Amitayus Long Life Sutra eBook

Amitayus Long Life Sutra eBook

Author: FPMT

Publisher: FPMT

Published: 2019-05-17

Total Pages: 31



According to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, “This text is very precious and there is so much benefit in printing or writing it. This is one of the texts that, if written in gold, mountains of negative karma get purified. Nalanda Monastery prints a certain number each week for the success of the projects, so imagine the benefits: each time they make one copy it is like copying all the 84,000 teachings of Buddha. It is also great purification. Especially, writing this collects most merit. You write it, not because someone needs the book, but just because it helps for long life and to collect merit. It’s very good to print for people who have cancer, and for the success of activities and projects. If a business has difficulties, or is difficult to start, if you have difficulty finding a job, or the job is not going well, you can print many copies to make merit, not particularly for mundane success but generally to collect merit for realizations, conditions for Dharma practice. Then you can dedicate the merits of printing for all sentient beings. This is one solution for success and long life. Also, when you die you will get born in Amitabha’s pure land.” This version is suitable for reciting. 24 Pages, 2020 edition.

The Heart Sutra, The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra eBook

The Heart Sutra, The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra eBook

Author: FPMT

Publisher: FPMT

Published: 2019-07-24

Total Pages: 11



The Heart Sutra is a popular sutra in Mahayana Buddhism. Its Sanskrit title, Prajñaparamitahdaya, can be translated as "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom". The Heart Sutra is often cited as the best-known and most popular Buddhist scripture. This sutra has been translated from the Tibetan, consulting the Indian and Tibetan commentaries and previous good translations, by Gelong Thubten Tsultrim (George Churinoff), the first day of Saka Dawa, 1999, at Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, India. Amended March 8, 2001, in the New Mexico desert. Also contained in Essential Buddhist Prayers Vol 1 and Mahayana Prayers for teaching occasions. 8 pages, 2008 edition.

The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sutra eBook

The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sutra eBook

Author: FPMT

Publisher: FPMT

Published: 2021-08-10

Total Pages: 18



From the root text: If you write in gold The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land you will be reborn in Sukhavati for 100,000 eons. If you write it in gold and silver, you will be reborn in Sukhavati for 10,000 eons. If you write it in silver, you will be reborn in Sukhavati for 1,000 eons. If you write it in vermillion, you will be reborn in Sukhavati for 100 eons. If you write it in black ink, you will be reborn in Sukhavati for 10 eons. You will be reborn in the pure realm of Dharmakaya Boundless Light. This is the essence of the ultimate. It is the pith of the dharmata. It is the king of all confessions of misdeeds. If you write and recite this, you will definitely be purified even if you kill insects and creatures, such as 100 people, 100 horses, 100 snakes, 100 dogs, 100 women, 100 cattle, 100 fish, 100 pigs, 100 monkeys, and 100 sheep; curse others; poison others; engage in miserliness and deceit; are the owner of a dog that kills deer; have degenerated your promises and commitments and then engage in sexual misconduct; kill your guru, abbot, or teacher; or do any of the ten nonvirtues. When someone dies, the best is to have a lama do this ritual for the corpse on the morning of the cremation; the middling is for a geshe to do it; and the last is for a monk to do it. If that isn’t possible, at least someone who knows how to read should do it. If it is recited three times and then tapped on the corpse’s head three times, without doubt that person will become a buddha. In this eon, all Dharma practices that are sealed with this prayer of dedication are greatly meritorious. If those who write, recite, keep, or disseminate it, read or recite it three times, they will not experience sickness or (untimely) death. May all of their wishes be fulfilled, and may they meet with those who are propitious and endowed with the fortunate karma to be reborn in Sukhavati Pure Land. 2020 edition.

The Infinite Life Sutra

The Infinite Life Sutra

Author: Gautama Buddha


Published: 2015-06-03

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781514182758


The Infinite Life Sutra is a Mahayana Buddhist sutra, and the primary text of Pure Land Buddhism. It is the longest of the three major texts of Pure Land Buddhism. In the Longer Sukhavativyuha Sutra, the Buddha begins by describing to his attendant Ananda a past life of the Buddha. Amitabha. He states that in a past life, Amitabha was once king who renounced his kingdom, and became a bodhisattva monk named Dharmakara ("Dharma Storehouse").Under the guidance of the buddha Lokesvararaja ("World Sovereign King"), innumerable buddha-lands throughout the ten directions were revealed to him. After meditating for five eons as a bodhisattva, he then made a great series of vows to save all sentient beings, and through his great merit, created the realm of Sukhavati ("Ultimate Bliss").This land of Sukhavati would later come to be known as the Pure Land.The sutra describes in great detail Sukhavati and its inhabitants, and how they are able to attain rebirth there. The text also provides a detailed account of the various levels and beings in the Mahayana Buddhist cosmology.The sutra also contains the forty-eight vows of Amitabha Buddha to save all sentient beings. The eighteenth vow is among the most important as it forms a basic tenet of the Pure Land school. This vow is most commonly known as shi nian bi sheng yuan, because it states that if a sentient being makes even "ten recitations" of the Amitabha Buddha's name they will attain "certain rebirth" into the Pure Land.

The Three Pure Land Sutras

The Three Pure Land Sutras


Publisher: BDK America

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 216



The larger sutra on Amitāyus (Taishō volume 12, number 360) -- The sutra on contemplation of Amitāyus (Taishō volume 12, number 365) -- The smaller sutra on Amitāyus (Taishō volume 12, number 366).

Amitayurdhyana Sutra

Amitayurdhyana Sutra

Author: Amitayus Buddha

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2015-06-02

Total Pages: 46

ISBN-13: 9781514182598


The Amitayurdhyana Sutra, is one of the three major sutras found within Pure Land Buddhism, a branch of Mahayana Buddhism. The text begins with a story where a prince named Ajatasatru was enticed by the villain Devadatta to murder his father, King Bimbisara, in order to ascend the throne. Ajatasatru kills his father, and nearly kills his mother, Queen Vaidehi, but after advice from his other ministers, he relented and threw his mother in prison. Lamenting her fate, Queen Vaidehi prays to the Gautama Buddha for help, and he is able to visit her. Vaidehi expresses her wish to be born in Amitabha's pure land. Shakyamuni smiles, emitting light from his mouth, and goes on to tell Vaidehi how to be reborn in the Pure Land. The Buddha tells her that although she is in prison, she could still obtain liberation through the practices of Amitabha. The Buddha goes on to describe Amitabha and how one could obtain rebirth in his land of Sukhavati. Shakyamuni explains the importance of performing certain meritorious acts in order to be reborn in the Pure Land. He then goes on to teach Vaidehi how to visualize the Pure Land, to further her efforts in attaining rebirth there. Shakyamuni describes thirteen "contemplations," or mental visualization exercises, that are to be followed in order. By deeply contemplating various aspects of the Pure Land and attempting to visualize them in detail, the aspirant draws closer to the Pure Land.

The Diamond Sutra

The Diamond Sutra

Author: Red Pine

Publisher: Catapult

Published: 2009-03-01

Total Pages: 440

ISBN-13: 1582439532


A masterful translation of the Diamond Sutra—with insightful commentary and helpful historical information for parsing this essential Zen Buddhist scripture Zen Buddhism is often said to be a practice of mind–to–mind transmission without reliance on texts—in fact, some great teachers forbid their students to read or write. But Buddhism has also inspired some of the greatest philosophical writings of any religion, and two such works lie at the center of Zen: The Heart Sutra, which monks recite all over the world, and The Diamond Sutra, said to contain answers to all questions of delusion and dualism. This is the Buddhist teaching on the perfection of wisdom and cuts through all obstacles on the path of practice. As Red Pine explains: The Diamond Sutra may look like a book, but it’s really the body of the Buddha. It’s also your body, my body, all possible bodies. But it’s a body with nothing inside and nothing outside. It doesn’t exist in space or time. Nor is it a construct of the mind. It’s no mind. And yet because it’s no mind, it has room for compassion. This book is the offering of no mind, born of compassion for all suffering beings. Of all the sutras that teach this teaching, this is the diamond.

The Surangama Sutra

The Surangama Sutra

Author: Ronald Epstein, PhD

Publisher: Buddhist Text Translation Society

Published: 2012-08-06

Total Pages: 391

ISBN-13: 1601030177


For more than a thousand years, the Śūraṅgama Sūtra has been held in high regard in the Mahāyāna Buddhist countries of East and Southeast Asia and has been as popular as the Lotus, Heart, and Diamond Sūtras. Its wealth of theoretical and practical instruction in living a spiritual life often made it the first major text studied by newly ordained monks, particularly in the Chan tradition. This Sutra is regarded as a complete and practical manual for spiritual practice that will lead to enlightenment. It provides instruction on understanding one’s own Buddha-nature, the potential within every being for becoming a Buddha. The Sutra explains how and why this nature is hidden and how we can uncover it and recognize it as our own true mind. The Sutra also explains why personal integrity and purity of conduct are prerequisites for spiritual awakening. It presents the principles of meditation, and provides guidelines for discerning correct practices from those which deviate into wrong ones. It explains how our own intentional acts, whether physical, verbal, or mental, result in karmic experiences, including rebirths into various levels of being, both human and non-human. At the heart of the Sūtra is the Śūraṅgama Mantra. The Sutra promises that the practice of reciting this mantra, in the context of the other practices taught in the Sutra, can successfully eliminate internal or external obstacles that block the path of spiritual progress

Opening the Hand of Thought

Opening the Hand of Thought

Author: Kosho Uchiyama

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2005-06-10

Total Pages: 257

ISBN-13: 0861719778


For over thirty years, Opening the Hand of Thought has offered an introduction to Zen Buddhism and meditation unmatched in clarity and power. This is the revised edition of Kosho Uchiyama's singularly incisive classic. This new edition contains even more useful material: new prefaces, an index, and extended endnotes, in addition to a revised glossary. As Jisho Warner writes in her preface, Opening the Hand of Thought "goes directly to the heart of Zen practice... showing how Zen Buddhism can be a deep and life-sustaining activity." She goes on to say, "Uchiyama looks at what a person is, what a self is, how to develop a true self not separate from all things, one that can settle in peace in the midst of life." By turns humorous, philosophical, and personal, Opening the Hand of Thought is above all a great book for the Buddhist practitioner. It's a perfect follow-up for the reader who has read Zen Meditation in Plain English and is especially useful for those who have not yet encountered a Zen teacher.

The Infinite Life Sutra

The Infinite Life Sutra

Author: Buddha Gautama


Published: 2020-08-28

Total Pages: 70



The Infinite Life Sutra (Sanskrit: Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra) is a Mahayana Buddhist text and a primary text of Pure Land Buddhism. The sutra describes in great detail the Land of Bliss (Sukhavati) and its inhabitants, how they are able to attain rebirth there and provides a detailed account of the various levels and beings in the Mahayana Buddhist cosmology. In the Longer Sukhavativyuha Sutra, the Buddha begins by describing to his attendant Ananda a past life of the Buddha Amitabha. He states that in a past life, Amitabha was once king who renounced his kingdom, and became a bodhisattva monk named Dharmakara (Dharma Storehouse). Under the guidance of the Buddha Lokesvararaja (World Sovereign King), innumerable Buddha countries throughout the ten directions were revealed to him. After meditating for five eons as a bodhisattva, he then made the forty-eight vows of vows to save all sentient beings, and through his great merit created the realm of Sukhavati.