The Brussels I-bis Regulation remains the most significant legal instrument for procedural law in the EU, providing the cornerstone for questions of international jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. This authoritative book provides a thorough and practical analysis of the Regulation, with particular focus on its interpretation and application.
This book by the ETUI Transnational Trade Union Rights Expert Network analyses enforcement as a key element making EU labour law effective or ineffective. Enforcement is the key ingredient that makes rights effective and ensures compliance. It can make or break a legal system. Despite this, enforcement of EU labour law has received little scholarly attention in recent decades and has rarely been examined in a comprehensive way. This book aims to fill this gap. Intended for academics and practitioners alike, the book adopts a threefold approach to examine this issue. First of all, it explores the idea of effective enforcement and sets out the wider context in which EU labour law enforcement takes place. Secondly, it analyses how enforcement operates in particular areas, including non-discrimination, health and safety, information and consultation rights, and the rights of migrating workers. Thirdly, it critically assesses the role of specific actors (in particular collective actors like trade unions, as well as whistle-blowers and the European Labour Authority) and settings (public procurement, economic and monetary policy) regulated by EU law. Drawing on the insights produced by these analyses, the book concludes by proposing a comprehensive Draft for a Model Directive on 'Effective Enforcement of EU Labour Law' as an inspiration for policy development and scholarly debate in this area.
This book analyses, comments and further develops on the most important instrument of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention. The HCCH Convention, the product of decades of work, will have a transformative effect on global judicial cooperation in civil matters. This book explores its 'mechanics', i.e. the legal cornerstones of the new Convention (Part I), its prospects in leading regions of the world (Part II), and offers an overview and comment on its outlook (Part III). Drawing on contributions from world-leading experts, this magisterial and ambitious work will become the reference work for law-makers, judges, lawyers and scholars in the field of private international law.
On March 1, 2003, the Brussels I-Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22nd December 2001 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters (Judgment Regulation) became the cornerstone of European civil procedural law. The Regulation is directly applicable in all Member States and forms the residual instrument in cross-border civil procedures in the European Union. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the application of the Regulation in the Member States, based on interviews, statistics, and practical research in the files of the national courts. The report concludes that the Regulation does not require fundamental amendment, but that several improvements should be considered, especially with regard to the general function of the Regulation as the residual instrument of European procedural law.
This timely Research Handbook addresses the cutting edges of the Brussels Ibis Regulation, in particular its place within the overall system of EU law and its adaptations in response to lawsuits or the needs of particular industries. Featuring original research by leading academics from across Europe, chapters take a systematic approach to examining a broad variety of topics in relation to this, analysing the most recent developments in legislation and practice and providing an outlook on the future of this field of EU law.
The Brussels I Regulation is by far the most prominent cornerstone of the European law of international civil procedure. Every practitioner in the international field has to work with it - and its importance is still growing. The first edition of this full scale article-by-article commentary found a very warm reception. This new edition brings the book up to date, incorporating a host of developments in the four years since ist first appearance, combines in-depth analysis with a genuine and truly European perspective, authored by top experts from all over Europe, covers the jurisprudence of the ECJ and of the Member States, and integrates thorough discussion of the pending proposal for a Brussels Ibis Regulation. This truly European commentary offers invaluable guidance for lawyers, judges and academics throughout Europe.
In order to strengthen the efficacy of the Brussels I Regulation (recast), which has already been shown to operate effectively, it is suggested to complete it with specific rules aimed at circumscribing the jurisdictional power in respect of extra-EU cases, together with specific rules on recognition and enforcement of judgements pronounced in Third States.However, for the sake of legal certainty, it is suggested that the EU stipulates international conventions on recognition and enforcement of judgements with its most strategic partners.
Offering a comprehensive commentary on the Brussels I bis Regulation, chapters outline the origins and evolution of each article before delving into their interpretation in view of the case law of the European Court of Justice. Its exhaustive evaluation of the corresponding case law demonstrates key precedents which can be applied to practical problems in the field related to jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions.
This incisive book tackles a controversy that has plagued the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the Montreal Convention 1999 for decades: whether the conventions provide an independent cause of action upon which a plaintiff can rely directly when pleading their action, and, if so, whether that cause of action provides the exclusive remedy. This book resolves this controversy by presenting a new conceptual framework for understanding aviation law cause of action in the conventions.
This book celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) by bringing together the views of key practitioners and policy-makers who have played an outstanding role in thinking about and shaping EU policies on freedom, security and justice. Ten years ago, the member states transferred competences to the EU for law and policy-making in the fields of immigration, asylum and border controls, and began the transfer process for criminal justice and policing. This decade of European cooperation on AFSJ policies has experienced very dynamic convergence, the enactment of a large body of European law and the setting-up of numerous EU agencies working in these domains. Such dynamism in policy-making has not been without challenges and vulnerabilities, however. As this collective volume shows, the main dilemmas that lie ahead relate to an effective (while more plural) institutional framework under the Treaty of Lisbon, stronger judicial scrutiny through a greater role for national courts and the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, better mechanisms for evaluating and monitoring the implementation of EU AFSJ law and a more solid fundamental rights strategy. The contributions in this volume address the progress achieved so far in these policy areas, identify the challenges for future European cooperation in the AFSJ and put forward possible paths for making more progress in the next generation of the EU's AFSJ. Book jacket.