The hit LEGO(R) BIONICLE series returns with an all-new, never-before-seen adventure! This novel presents a tale of epic proportions, set on a mysterious island where the masters of elements called Toa fight for powerful masks that can be used for good, or evil...
The Toa Nuva suffer a mysterious loss of their powers which threatens their very existence. It's the work of the Bohrok-Kal, a special squad of mutated Bohrok who seek to free the swarm queens and unleash the Bohrok again. With the help of the legendary Mask of Time, the Toa Nuva are able to defeat the Kal. Meanwhile, a Matoran village named Takua has stumbled upon the long-hidden Mask of Light. He and his best friend, Jaller, are sent by the village elders, the Turaga, to find the Toa to whom the mask is destined to belong. But Makuta unleashes twisted creatures called Rahkshi against the island in an effort to stop the Toa of Light from coming into being. After many defeats, the Toa Nuva unite to stop the Rahkshi with the help of Takua, who dons the Mask of Light to become Takanuva, Toa of Light. Takanuva challenges Makuta in battle, a fight which leads to the discovery of a huge underground island city – Metru Nui.
New heroes. New villains. A new mission. An exciting new Movie Novelization based on the Miramax DTV, LEGENDS After their defeat of the Morbuzakh and the shape-shifting Krahka, the Toa Metru expect to be hailed as heroes. Instead, they are betrayed by someone they thought they could trust. Three of the Toa are arrested. In prison, they meet a mysterious stranger who helps them to escape--and to learn more about their new powers. The remaining Toa are forced to flee through the city, avoiding security forces and the Dark Hunters who try to capture them. Can the Toa reunite and defeat their new enemy? Or has the their luck finally run out?
The hit LEGO(R) BIONICLE series returns with an all-new, never-before-seen adventure! This novel presents a tale of epic proportions, set on a mysterious island where the masters of elements called Toa fight for powerful masks that can be used for good, or evil...
Back in their home village after the battle with Garmadon, the four ninja are hoping for some R&R. Instead, they get drawn into a fight to the finish with the most powerful and unexpected foe they have ever faced: Sensei Wu-their own sensei! Can the students hope to defeat the master?
Enter the world of Bionicle, where the heroic Toa battle the mighty Makuta to decide the fate of Mata Nui. Bionicle - Toa, Bohrok, Rahkshi, Matoran, Turuga and the Makuta; the fantastic island of Mata Nui, from the caves of Onu-Koro to the giant temple of Kini-Nui; the Bionicle saga, filled with mystery, action, adventure and triumph; plus secret Bionicle information.
Mata Nui is alone, Cast out from his own universe, he has been stranded on a remote planet. But all is not as it seems, and great warriors lurk even in the heart of the desert. Mata Nui meets the Glatorian, fighters with the hearts of Toa, who agree to help him with his quest to return home.Along the way, disaster strikes. Villages are being destroyed, flattened by ruthless warriors. Mata Nui must stay to help his new friends--and, perhaps discover the key to his own destiny.