The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of IMO, at its sixty-second session in July 2011, adopted the Revised MARPOL Annex V, concerning Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, which enters into force on 1 January 2013. The associated guidelines which assist States and industry in the implementation of MARPOL Annex V have been reviewed and updated and two Guidelines were adopted in March 2012 at MEPC's sixty-third session. The 2012 edition of this publication contains: the 2012 Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.219(63)); the 2012 Guidelines for the development of garbage management plans (resolution MEPC.220(63)); and the Revised MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.201(62)).
The NILOS yearbooks provide the reader with a collection of documents related to ocean affairs and the law of the sea, issued each year by organizations, organs and bodies of the United Nations system. Documents of the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and its regional Commissions, the UN Secretary-General's Informal Consultations, PrepCom ISA/ITLOS, UNCED, UNEP and UNCTAD are included first, followed by the documents of specialized agencies and other autonomous organizations of the UN system, including FAO, IAEA, ILO, IMO, UNESCO/IOC and WMO.
The North Sea, one of the most intensively used sea-areas in the world, may well be one of the most intensively regulated sea-areas as well. As human activity developed in the North Sea national & later international regulations followed these developments. The result has been what is commonly called a piecemeal approach. The legal regime of the North Sea has developed in an incremental manner. Thus one conventional instrument after the other, covering different user-functions like vessel-source pollution, fisheries, ocean dumping & land-based pollution, was adopted. In contrast to more modern approaches these legal instruments have their own framework. The result is that the instruments are scattered in many different documents, & even for the more well informed North Sea watcher it is difficult to obtain a comprehensive overview of the regulatory instruments. The North Sea: Basic Legal Documents on Regional Environmental Co-operation offers a comprehensive view of the instruments dealing with all sources of marine pollution in the North Sea, be they ocean dumping, land-based pollution or vessel-source pollution. The book contains many legal documents, including maps & tables. It also contains non-conventional instruments such as the texts of the declarations of the International North Sea Conferences, held between 1984 & 1990, & recommendations & decisions of e.g. the Paris Commission on Land-Based Pollution & the Oslo Commission on Dumping. Furthermore the book contains documentation on relatively new areas of environmental concern in the North Sea region, i.e. nature conservation & management of living resources. The book supplements The North Sea: Perspectives on Regional Environmental Co-operation also edited by David Freestone & Ton IJlstra which contains 26 essays on legal & policy aspects of environmental protection in the North Sea.
This new and fully updated edition of Principles of International Environmental Law offers a comprehensive and critical account of one of the fastest growing areas of international law: the principles and rules relating to environmental protection. Introducing the reader to the key foundational principles, governance structures and regulatory techniques, Principles of International Environmental Law explores each of the major areas of international environmental regulation through substantive chapters, including climate change, atmospheric protection, oceans and freshwater, biodiversity, chemicals and waste regulation. The ever-increasing overlap with other areas of international law is also explored through examination of the inter-linkages between international environmental law and other areas of international regulation, such as trade, human rights, humanitarian law and investment law. Incorporating the latest developments in treaty and case law for key areas of environmental regulation, this text is an essential reference and textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, academics and practitioners of international environmental law.
The oceans cover more than seventy per cent of the surface of the planet and they provide many vital ecosystem services. However, the health of the world's oceans has been deteriorating over the past decades and the protection of the marine environment has emerged as one of the most pressing legal and political challenges for the international community. An effective solution depends upon the cooperation of all states towards achieving agreed objectives. This book provides a critical assessment of the role that international law plays in this process, by explaining and evaluating the various legal instruments that have been negotiated in this area, as well as key trends in global ocean governance. Starting with a detailed analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the book considers the main treaties and other legal texts that seeks to prevent, reduce, and control damage to the marine environment caused by navigation, seabed exploitation, fishing, dumping, and land-based activities, as well as emerging pressures such as ocean noise and climate change. The book demonstrates how international institutions have expanded their mandates to address a broader range of marine environmental issues, beyond basic problems of pollution control to include the conservation of marine biological diversity and an ecosystems approach to regulation. It also discusses the development of diverse regulatory tools to address anthropogenic impacts on the marine environment and the extent to which states have adopted a precautionary approach in different maritime sectors. Whilst many advances have been made in these matters, this book highlights the need for greater coordination between international institutions, as well as the desirability of developing stronger enforcement mechanisms for international environmental rules.