This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the two workshops held at the 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, PRIMA 2011, held in Wollongong, Australia, in November. The workshops were, Workshop on Agent Based Simulation for a Sustainable Society (ABSSS 2011) and International Workshop on Multi-Agent Smart Computing (MASmart 2011). The 8 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers cover topics from agent based simulation for a sustainable society and on multi-agent smart computing.
Using the O.D.D. (Overview, Design concepts, Detail) protocol, this title explores the role of agent-based modeling in predicting the feasibility of various approaches to sustainability. The chapters incorporated in this volume consist of real case studies to illustrate the utility of agent-based modeling and complexity theory in discovering a path to more efficient and sustainable lifestyles. The topics covered within include: households' attitudes toward recycling, designing decision trees for representing sustainable behaviors, negotiation-based parking allocation, auction-based traffic signal control, and others. This selection of papers will be of interest to social scientists who wish to learn more about agent-based modeling as well as experts in the field of agent-based modeling.
Decision makers in large scale interconnected network systems require simulation models for decision support. The behaviour of these systems is determined by many actors, situated in a dynamic, multi-actor, multi-objective and multi-level environment. How can such systems be modelled and how can the socio-technical complexity be captured? Agent-based modelling is a proven approach to handle this challenge. This book provides a practical introduction to agent-based modelling of socio-technical systems, based on a methodology that has been developed at TU Delft and which has been deployed in a large number of case studies. The book consists of two parts: the first presents the background, theory and methodology as well as practical guidelines and procedures for building models. In the second part this theory is applied to a number of case studies, where for each model the development steps are presented extensively, preparing the reader for creating own models.
Intermodal Freight Transportation conceptualizes intermodal transport as a set of physical, logical, financial and contractual flows, examining the barriers that impact intermodal freight services and the resulting performance variables. The book covers transport modes, agents, supply and demand patterns, key drivers, trends influencing the freight transportation sector, the evolution of supply and logistics chains, and the impacts of technological advancements, such as autonomous vehicles and e-commerce. In addition, the book covers transport agents, such as shippers, freight forwarders, integrators, and customs, as well as the demand for freight transport services and the key properties of goods. Readers will find a variety of new tools for analyzing and building effective transport chains that addresses component technology, information, responsibility, and financing dimension, along with sections on key organizational, regulatory, infrastructure and technological barriers. The book concludes with a look into the future of the freight transport sector.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS 2020, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in May 2020 collocated with 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2020). Due to COVID-19 the workshop has been held online. The 9 revised full papers included in this volume were carefully selected from 11 submissions. The workshop focused on finding efficient solutions to model complex social systems, in such areas as economics, management, organizational and social sciences in general and much more.
This book provides an overview of how efficient building energy management can be done, considering the increasing importance of renewable energy integration. It also includes the grid-interactive building, their control, energy management, and optimization techniques to promote better understanding among researchers and business professionals in the utility sector and across industries. This book is written and edited by leading specialists active in concurrent developments in smart building management, renewable energy research, and application-driven R&D. The experiences and research work shared help the readers in enhancing their knowledge in the field of renewable energy, power engineering, building energy management, demand, and supply management and learn the technical analysis of the same in an insightful manner. Additionally, established and emerging applications related to applied areas like smart cities, the Internet of things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc., are developed and utilized to demonstrate recent innovations in smart building energy management.
Methodological Guidelines for Modeling and Developing MAS-Based Simulations The intersection of agents, modeling, simulation, and application domains has been the subject of active research for over two decades. Although agents and simulation have been used effectively in a variety of application domains, much of the supporting research remains scattered in the literature, too often leaving scientists to develop multi-agent system (MAS) models and simulations from scratch. Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications provides an overdue review of the wide ranging facets of MAS simulation, including methodological and application-oriented guidelines. This comprehensive resource reviews two decades of research in the intersection of MAS, simulation, and different application domains. It provides scientists and developers with disciplined engineering approaches to modeling and developing MAS-based simulations. After providing an overview of the field’s history and its basic principles, as well as cataloging the various simulation engines for MAS, the book devotes three sections to current and emerging approaches and applications. Simulation for MAS — explains simulation support for agent decision making, the use of simulation for the design of self-organizing systems, the role of software architecture in simulating MAS, and the use of simulation for studying learning and stigmergic interaction. MAS for Simulation — discusses an agent-based framework for symbiotic simulation, the use of country databases and expert systems for agent-based modeling of social systems, crowd-behavior modeling, agent-based modeling and simulation of adult stem cells, and agents for traffic simulation. Tools — presents a number of representative platforms and tools for MAS and simulation, including Jason, James II, SeSAm, and RoboCup Rescue. Complete with over 200 figures and formulas, this reference book provides the necessary overview of experiences with MAS simulation and the tools needed to exploit simulation in MAS for future research in a vast array of applications including home security, computational systems biology, and traffic management.
Das Energiekonzept und die Beschlüsse der Bundesregierung zur Energiewende sind wichtige Weichenstellungen für die Gestaltung des zukünftigen Energiesystems. So soll u. a. die Energieeffizienz in dem Maße gesteigert werden, dass bis zum Jahr 2050 nur noch die Hälfte des Primärenergieverbrauchs im Vergleich zum Jahr 2008 benötigt wird. In Deutschland leben rund 75 % der Menschen in Städten. Daher sind Städte und Agglomerationen besondere Lebens-, Wirtschafts- und Kulturräume. Als solche verlangen sie nach einem zukunftsfähigen Energiesystem und müssen in hohem Maße energieeffizient ausgestaltet sein. Besonders relevant für die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz ist der Gebäudesektor: In den Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden bundesweit entstehen rund 35 % des Endenergieverbrauchs, etwa drei Viertel davon in Form von Wärme. Die von der Bundesregierung beschlossene Energiewende, also der Umbau der deutschen Energieversorgung auf Basis hoher Effizienz und mit weitgehender Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien, kann deshalb nur gelingen, wenn diese Wende nicht nur im Strom-, sondern auch im Wärmemarkt umgesetzt wird (sogenannte "Wärmewende"). Mit Blick auf das energie- und klimapolitische Ziel eines nahezu klimaneutralen Gebäudebestands bis zum Jahr 2050 sind neben einer gesteigerten Energieeffizienz die erneuerbaren Energien in weit größerem Maße in den Wärmesektor zu integrieren. Städte und Agglomerationen bieten aufgrund der großen Hebelwirkung die Möglichkeit, technologische und gesellschaftliche Innovationen ungleich schneller und wirksamer in die Praxis umzusetzen und damit die energiepolitischen Ziele der Bundesregierung zu erfüllen.
This book is a selection of the best and peer-reviewed articles presented at the CUPUM (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management) conference, held in the second week of July 2015 at MIT in Boston, USA. The contributions provide state-of the art overview of the availability and application of Planning Support Systems (PSS) in the framework of Smart Cities.