapement Sampling Operational Plan, 2020-2022

Chignik River Sockeye Salmon Escapement Sampling Operational Plan, 2020-2022

Author: Michelle Stratton


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 14



In the Chignik Management Area (Area L), the Chignik weir is the primary mode of enumeration for sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka into the Chignik River. Annually, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) samples salmon escapement at the Chignik weir for age, sex, and length (ASL) data. The biological information collected from salmon escapements provide the foundation for preseason run forecasts, escapement goal evaluation, and run reconstruction. Every week throughout the season, 240 sockeye salmon are sampled. Sockeye salmon scales are collected using established protocols common to the Westward Region.

Chignik River System Sockeye Salmon Smolt Sampling Report, 2021-2022

Chignik River System Sockeye Salmon Smolt Sampling Report, 2021-2022

Author: Matthew Olson


Published: 2023

Total Pages: 0



This report describes the results of the sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka smolt monitoring project conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in the Chignik River system in 2021 and 2022. The research was designed to assess fish body condition and document relative abundance and outmigration timing in the Chignik River watershed. Sockeye salmon smolt were captured using a beach seine in Chignik Lagoon. In 2021, 1,348 ageable scale samples were collected. Of these, 974 (72.3%) were freshwater-age-1 and 370 (27.5%) were freshwater-age-2 smolt. In 2022, 1,378 ageable scale samples were collected. Of these, 752 (54.6%) were freshwater-age-1 and 377 (27.4%) were freshwater-age-2 smolt. Sockeye smolt were of above-average body condition in 2021 and 2022 when compared to historical data.

Operational Plan

Operational Plan

Author: Nicole L. Zeiser


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 38



The Chilkat Lake sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) run, which spawns near Haines, is one of the largest in Southeast Alaska and contributes substantially to harvests in the District 15 commercial drift gillnet fishery in Lynn Canal. This operational plan outlines objectives, methods, and timelines for conducting sockeye salmon stock assessment designed to (1) estimate annual escapement, (2) provide information for inseason fishery management, and (3) reconstruct runs and assess stock status. The Chilkat Lake sockeye salmon run is managed for a biological escapement goal of 70,000–150,000 fish, which is enumerated with a Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) system operated in conjunction with a standard picket weir located just downstream of the lake outlet. Genetic mixed stock analysis of weekly sockeye salmon harvests in the District 15 commercial drift gillnet fishery provides stock composition estimates that guide inseason management of the fishery (detailed in a separate Chilkoot Lake sockeye salmon operational plan). Biological sampling, along with escapement enumeration and stock-specific harvest data, allows for total run reconstruction required for escapement goal review. This project also supports the collection of basic limnology information at Chilkat Lake.

Kodiak Management Area Salmon Catch and Escapement Sampling Operational Plan, 2020–2022

Kodiak Management Area Salmon Catch and Escapement Sampling Operational Plan, 2020–2022

Author: Michelle L. Wattum


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 34



The purpose of this project is to provide biological data (age determination, length, and sex) from commercial salmon catch (harvest) and escapements to assist with the inseason and long-term management of salmon in the Kodiak Management Area (KMA). The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Division of Commercial Fisheries annually samples sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka escapements and catch in the KMA. Biological information such as age, sex, and length are collected from escapements in the Karluk, Ayakulik, Upper Station, Frazer, Afognak (Litnik), Saltery, and Pasagshak systems. In 1985, an expanded commercial salmon catch sampling operation was initiated in the KMA that, in combination with the escapement sampling, provides the foundation for preseason run forecasts, escapement goal evaluation, and assignment of the run to stock of origin (run reconstruction). Commercial sockeye salmon catch will be sampled for age from individual districts and sections throughout the KMA.

Operational Plan

Operational Plan

Author: Nicole L. Zeiser


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 38



This operational plan outlines objectives, methods, and timelines for operation of two fish wheels in the lower Chilkat River. The fish wheels provide indices of inriver abundance of sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and chum (O. keta) salmon populations, which are used inseason to manage the District 15 commercial drift gillnet fishery in Lynn Canal. In addition, the fish wheels provide sampling platforms essential for stock assessment of both Chinook (O. tshawytscha), and coho (O. kisutch) salmon (covered in detail in separate operational plans.)

Operational Plan

Operational Plan

Author: Nicole L. Zeiser


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 48



The Chilkoot Lake sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) run, which spawns near Haines, is one of the largest in Southeast Alaska and contributes substantially to harvests in the District 15 commercial drift gillnet fishery in Lynn Canal. This operational plan outlines objectives, methods, and timelines for conducting sockeye salmon stock assessment designed to (1) estimate annual escapement and harvest, (2) provide information for inseason fishery management, and (3) reconstruct runs and assess stock status. The Chilkoot Lake run is managed for a biological escapement goal of 38,000–86,000 fish, which is enumerated through a standard picket weir located just downstream of the lake outlet. Weir counts of sockeye salmon are compared to weekly escapement targets to determine inseason run strength. Genetic mixed stock analysis of weekly sockeye salmon harvests in the District 15 commercial drift gillnet fishery provides stock composition estimates that also guide inseason management of the fishery. Biological sampling, along with escapement enumeration and stock-specific harvest data, allows for total run reconstruction required for escapement goal review.

Operational Plan: Production and Harvest of Unuk River Chinook Salmon, 2020-2022

Operational Plan: Production and Harvest of Unuk River Chinook Salmon, 2020-2022

Author: Nathan Frost


Published: 2022

Total Pages: 0



This plan describes the coded-wire tagging of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha on the Unuk River for the 2019 and 2020 brood years, which covers the coded-wire tagging of parr in fall of 2020 and 2021 and smolt in spring of 2021 and 2022, and sampling returning adults for age, sex, length, and coded-wire tags in escapement from the 2022 through 2027 return years. This study provides estimates of smolt and parr abundance, overwinter (freshwater) survival, mean lengths of juveniles, and harvest information of Chinook salmon originating from the Unuk River in Southeast Alaska. A separate project will be conducted on the Unuk River that employs aerial and foot survey peak counts to estimate large (≥660 mm mid eye to fork of tail length) adult Chinook salmon returning to the river in 2020 and 2021. The primary goals of this and the companion study are to estimate inriver run size, total run size, marine harvest-exploitation rate and harvest distribution, smolt and parr abundance, marine survival (smolt to adult) and overwinter survival (parr to smolt). The Alaska Department of Fish and Game uses this information to make local and regional management decisions, and the Pacific Salmon Commission uses the data for coastwide management and stock assessment through the Chinook Technical Committee.

Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon Stock Monitoring Project Operational Plan, 2023-2025

Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon Stock Monitoring Project Operational Plan, 2023-2025

Author: Darin Ruhl


Published: 2023

Total Pages: 0



"This operational plan provides the instruction and procedures to properly operate the Afognak Lake adult salmon escapement weir and successfully meet each project objective. The primary function of maintaining a weir at Afognak River is to enumerate sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka returning to Afognak Lake for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) management of the Afognak Bay commercial, subsistence, and sport fishery. All fish passing upstream or downstream through the weir are identified, enumerated, and reported to the ADF&G office in Kodiak daily. Enumeration at the weir serves a secondary purpose by providing run timing and escapement information for Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association (KRAA), which uses Afognak Lake sockeye salmon as an early-run brood stock source for various enhancement projects on Kodiak Island. Project activities at Afognak River weir include installation, operation, and maintenance of the weir, salmonid enumeration, record daily physical weather observation, and the collection of age, sex, and length (ASL) samples and corresponding data."--Page 1