Linear Algebra 4th ed., by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence is one of the world's best textbooks on the subject of finite-dimensional linear analysis. This book offers 266 solutions to problems from chapters 1-7. Specifically, there are 27 solutions to problems in chapter 1; 64 solutions to problems in chapter 2; 17 solutions to problems in chapter 3; 16 solutions to problems in chapter 4; 44 solutions to problems in chapter 5; 50 solutions to problems in chapter 6; and 8 solutions to problems in chapter 7.
"The early chapters contain the topics from linear algebra that students need to know in order to read the rest of the book. The later chapters are devoted to advanced topics, which allow students with more experience to study more intricate types of frames. Toward that end, a Student Presentation section gives detailed proofs of fairly technical results with the intention that a student could work out these proofs independently and prepare a presentation to a class or research group. The authors have also presented some stories in the Anecdotes section about how this material has motivated and influenced their students."--BOOK JACKET.
Theory of Linear and Integer Programming Alexander Schrijver Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands This book describes the theory of linear and integer programming and surveys the algorithms for linear and integer programming problems, focusing on complexity analysis. It aims at complementing the more practically oriented books in this field. A special feature is the author's coverage of important recent developments in linear and integer programming. Applications to combinatorial optimization are given, and the author also includes extensive historical surveys and bibliographies. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in operations research, mathematics and computer science. It will also be of interest to mathematical historians. Contents 1 Introduction and preliminaries; 2 Problems, algorithms, and complexity; 3 Linear algebra and complexity; 4 Theory of lattices and linear diophantine equations; 5 Algorithms for linear diophantine equations; 6 Diophantine approximation and basis reduction; 7 Fundamental concepts and results on polyhedra, linear inequalities, and linear programming; 8 The structure of polyhedra; 9 Polarity, and blocking and anti-blocking polyhedra; 10 Sizes and the theoretical complexity of linear inequalities and linear programming; 11 The simplex method; 12 Primal-dual, elimination, and relaxation methods; 13 Khachiyan's method for linear programming; 14 The ellipsoid method for polyhedra more generally; 15 Further polynomiality results in linear programming; 16 Introduction to integer linear programming; 17 Estimates in integer linear programming; 18 The complexity of integer linear programming; 19 Totally unimodular matrices: fundamental properties and examples; 20 Recognizing total unimodularity; 21 Further theory related to total unimodularity; 22 Integral polyhedra and total dual integrality; 23 Cutting planes; 24 Further methods in integer linear programming; Historical and further notes on integer linear programming; References; Notation index; Author index; Subject index
Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, Second Edition, presents the standard computational aspects of linear algebra and includes a variety of intriguing interesting applications that would be interesting to motivate science and engineering students, as well as help mathematics students make the transition to more abstract advanced courses. The text guides students on how to think about mathematical concepts and write rigorous mathematical arguments.
""Euclid's 'Elements' Redux"" is an open textbook on mathematical logic and geometry for use in grades 7-12 and in undergraduate college courses on proof writing. It is a new edition of the most successful textbook of all time, ""The Elements,"" compiled by Euclid around 300 BC. It contains several hundred exercises as well as a partial answer key. Although it is a copyrighted work, it is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Download it for free at: http: //
Lecture Notes for Linear Algebra provides instructors with a detailed lecture-by-lecture outline for a basic linear algebra course. The ideas and examples presented in this e-book are based on Strang’s video lectures for Mathematics 18.06 and 18.065, available on MIT’s OpenCourseWare ( and YouTube ( Readers will quickly gain a picture of the whole course—the structure of the subject, the key topics in a natural order, and the connecting ideas that make linear algebra so beautiful.
This updated bestseller provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11. The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It includes new Direct3D 11 features such as hardware tessellation, the compute shader, dynamic shader linkage and covers advanced rendering techniques such as screen-space ambient occlusion, level-of-detail handling, cascading shadow maps, volume rendering, and character animation. Includes a companion CD-ROM with code and figures. eBook Customers: Companion files are available for downloading with order number/proof of purchase by writing to the publisher at [email protected].
Analysis (sometimes called Real Analysis or Advanced Calculus) is a core subject in most undergraduate mathematics degrees. It is elegant, clever and rewarding to learn, but it is hard. Even the best students find it challenging, and those who are unprepared often find it incomprehensible at first. This book aims to ensure that no student need be unprepared. It is not like other Analysis books. It is not a textbook containing standard content. Rather, it is designed to be read before arriving at university and/or before starting an Analysis course, or as a companion text once a course is begun. It provides a friendly and readable introduction to the subject by building on the student's existing understanding of six key topics: sequences, series, continuity, differentiability, integrability and the real numbers. It explains how mathematicians develop and use sophisticated formal versions of these ideas, and provides a detailed introduction to the central definitions, theorems and proofs, pointing out typical areas of difficulty and confusion and explaining how to overcome these. The book also provides study advice focused on the skills that students need if they are to build on this introduction and learn successfully in their own Analysis courses: it explains how to understand definitions, theorems and proofs by relating them to examples and diagrams, how to think productively about proofs, and how theories are taught in lectures and books on advanced mathematics. It also offers practical guidance on strategies for effective study planning. The advice throughout is research based and is presented in an engaging style that will be accessible to students who are new to advanced abstract mathematics.
For a sophomore-level course in Linear Algebra. Based on the recommendations of the Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group, this introduction to linear algebra offers a matrix-oriented approach with more emphasis on problem solving and applications. Throughout the text, use of technology is encouraged. The focus is on matrix arithmetic, systems of linear equations, properties of Euclidean n-space, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and orthogonality. Although matrix-oriented, the text provides a solid coverage of vector spaces.