A Very Unusual Journey Into Play

A Very Unusual Journey Into Play

Author: Ben Kingston-Hughes

Publisher: Sage Publications UK

Published: 2022-04-14

Total Pages: 153

ISBN-13: 1529784379


This book is the definitive guide to how play can transform children’s lives. Bringing together for the strands of research on play, this book shows the unique and profound place play has in the neurological development, emotional well-being and health of children.

Why Children Need Joy

Why Children Need Joy

Author: Ben Kingston-Hughes

Publisher: Sage Publications UK

Published: 2023-12-13

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 1529616239


This transformative book looks at one of the most undervalued aspects of childhood, joy. Using the latest neuroscience and biochemistry this book shows that joy, far from being an abstract concept, is one of the key motivators for every aspect of learning and development throughout childhood and something we ignore at our peril. The book gives concrete strategies for increasing the levels of joy in our children and highlights the catastrophic damage that a decline in joy can cause in our children especially in a post pandemic world. Suitable for anyone who works with children, this book puts forward a compelling argument that Joy is profoundly important for all of our children and can fundamentally help our children to thrive. Warning - may contain evil clowns!

Handle with Care

Handle with Care

Author: Loree Griffin Burns

Publisher: Millbrook Press

Published: 2014-03-01

Total Pages: 44

ISBN-13: 0761393420


Some farms grow vegetables or grains, and some raise cows, sheep, chickens, or pigs. But have you ever heard of a butterfly farm? How do you raise a butterfly? On a farm in Costa Rica, workers care for these delicate, winged creatures as they change from eggs to caterpillars to pupae. Like any other crop, the butterflies will eventually leave the farm. But where will they go? And just how do you ship a butterfly? Very carefully! To discover how it works, follow these butterflies on a remarkable journey!

A Very Unusual Wife

A Very Unusual Wife

Author: Barbara Cartland

Publisher: Barbara Cartland EBooks ltd

Published: 2013-12-31

Total Pages: 122

ISBN-13: 1782134557


When the imperious Alston, Marquis of Falcon cynically announces that he is interested in marrying his daughter in order to gain a Royal appointment, the Earl of Warnborough is thoroughly pleased.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ There would be many benefits to being part of his far richer neighbourÕs family and estates! But the beautiful Mirabel is already betrothed and so is Deirdre, albeit secretly, which leaves only Elmina, the youngest and the Cinderella of the Warne familyÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Nevertheless they are all shocked when she shyly says that she will be happy to marry the dashing Marquis.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ But not as stunned as her new husband when she repels his wedding night advances with an expert Karate move!ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Self-educated and schooled in the martial and equine arts, Elmina blossoms inwardly and outwardly with an unusual allure of her own.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ And she prays that her handsome new husband will come to love her for herself. But, when she is kidnapped by murderous horse thieves, it seems that she will die without knowing the love she yearns for ÐÊ



Author: Military Service Institution of the United States


Published: 1916

Total Pages: 550
