This comprehensive and well known textbook deals with the characteristics, classification and life cycle of different species of fungi. While it provides a detailed account of bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma and lichens, it also discusses elementary plant pathology.
The present book is for B.Sc(I) yr, strictly based on UGC Model syllabus for all Indian Universities. Each unit or chapter as the case may be is followed by various types of questions, such as very short, short, long answer questions, digrammatic questions and multiple choice questions, asked repeatedly questions have been included.
The sixth edition of Botany for Degree Students presents a revision of the whole text, including the rewriting of many portions and the addition of several new topics on the basis of recent researches. It covers as far as possible the prescribed syllabuses of several Indian universities. This enlarged edition should meet the needs of degree students not only in India but abroad as well.
For Degree students of B.Sc. Third year as per UGC Model Curriculum. This course is being divided into Course -I Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology' where subject matter has been divided four units and expanded into nine chapters; while course II contains 'Ecology and Utilization of Plants' (Economic Botany), having two units and sixteen chapters.
This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Third Semester students of Botany as per the UGC Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). It acquaints students with the tissue system, anatomy of stems, roots & leaves and secondary growth. It explains adaptive & protective systems and structural organization of a flower. Besides, the book also covers pollination, fertilization, development of endosperm and embryo, apomixis and polyembryony. While it provides strong conceptual understanding of the subject, it also helps in developing scientific outlook of the student.