Offers a guide to census indexes, including federal, state, county, and town records, available in print and online; arranged by year, geographically, and by topic.
Volume I. Quilts and textiles, Ceramics, Silver, Weaponry, Furniture, Vernacular architecture, Native American art -- volume II. Photography, Fine art.
This work provides a basic foundation and fundamental source for beginning your genealogical research into Izard County, Arkansas. The author's approach is similar to many 20th Century authors addressing in Part I such topics as the early settlers, early history, early modes of transportation, education and schools, banking, newspapers, towns and villages, wars and conflicts, churches, and county officials. Part II contains biographical sketches of more than 100 individuals and families. Paperback, (1947), repr. 2012, Illus.,168 pp.
Genealogical research in U.S. censuses begins with identifying correct county jurisdictions ??o assist in this identification, the map Guide shows all U.S. county boundaries from 1790 to 1920. On each of the nearly 400 maps the old county lines are superimposed over the modern ones to highlight the boundary changes at ten-year intervals. Accompanying each map are explanations of boundary changes, notes about the census, & tocality finding keys. In addition, there are inset maps which clarify ??erritorial lines, a state-by-state bibliography of sources, & an appendix outlining pitfalls in mapping county boundaries. Finally, there is an index which lists all present day counties, plus nearly all defunct counties or counties later renamed-the most complete list of American counties ever published.
John Hutchison was born in about 1745. He and his wife, Margaret, settled in Prince William County, Virginia in 1770. They had five known children. John died in 1825 in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Descendants and relatives lived mainly in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Virginia and Oklahoma.
A transcript and listing of genealogical data about Dameron - Damron individuals and families found in census records, tax lists, and vital records for 20 states. This data is arranged alphabetically under locality, thereafter chronologically, and finally by name of individual or head of family. Census records for the 19th century and for 1900 and 1910 are used as one of the sources. It is anticipated that another volume will emerge in the future for other states.