The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (Dune) is a set of open-source C++ libraries for the implementation of finite element and finite volume methods. Over the last 15 years it has become one of the most commonly used libraries for the implementation of new, efficient simulation methods in science and engineering. Describing the main Dune libraries in detail, this book covers access to core features like grids, shape functions, and linear algebra, but also higher-level topics like function space bases and assemblers. It includes extensive information on programmer interfaces, together with a wealth of completed examples that illustrate how these interfaces are used in practice. After having read the book, readers will be prepared to write their own advanced finite element simulators, tapping the power of Dune to do so.
This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest.
Domain decomposition is an active, interdisciplinary research area that is devoted to the development, analysis and implementation of coupling and decoupling strategies in mathematics, computational science, engineering and industry. A series of international conferences starting in 1987 set the stage for the presentation of many meanwhile classical results on substructuring, block iterative methods, parallel and distributed high performance computing etc. This volume contains a selection from the papers presented at the 15th International Domain Decomposition Conference held in Berlin, Germany, July 17-25, 2003 by the world's leading experts in the field. Its special focus has been on numerical analysis, computational issues,complex heterogeneous problems, industrial problems, and software development.
A class of finite element methods, the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (DGM), has been under rapid development recently and has found its use very quickly in such diverse applications as aeroacoustics, semi-conductor device simula tion, turbomachinery, turbulent flows, materials processing, MHD and plasma simulations, and image processing. While there has been a lot of interest from mathematicians, physicists and engineers in DGM, only scattered information is available and there has been no prior effort in organizing and publishing the existing volume of knowledge on this subject. In May 24-26, 1999 we organized in Newport (Rhode Island, USA), the first international symposium on DGM with equal emphasis on the theory, numerical implementation, and applications. Eighteen invited speakers, lead ers in the field, and thirty-two contributors presented various aspects and addressed open issues on DGM. In this volume we include forty-nine papers presented in the Symposium as well as a survey paper written by the organiz ers. All papers were peer-reviewed. A summary of these papers is included in the survey paper, which also provides a historical perspective of the evolution of DGM and its relation to other numerical methods. We hope this volume will become a major reference in this topic. It is intended for students and researchers who work in theory and application of numerical solution of convection dominated partial differential equations. The papers were written with the assumption that the reader has some knowledge of classical finite elements and finite volume methods.
The purpose of this book is to offer an overview of the most popular domain decomposition methods for partial differential equations (PDEs). These methods are widely used for numerical simulations in solid mechanics, electromagnetism, flow in porous media, etc., on parallel machines from tens to hundreds of thousands of cores. The appealing feature of domain decomposition methods is that, contrary to direct methods, they are naturally parallel. The authors focus on parallel linear solvers. The authors present all popular algorithms, both at the PDE level and at the discrete level in terms of matrices, along with systematic scripts for sequential implementation in a free open-source finite element package as well as some parallel scripts. Also included is a new coarse space construction (two-level method) that adapts to highly heterogeneous problems.?
This book is a tutorial written by researchers and developers behind the FEniCS Project and explores an advanced, expressive approach to the development of mathematical software. The presentation spans mathematical background, software design and the use of FEniCS in applications. Theoretical aspects are complemented with computer code which is available as free/open source software. The book begins with a special introductory tutorial for beginners. Following are chapters in Part I addressing fundamental aspects of the approach to automating the creation of finite element solvers. Chapters in Part II address the design and implementation of the FEnicS software. Chapters in Part III present the application of FEniCS to a wide range of applications, including fluid flow, solid mechanics, electromagnetics and geophysics.
Topics of this book span the range from spatial and temporal discretization techniques for contact and impact problems with small and finite deformations over investigations on the reliability of micromechanical contact models over emerging techniques for rolling contact mechanics to homogenization methods and multi-scale approaches in contact problems.
Since the dawn of computing, the quest for a better understanding of Nature has been a driving force for technological development. Groundbreaking achievements by great scientists have paved the way from the abacus to the supercomputing power of today. When trying to replicate Nature in the computer’s silicon test tube, there is need for precise and computable process descriptions. The scienti?c ?elds of Ma- ematics and Physics provide a powerful vehicle for such descriptions in terms of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Formulated as such equations, physical laws can become subject to computational and analytical studies. In the computational setting, the equations can be discreti ed for ef?cient solution on a computer, leading to valuable tools for simulation of natural and man-made processes. Numerical so- tion of PDE-based mathematical models has been an important research topic over centuries, and will remain so for centuries to come. In the context of computer-based simulations, the quality of the computed results is directly connected to the model’s complexity and the number of data points used for the computations. Therefore, computational scientists tend to ?ll even the largest and most powerful computers they can get access to, either by increasing the si e of the data sets, or by introducing new model terms that make the simulations more realistic, or a combination of both. Today, many important simulation problems can not be solved by one single computer, but calls for parallel computing.