A Status Report on "Advancing Virginia Through Higher Education

A Status Report on

Author: Virginia State Council of Higher Education, Richmond


Published: 2006

Total Pages: 11



As the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) begins development of a new six-year strategic plan for higher education, this report reviews progress made towards the goals of the 2002 plan, each to be accomplished by 2010: (1) Accommodate at least 61,000 additional students; (2) Increase Virginia's national standing in sponsored research; and (3) Enhance the Commonwealth's commitment to instructional quality. A comparison of the total enrollment of public and private (nonprofit) institutions in Virginia between 2000 and 2005 reveals that 49,276 additional students have enrolled. The Commonwealth has seen an increase of 13.2% in degrees awarded by its public colleges and universities between 2000-2001 and 2005-2006; the average time-to-degree for students pursuing a four-year degree has remained consistent, as has the average total credits earned by these students. The strategic plan specifically called for increases in Virginia institutions' national research rankings: the most recent data available on research expenditures indicates that research spending in Virginia increased by nearly 40%; however, the state remained ranked at 37th among all states and the District of Columbia. Overall faculty salary averages reached the 61st percentile in 1999-2000, exceeding the Commonwealth's goal of reaching the 60th percentile of peers. Virginia's faculty salaries did not, however, keep pace with peers between 2000 and 2003. The percentile rankings reached a low for all institutions in 2002-2003 but have begun to rebound since that time. This report overall represent movements in the desired direction and progress toward achieving the goals of the 2002 plan. It is envisioned that the next version of the statewide strategic plan will address specific and measurable goals, representing a new generation of higher education policy. [For Advancing Virginia Through Higher Education: The Systemwide Strategic Plan For Higher Education in Virginia", see ED472506.].

Advancing Virginia

Advancing Virginia

Author: Virginia State Council of Higher Education, Richmond


Published: 2007

Total Pages: 26



Despite many accomplishments and a widely-praised system, there remain significant challenges to address in higher education in Virginia: (1) Although the state performs well in six-year graduation rates for bachelor degree programs, graduation rates at specific four-year institutions range from the very high end of the spectrum to the very low; (2) Growing burdens placed on students from the lowest income levels due to rising tuition charges is a public policy matter of great concern; (3) Statewide remediation rates of 18-21% for college freshmen indicate that improvement is needed in the P-12 system; (4) Rising enrollment demands risk loss of students to the public college system, with accompanying loss of access to higher education opportunity; (5) Lack of progress in advancing Virginia's national standing in research; and (6) Continued skill shortages, especially in nursing, teaching, engineering and technology. The intent of this plan is to establish clarity about state priorities, to inform a coordinated system of higher education within which distinctive institutions may operate with a high degree of autonomy, and to serve state and national needs at a high level of quality by focusing on access, alignment and investment. Twelve goals and accompanying strategies are articulated: (1) Enhance Access Through P-16 Curricular Alignment; (2) Enhance Access Through Improved Coordination of Information; (3) Enhance Affordability Through Financial Aid Advocacy; (4) Enhance Affordability Through Education and Investment Incentives; (5) Improve College Readiness Through Strengthened P-16 Cooperation and Communication; (6) Strengthen P-16 Coordination Through Expanded Data Collection and Analysis; (7) Support State Workforce Needs Through Strengthened Participation in Post-Secondary Education; (8) Conduct a Comprehensive Economic Impact Study of Higher Education; (9) Improve Alignment Between Higher Education and the Commonwealth's Workforce Needs; (10) Strengthen Academic Program Quality and Accountability Through Assessment; (11) Enhance Research Through Investment in Targeted Consortia; and (12) Enhance Research Through Investment in Infrastructure.