California Criminal Law Concepts, 2016 Edition is the most authoritative full-featured textbook on California Criminal Law - and is updated with new relevant state laws each year! To request the PowerPoint supplements or the Instructor Manual for this book please email: [email protected].
This is a comprehensive, introductory criminal law textbook that expands upon traditional concepts and cases by coverage of the most contemporary topics and issues. Contemporary material, including terrorism, computer crimes, and hate crimes, serves to illuminate the ever-evolving relationship between criminal law, society and the criminal justice system's role in balancing competing interests. The case method is used throughout the book as an effective and creative learning tool.Features include:" vignettes, core concepts, 'Cases and Concepts', 'You Decides, excerpts from state statutes, 'legal equations' and Crime in the News boxes" fully developed end-of-chapter pedagogy includes review questions, legal terminology and 'Criminal Law on the Web' resources" instructor resources (including PowerPoint slides, a computerized testbank and classroom activities) and a Student Study Site accompany this text
Today, all but one U.S. jurisdiction restricts a convicted felon’s eligibility for jury service. Are there valid, legal reasons for banishing millions of Americans from the jury process? How do felon-juror exclusion statutes impact convicted felons, jury systems, and jurisdictions that impose them? Twenty Million Angry Men provides the first full account of this pervasive yet invisible form of civic marginalization. Drawing on extensive research, James M. Binnall challenges the professed rationales for felon-juror exclusion and highlights the benefits of inclusion as they relate to criminal desistance at the individual and community levels. Ultimately, this forward-looking book argues that when it comes to serving as a juror, a history of involvement in the criminal justice system is an asset, not a liability.
CALIFORNIA CRIMINAL PROCEDURE prepares students in all of the law-related disciplines for their role in the California criminal justice system. It not only covers the general concepts, constitutional principles, and universal procedures applicable throughout the American system, but also the particular aspects of applied procedure in California. For ease of teaching and learning, the material is presented in a concise, straightforward manner, with frequent citation to statute, case law, or other sources, and direct quotations where appropriate.
This book is concept-based and focuses on the building blocks of statistical ideas. Covering the essential techniques—univariate tools, Chi-square, t-test, analysis of variance, and Pearson's r—in a simple conversational style, the text explains the concepts behind each technique and how results are interpreted. Its emphasis is on understanding over mathematical calculations, and its goal is to give students a grasp of the role of variance and error. A chapter on graphical statistics complements the normal quantitative approaches and each technique is set in the context of how it is used to answer research questions.
Learning Criminal Procedure: Investigations teaches students the law that governs the investigation of criminal cases. The book presents the legal rules directly in plain language. Each topic includes a clear, straightforward description of the binding legal rules, illustrations of how the rules are applied using examples and summaries of cases, and longer excerpts of the leading Supreme Court cases. The book highlights evolving or ambiguous areas of the law, and provides scores of review questions so that students can test their mastery of each issue. The book's authors build on their combined decades of practical experience to explain the law in plain language and explore the policy justifications behind the rules.
For courses in Torts, Tort Law, and Personal Injury Law. Tort Law Concepts and Applications, 2e provides the most comprehensive coverage of substantive American tort law available. This edition features two chapters devoted to intentional torts, two chapters devoted to negligence, and references to the latest cases and statutes. To help students develop in-demand paralegal skills, there are extensive end-of-chapter exercises, online video cases, and an entire chapter devoted to tort practice and applications.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Criminal Law by Worrall and Moore offers a fresh take on the field of criminal law. This contemporary text follows a modular format, allowing instructors the flexibility to teach the full text or pick and choose modules to suit their courses. The text covers mainstream forms of criminal activity and also includes the most recent hot-button issues, such as cyberterrorism, sexting, the “castle doctrine,” “make my day” laws, and more.