Proceedings of the October 1996 symposium, with 84 papers in sections on applications, networks and routing, distributed systems, scheduling and data mapping, graph theory and networks, parallel architectures, wormhole routing, sorting and selection, synchronization techniques, load balancing, datab"
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2007, held in Niagara Falls, Canada, in August 2007. The 83 revised full papers presented together with 3 keynote speeches were carefully reviewed and selected from 244 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on algorithms and applications, architectures and systems, datamining and databases, fault tolerance and security, middleware and cooperative computing, networks, as well as software and languages.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2006, held in Sorrento, Italy in November 2006. The 79 revised full papers presented together with five keynote speeches cover architectures, networks, languages, algorithms, middleware, cooperative computing, software, and applications.
The proceedings of the October 1994 symposium comprise 86 papers in sessions devoted to algorithms (three sessions), applications (three sessions), architecture, communications, distributed algorithms, distributed models, distributed systems (three sessions), fault tolerant systems, interconnection
The 17th annual International Symposium on High Performance Systems and Applications (HPCS 2003) and the first OSCAR Symposium were held in Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada, May 11-14, 2003. The proceedings cover various areas of High Performance Computing, from specific scientific applications to computer architecture. OSCAR is an Open Source clustering software suite for building, maintaining, and using high performance clusters.
The proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on title], held in Dallas, December 1990, comprise 143 papers on topics in algorithm, task scheduling, networks, operating systems, databases, architecture, fault tolerance, VLSI design, graphis/image processing, artificial intelligence, languages/compil
This book is based on columns and tutorials published in the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) during the period 2000OCo2003. It presents many of the most active current research lines in theoretical computer science. The material appears in two volumes, OC Algorithms and ComplexityOCO and OC Formal Models and SemanticsOCO, reflecting the traditional division of the field. The list of contributors includes many of the well-known researchers in theoretical computer science. Most of the articles are reader-friendly and do not presuppose much knowledge of the area in question. Therefore, the book constitutes very suitable supplementary reading material for various courses and seminars in computer science. Contents: Vol 1: Algorithms; Computational Complexity; Distributed Computing; Natural Computing; Vol 2: Formal Specification; Logic in Computer Science; Concurrency; Formal Language Theory. Readership: Upper level undergraduates, graduate students and researchers in theoretical computer science and biocomputing."
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, OPODIS 2004, held at Grenoble, France, in December 2004. The 30 revised full papers presented together with abstracts of 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 102 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on design of distributed systems, ad-hoc networks and mobile agents, grid and networks, security, distributed algorithms, self-stabilization, sensor networks, and task/resource allocation.
This book represents the combined peer-reviewed proceedings of the Eight International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2014, of the Workshop on Cyber Security and Resilience of Large-Scale Systems - WSRL-2014, and of the Sixth International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics- MASTS-2014. All the events were held in Madrid, Spain, during September 3-5, 2014. The 47 contributions published in this book address several topics related to theory and applications of the intelligent distributed computing and multi-agent systems, including: agent-based data processing, ambient intelligence, collaborative systems, cryptography and security, distributed algorithms, grid and cloud computing, information extraction, knowledge management, big data and ontologies, social networks, swarm intelligence or videogames amongst others.