Based on original translations of passages from the works of three major thinkers of the classical Indian school of Advaita (Sankara, Vacaspati and Sri Harsa), but addressing issues found in Descartes, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Wittgenstein and contemporary analytic philosophers, this book argues for a philosophical position it calls 'non-realism'. This is the view that an independent, external world must be assumed if the features of cognition are to be explained, but that it cannot be proved that there is such a world, independently of an appeal to cognition itself. This position is constructed against idealist denials of externality, realist arguments for an independent world and the sceptical denial of the coherence of cognition.
Based on original translations of passages from the works of three major thinkers of the classical Indian school of Advaita (Sankara, Vacaspati and Sri Harsa), but addressing issues found in Descartes, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Wittgenstein and contemporary analytic philosophers, this book argues for a philosophical position it calls 'non-realism'. This is the view that an independent, external world must be assumed if the features of cognition are to be explained, but that it cannot be proved that there is such a world, independently of an appeal to cognition itself. This position is constructed against idealist denials of externality, realist arguments for an independent world and the sceptical denial of the coherence of cognition.
This book centers on the analysis of pure consciousness as found in Advaita Vedanta, one of the main schools of Indian philosophy. Written lucidly and clearly, this book reveals the depth and implications of Indian metaphysics and argument. It will be of interest to scholars of Indian philosophy and Religious Studies.
The work deals with the subject comprehensively. The treatment closely follows the basic texts of the various schools, which is a unique feature of the work. These volumes deal with the evolution of religious and spiritual thought and philosophical speculation from the principal Upanisads to the Puranas and the Gitas through the Manusamhita and Ramayana and explains the ideas common to them. The book is based on the study of the original texts. It deals with the epistemology, logic, ontology, psychology, ethics and theology of the different systems, though it specializes in their ontology. It gives comprehensive accounts of the Carvaka, the Vaisesika, the Nyaya, and the Navya Nyaya logic of Gangesa. It deals with BhartrhariÍs linguistic monism as expounded in his Vakyapadiya (Brahma-kanda), which is a unique type of philosophy. The subject matter of Vol. I is the philosophies of the Upanisads, the Epics, the Puranas, the Gita, the Philosophies of the Carvakas, the Vaisesika, the Nyaya, the Navya Nyaya, the Mimamsa, and the _abdika of Bhartrhari. Vol. II deals with the philosophies of Samkhya, the Yoga, Jainism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta and other Theistic Vedanta, Saivism, Saktism: while Vol. III contains the philosophies of Bhëskara, Saivism and different _aiva schools and the problem of post Sankara Advaitavada. Dr. Jadunath Sinha's significant work on Indian Philosophy in three volumes deals with the subject comprehensively. His treatment closely follows the basic texts of the various schools, which is a unique feature of the work. The topics included in the volumes are as under: Volume I: The major and minor Upanisads; Epics; Puranas; Gita, Carvaka, Vaisesika; Nyaya; Navya Nyaya; Mimamsa; Sabdika. Volume II: Samkhya; Yoga; Jaina; Early Buddhism; Schools of Buddhism; Background of Vedanta; Advaita; Bhagavad Gita; Bhagavata; Pancaratra; Ramanuja; Madhva; Nimbarka; Vallabha; Caitanya; Saivism & Saktaism. Volume III: Bhaskara; Kasmira Saiva; Pasupata; Saiva Siddhanta; Srikantha; Vira Saiva; Post-Sankara Advaita.
The nature of consciouness or human awareness is one of the problems of perennial concern to philosphers and psychologists alike. Here is a systematic critical and comparative study the nature of human awareness according to the most influential school of classical Indian thought. After introducing the Advaita Philosophical system and indicating the place of consciouness in this system the author presents a detailed discussion of the Advaitin`s unique non-dual understanding of man`s basic intelligence. He continues with and analysis of the Advaitin`s hierarchical vision of waking dream and dreamless sleep experience and compares this analysi,
The present book aims at clarifying various aspects of Indian philosophy by applying concepts used in text science towards their analysis. Text science attempts to establish universal rules which apply to all forms of human expression. If we regard all human expression, 'including behaviour', as communication, it contains a meaning-system whether it has the form of language or not. The human expression may be classified as language, figure, body action, and so forth; we consider all these forms of expression to be texts, for which there must apply universal rules. The aim of text science is to explain how these rules function throughout various types of texts and thus provide a better understanding of human behaviour. Here the direction of analysis is from context to text. It is also possible to move from the text. It is also possible to move from text to context. We can arrive at a new context from texts such as commentaries, which context cannot be discovered through reading only one of those texts. Such a context will certainly help us coherently interpret other texts related to the texts. The concept of context and these two directions of analysis may not be necessarily new tools to scholars of Indian studies, who often adopt this method unconsciously. However, we aim to use this method consciously here. It is an underlying principle of this book that in order to understand texts, written in Sanskrit or other languages, we need to turn our attention towards factors outside of them, such as information provided by other areas of study, which factors we call context.
In this groundbreaking collection of articles, Tara Chatterjea brings Indian philosophy into proximity with contemporary analytic thought. Her emphasis on analytic methodology, as well as the book's combination of epistemology and ethics, makes this work unique. With issues ranging from the definition of pramanya and the relation between truth and knowledge to a meaningful redefinition of moksa, this book will appeal to scholars and will be welcomed into advanced courses in Indian philosophy, religion, and culture.