The 99% Invisible City

The 99% Invisible City

Author: Roman Mars

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Published: 2020

Total Pages: 405

ISBN-13: 0358126606


A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular 99% Invisible podcast

The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism

The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism

Author: Ágnes Heller

Publisher: Transaction Publishers

Published: 1991-01-01

Total Pages: 598

ISBN-13: 9781412824781


This volume provides theoretical construction to the extraordinary events that resulted in the collapse of communism worldwide. The authors attribute a great deal of the problems of totalitarianism to its blind acceptance of a Marxist philosophy of practice. With the failure of communist practice, the collapse of the Marxist paradigm was quick to follow. At its roots, this volume is a critique of the idea that we can have "scientific knowledge" of the social and political future.

Humanitarianism in Question

Humanitarianism in Question

Author: Michael Barnett

Publisher: Cornell University Press

Published: 2008-03-14

Total Pages: 320

ISBN-13: 0801461537


Years of tremendous growth in response to complex emergencies have left a mark on the humanitarian sector. Various matters that once seemed settled are now subjects of intense debate. What is humanitarianism? Is it limited to the provision of relief to victims of conflict, or does it include broader objectives such as human rights, democracy promotion, development, and peacebuilding? For much of the last century, the principles of humanitarianism were guided by neutrality, impartiality, and independence. More recently, some humanitarian organizations have begun to relax these tenets. The recognition that humanitarian action can lead to negative consequences has forced humanitarian organizations to measure their effectiveness, to reflect on their ethical positions, and to consider not only the values that motivate their actions but also the consequences of those actions. In the indispensable Humanitarianism in Question, Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines to address the humanitarian identity crisis, including humanitarianism's relationship to accountability, great powers, privatization and corporate philanthropy, warlords, and the ethical evaluations that inform life-and-death decision making during and after emergencies.

Characterising Needs in Health Care Priority Setting

Characterising Needs in Health Care Priority Setting

Author: Erik Gustavsson

Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press

Published: 2018-01-10

Total Pages: 85

ISBN-13: 9176853861


The focus of this thesis is needs in the context of health care priority setting. The notion of needs has a strong standing in health care policy; however, how the idea should be understood more specifically and how it should guide decisions about priority setting remain contentious issues. The aim of this thesis is to explore how needs should be characterised in health care priority setting. This matter is approached by, first, exploring and developing the conceptual structure of health care needs, and second, discussing and suggesting solutions to normative questions that arise when needs are characterised as a distributive principle. In the first article, the conceptual structure of needs in general and health care needs in particular is explored, and it is argued that a specific characterisation of health care needs is required. In the second article, the notion of health care needs is explored in relation to preferences for health care within the context of shared decision-making. The paper further discusses a number of queries that arise in the intersection between what the patient needs and what the patient wants. The third article discusses how a principle of need should handle questions about interpersonal aggregation. The paper characterises a principle of need which strikes a reasonable balance between giving priority to the worst off and the distribution of benefits with regard to interpersonal aggregation. The fourth article discusses how a principle of need should account for the fact that patients often are badly off due to several conditions rather than one single condition. It is argued that how badly off patients are should be understood as a function of how badly off these patients are when all of their conditions (for which they need health care) are considered. The frame story provides the terminological, theoretical, contextual, and methodological background for the discussion undertaken in this thesis. The conclusions of the articles are brought together and the discussion extended in the concluding discussion by sketching a number of conditions of adequacy for the concept and principle of need relevant for health care priority setting. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på behov och behovsprinciper inom hälso- och sjukvården. Behov har länge haft en stark ställning inom hälso- och sjukvården men det är omdiskuterat hur begreppet ska förstås mer specifikt och framförallt hur det ska vara vägledande för prioriteringar inom hälso- och sjukvården. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att karakterisera behov för sådana prioriteringar. Avhandlingen tar sig an detta syfte utifrån två ansatser. För det första, genom att undersöka och utveckla den begreppsliga strukturen hos vårdbehov och, för det andra, genom att diskutera samt ge förslag på lösningar på ett antal normativa frågor som uppstår när vårdbehov skall karakteriseras som en fördelningsprincip. I den första artikeln undersöks begreppen behov och vårdbehov utifrån den allmänfilosofiska diskussionen om behov. I artikeln karakteriseras begreppet vårdbehov på ett sätt som gör det lämpligt för prioriteringar inom hälsooch sjukvården. I den andra artikeln utforskas begreppet vårdbehov i relation till önskemål om vård inom ramen för delat beslutsfattande. I artikeln diskuteras också ett antal frågeställningar som aktualiseras i relation till den spänning som kan uppstå mellan patientens behov å ena sidan och patientens önskemål å andra sidan. I den tredje artikeln behandlas frågan om hur en behovsprincip bör hantera frågor som rör sammanvägning av olika personers behov. I artikeln karakteriseras och försvaras en behovsprincip som balanserar prioritet till de sämst ställda och hur hälsovinster bör fördelas. I den fjärde artikeln förs en diskussion om hur en behovsprincip bör göra reda för det faktum att patienter ofta lider av samsjuklighet snarare än av ett enskilt tillstånd. I artikeln drivs tesen att hur dåligt ställt en patient har det bör förstås som en funktion av hur dåligt ställt patienten har det när alla patientens tillstånd (för vilka patienten behöver vård) har tagits i beaktande, snarare än hur dåligt ställt patienten har det med avseende på det specifika tillstånd för vilket patienten skall behandlas. I kappan ges den terminologiska, kontextuella, teoretiska och metodologiska bakgrunden för diskussionen i avhandlingen. I en avslutande diskussion förs slutsatserna från artiklarna samman och diskussionen utvidgas genom att skissera ett antal adekvansvillkor för begreppet vårdbehov och behovsprinciper i vården.

Children's and Young People's Nursing in Practice

Children's and Young People's Nursing in Practice

Author: Valerie Coleman

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Published: 2006-09-28

Total Pages: 448

ISBN-13: 023020984X


This innovative textbook uses a problem-based learning (PBL) approach to cover content that is most common to child branch nursing courses. The evidence-based PBL 'triggers' are grounded in the reality of everyday contemporary nursing practice, and readers are engaged in an active learning process in order to develop key skills for clinical practice and life long learning. The book features individual chapters focusing on the different care environments that student nurses experience when caring for children, young people and families within health and social care. It is not necessary for readers to be undertaking a PBL structured course in order to use, and benefit from, this text.