The Fifth Edition of American Politics Today is designed to show students the reality of politics today and how it connects to their own lives. New features--from chapter opening cases that address the kinds of questions students ask, to full-page graphics that illustrate key political processes--show students how politics works and why it matters. All components of the learning package--textbook, InQuizitive adaptive learning tool, and coursepack--are organized around specific chapter learning goals to ensure that students learn the nuts and bolts of American government.
AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY: BRIEF EDITION, 2016-2017, shows you how easily and effectively you can participate in the political process. New features, up-to-date political news and analysis, and a great price make this text a top seller. Praised for its succinct format, balanced coverage, clarity, and readability, this book examines all the key concepts of American government, while providing interesting student-oriented features that further convey what active citizenship means. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The late 1980s ushered in a new era of black politics, the socioeconomic transition era. Coming on the heels of the protest era and politics era, the current stage is characterized by the emergence of a new black middle class that came of age after the Civil Rights struggle. Although class still isn’t a strong factor in the external politics of the black community, it is increasingly a wedge issue in the community’s internal politics. Black politics today is increasingly less about the interest of the larger group and more about the interest of smaller subgroups within the community. Theodore J. Davis Jr. argues that the greatest threat to the social and political cohesiveness of the so-called black community may be the rise of a socially and economically privileged group among the ranks of black America. This rift has affected blacks’ ability to organize effectively and influence politics. Davis traces the changes in economic status, public opinion, political power and participation, and leadership over three generations of black politics. The result is an insightful analysis of black politics today.
In a campaign for state or local office these days, you’re as likely today to hear accusations that an opponent advanced Obamacare or supported Donald Trump as you are to hear about issues affecting the state or local community. This is because American political behavior has become substantially more nationalized. American voters are far more engaged with and knowledgeable about what’s happening in Washington, DC, than in similar messages whether they are in the South, the Northeast, or the Midwest. Gone are the days when all politics was local. With The Increasingly United States, Daniel J. Hopkins explores this trend and its implications for the American political system. The change is significant in part because it works against a key rationale of America’s federalist system, which was built on the assumption that citizens would be more strongly attached to their states and localities. It also has profound implications for how voters are represented. If voters are well informed about state politics, for example, the governor has an incentive to deliver what voters—or at least a pivotal segment of them—want. But if voters are likely to back the same party in gubernatorial as in presidential elections irrespective of the governor’s actions in office, governors may instead come to see their ambitions as tethered more closely to their status in the national party.
"American Politics and Government Today teaches students exactly what they need to know to succeed in the course and become informed citizens. The part structure and chapter organization clearly maps to the five AP® U.S. Government and Politics units, for close alignment with the course framework. In each chapter, integrated policy coverage allows students to see how social, economic, or foreign policy relates to real-life situations, while AP®-style multiple-choice questions and the full range of free response questions offer students practice opportunities at the end of each chapter"--
The 21st century has been a volatile period for American Muslims. Yet despite anti-Muslim bias, American Muslims now have unprecedented avenues of influence in U.S. politics. In this critically-timed volume, Mohammad Hassan Khalil has drawn on leading scholars to provide a deep look at the rich political history and future of American Muslims.
This exciting new book explores the role of government, politics, and policy in American lives. Full of real life applications and scenarios, this text encourages and enables political thinking. The second edition has been updated to include recent developments in U.S. politics and government. This includes the description and analysis of the 2016 elections as well as the early Trump administration. Chapters have expanded coverage of immigration policy, environmental policy, economic policy, and global affairs (including counterterrorism policy). The text also includes analysis of racial issues in contemporary American politics and law. It also addresses questions about the state of the economy, jobs, and wages.Hyperlinks and URLs provide ?deeper dives? into various topics and examples of comparative politics.
For many, American politics and government have never been more interesting--or more important. A new four-color design, up-to-date political news and analysis and an affordable price make AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY, Brief Edition, 2018-2019, an ideal resource to engage today's learners. Authors Schmidt, Shelley and Bardes help students understand America's complex and fascinating political system--and show them how they can participate in the political process. Praised for its balanced coverage, clarity and readability, the text examines all the key concepts of American Government while providing interesting features that focus on active citizenship. The tenth edition gives ample space to the rise of Donald Trump, his populist campaign and use of the media as well as to other current topics such as security leaks, government surveillance and voting restrictions. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.