The Aerobie flying ring incorporates a revolutionary airfoil design with flight characteristics that are little short of incredible. Cassidy offers the definitive word on the theory, design, and practice of the Aerobie, covering its history, ratings, possibilities, and more. Includes one Aerobie.
To Unschoolers, Learning Is As Natural As Breathing Did you know that a growing percentage of home schoolers are becoming unschoolers? The unschooling movement is founded on the principle that children learn best when they pursue their own natural curiosities and interests. Without bells, schedules, and rules about what to do and when, the knowledge they gain through mindful living and exploration is absorbed more easily and enthusiastically. Learning is a natural, inborn impulse, and the world is rich with lessons to be learned and puzzles to be solved. Successful unschooling parents know how to stimulate and direct their children's learning impulse. Once you read this book, so will you!
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Get 6 Bestselling Books About Self-Discipline for a Greatly Reduced Price—Over 1300 Pages of Practical Advice! The books included in the bundle: 1. How to Build Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Term Goals 2. Daily Self-Discipline: Everyday Habits and Exercises to Build Self-Discipline and Achieve Your Goals 3. Self-Disciplined Dieter: How to Lose Weight and Become Healthy Despite Cravings and Weak Willpower 4. How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise: Practical Techniques and Strategies to Develop a Lifetime Habit of Exercise 5. 365 Days With Self-Discipline: 365 Life-Altering Thoughts on Self-Control, Mental Resilience, and Success 6. Self-Disciplined Producer: Develop a Powerful Work Ethic, Improve Your Focus, and Produce Better Results Some of the things you'll learn include: - What a bank robber with lemon juice on his face can teach you about self-control. The story will make you laugh out loud, but its implications will make you think twice about your ability to control your urges. - What dopamine is and why it’s crucial to understand its role to break your bad habits and form good ones. - 5 practical ways to train your self-discipline. Discover some of the most important techniques to increase your self-control and become better at resisting instant gratification. - Methods to thrive in face of adversity, cravings, temptations and discomfort and feel good about it. - Strategies to keep pushing when nothing seems to work and you’re on the verge of giving up. - How to develop key self-awareness skills to push yourself through to your goal. - What daily habits contribute to setbacks and how to replace them with better alternatives to design a healthy lifestyle (just one bad habit can add more than 500 calories a day to your diet). - How to like healthy foods as much as, if not more than, unhealthy foods (it's all about making small changes). - How to increase satiety to stick to your diet (the right foods can be up to seven times more satiating). - Why the most common type of motivation people use to exercise is usually ineffective (and which types of motivation are much stronger). - How to find time to exercise despite a hectic schedule (and surprising math that shows you actually lose time when you don't make time for exercise). - How to enjoy exercise while still getting the most powerful benefits of it (hint: if your workout involves "work," it's not a good workout). - How to overcome your initial resistance and procrastination based on the remark made by one of the most renowned Renaissance men. - How a trick used by screenwriters can help you figure out the first step needed to get closer to your goals. - How to maintain self-discipline in the long-term by paying attention to what a bestselling non-fiction author calls necessary to survive and thrive. - Three strategies to ensure that you always finish what you started instead of leaving all your projects half-finished. - A principle developed in the 14th century by an English philosopher that can help you simplify your workday and become more productive. - A law humorously invented by a British naval historian that can help you perform your most important tasks in half the time usually needed to get them done.