The Yugas

The Yugas

Author: Joseph Selbie

Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers

Published: 2011-08-16

Total Pages: 241

ISBN-13: 1565896343


Millions are wondering what the future holds for mankind, and if we are soon due for a world-changing global shift. Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi) and his teacher, Sri Yukteswar, offered key insights into this subject. They presented a fascinating explanation of the rising and falling eras that our planet cycles through every 24,000 years. According to their teachings, we have recently passed through the low ebb in that cycle and are moving to a higher age—an Energy Age that will revolutionize the world. Over one hundred years ago Yukteswar predicted that we would live in a time of extraordinary change, and that much that we believe to be fixed and true—our entire way of looking at the world — would be transformed and uplifted. In The Yugas, authors Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz present substantial and intriguing evidence from the findings of historians and scientists that demonstrate the truth of Yukteswar’s and Yogananda’s revelations.

The Mahābhārata and the Yugas

The Mahābhārata and the Yugas

Author: Luis González Reimann

Publisher: Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers

Published: 2002

Total Pages: 324



This book questions the conventional wisdom that a fully matured theory of the yugas - Hinduism's ages of the world - is integral to the Mahābhārata, and it illustrates how traditional commentators and modern scholars have read the later Purāṇic yuga theory into the Mahābhārata, in particular when it comes to placing the action at the beginning of the current terrible Kali Yuga. Luis González-Reiman discusses the meaning of key terms in the epic by examining the text and early Buddhist sources. This book also traces the sectarian appropriation of the yuga system in later literature and documents how modern religious movements have used the system to proclaim the arrival of a new, prosperous Kṛta Yuga, a phenomenon that coincides with New Age expectations.




Publisher: White Falcon Publishing

Published: 2023-12-15

Total Pages: 370



Almost every ancient culture believed that human civilization and consciousness has progressively declined since an erstwhile Golden Age till the current age of greed and lies, discord and strife, called the Kali Yuga. But when does the Kali Yuga end? And what happens after that? In this extensively researched book, Bibhu Dev Misra has delineated the common threads that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines of ancient cultures, taking the aid of scientific discoveries wherever available. His reconstruction of the original Yuga Cycle framework indicates that the end of the Kali Yuga is just around the corner - in 2025! Within a span of just 15 years, by the year 2040, the Kali Yuga civilization is likely to collapse due to a combination of global wars, environmental catastrophes and comet impacts. The survivors will inherit a renewed earth, bathed in the divine light of the Central Sun. Is there any scientific evidence in support of the Yuga Cycle? What drives the sinusoidal fluctuation in our physical size and consciousness in course of the Yuga Cycle? Why do cataclysmic obliteration of civilizations occur after every Yuga? What do we make of the end-time prophecies which tell of a Savior or Avatar returning at the end of the Kali Yuga? These are some of the key questions addressed in this book. This riveting and thought-provoking work contains one of the most important messages of our time.

Armageddon of Kali Yuga

Armageddon of Kali Yuga

Author: Shathis Vengadasalam

Publisher: Notion Press

Published: 2022-03-28

Total Pages: 251



Kali-yuga started when the Supreme Lord, K???a, left the planet, and will last for 432 000 years. This is the time when morality is at its lowest and evil is at its peak. At the end of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord will incarnate as Lord Kalki and at that time, He will cleanse the Earth from the fallen people and usher in the Golden Age of Satya-yuga. This entire flow of time will occur again and again till Lord Brahm? (the Creator) quits his body. When Lord Brahm? is at the end of his life, the entire creation will be reduced to its nucleus form and will get absorbed in God, waiting for the next cycle to roll. Discover the transcendental story of creation, the flow of time from Satya-yuga to Kali-yuga, pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Kalki, events of the end days, and most importantly, the solution to escape the total annihilation.

Kalki Avatar Soon! Kali Yuga Finito!

Kalki Avatar Soon! Kali Yuga Finito!

Author: London Swaminathan

Publisher: Pustaka Digital Media

Published: 2022-09-14

Total Pages: 104



This book contains two parts; the first part deals with Kali Yuga and Kalki Avatar. There are different views on the calculation of Kali yuga. According to Tamil almanac, the beginning of Kaliyuga is 3102 BCE. But Varahamihira and Kalhana put it 700 years later. Saints like Yogeswar say, Kalyuga Finito; it is Dwapara Yuga now. One Tamil inscription supports the traditional view.

Kali-Yuga and the Kalki-Avatara

Kali-Yuga and the Kalki-Avatara

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-03-25

Total Pages: 24



Kali-Yuga is the age of darkness, misery, and sorrow we live in. However, there is one thing peculiar to the present age that may be used by the student. Consciousness’ eternal pilgrimage from Light to Darkness is a long cycle from Alpha to Omega. When the Kalki-Avatara appears, our sufferings in this world will come to an end. If Vishnu is represented in his forthcoming and last appearance as the Tenth Avatara, it is only because every unit held as an androgyne manifests itself doubly. Messiah is the fifth emanation, or potency. The Kalki-Avatara will come forth from Shambhala, the City of Gods. The heaven will open and He will appear on a white horse. In him was life, and Life was the Light of men. He is the beginning and the end of separateness (i.e., selflessness). He will appear as Maitreya-Buddha in the Seventh Race. The first teacher of this round, on this planet, was a Dhyani-Chohan. The one who will appear at the close of the Seventh Race will again be a Dhyani-Chohan. He will incarnate into the whole humanity collectively, not individualised in one man. Then justice, order, and true brotherly love will be finally restored on earth. What can the true and earnest Theosophists do against the Black Age or Kali Yuga? With Appendices on the “Designations of Kalki-Avatara in major religions, and “Calendar of the Race that never dies.”

SATYA YUGA: Dawn of Golden Age

SATYA YUGA: Dawn of Golden Age

Author: Shivananda Bharati


Published: 2012-07-26

Total Pages: 366

ISBN-13: 9781478227656


This book is brought out by the will of AMARA known to the world as AMBARISHA VARMA, directed by SAPTA RISHIS, guided by VISHWA MITRA MAHARISHI and AGASTYA MAHARISHI, to inform the people of the world about the changes that are happening and how one may address all the problems of the world to a positive, meaningful conclusion. The Pralaya Kala has begun, Pralaya means Prakruti Laya, which means a great chance for the better, from the present condition to a heavenly condition. This requires every individuals participation. This book speaks of solutions for all the problems which the world is facingSARVE JANA SUKHINO BHAVANTO

Dwapara Yuga and Yogananda

Dwapara Yuga and Yogananda

Author: Poor Richard


Published: 2007-11-27

Total Pages: 102

ISBN-13: 0615181317


From the fall of Rome to the Renaissance almost nothing new was discovered. Man looked back to the great learning of classical civilization for inspiration: admiring their thinkers and architects but incapable of equaling them. In turn, those ancients looked back further, to a previous “Golden Age.†Why did civilization fall and then rise again? In 1920, the Indian Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi†, came to the United States with the answer. With his message of simple living and high thinking, he became the most popular speaker in the country. This short book deals with Yogananda and the New Age he described: Dwapara Yuga.

Journey From 28th Dwapara Yuga To 28th Kali Yuga

Journey From 28th Dwapara Yuga To 28th Kali Yuga

Author: Suresh Kumar

Publisher: OrangeBooks Publication

Published: 2021-06-05

Total Pages: 260



In this book the author embarks on a spiritual journey to seek out the greater truth about the universe and time cycle and to give a clear picture about various yugas and the secret of kalpa (Day of Brahma). All his travel experience, wisdom and memories are shared in this book to give a deeper understanding about Time Cycle, God and his greatness to the mankind.



Author: Marty Glass

Publisher: Sophia Perennis

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 392

ISBN-13: 9780900588297


YUGA describes five falls--the Fall into Time, the Reign of Quantity, the Mutation into Machinery, the End of Nature, and the Prison of Unreality. Taken together, these comprise the fate of historical humanity and are, the author is convinced, one-way trips. And the urban-industrial-vehicular-commercial-technological-pharmaceutical-electronic-information-spectator secular society they have produced has ripped the human world to shreds. . . . The book is hard-hitting, but readers who find it disturbing overlook the invincible beatitude that undergirds its every line. When we awaken from our modern nightmare--as sooner or later we all shall--this book will help us remember what that nightmare was. In YUGA the perennial wisdom has found a new and clarion voice. Glass's poetic and novelistic vocabulary, combined with exhaustive and blithely eclectic research, the mind-boggling diversity of his sources and references, even the peculiar Table of Contents, is a radical departure. Equally at home with the Diamond Sutra and the Grundrisse of Karl Marx, while being a careful student of magazine displays at the checkout counters of supermarkets, the author cheerfully presents his book as a provocation rather than as argument. But the master achievement of YUGA, which lies neither in its 'argument' nor its style, is its voice. That voice speaks so palpably from the author's heart that we find it resonating in our hearts as well. The final pages of YUGA are celebrations of joy and love, and the discerning reader will detect those qualities lurking between the lines of the book's every page. For remember, Marty Glass is a spokesman for the truth that underlies all the world's wisdom traditions. Behind the world of appearances--samsara, maya, and the shadows on Plato's cave--stands the uncreated Light, Reality, which is eternal Bliss. This reality speaks to individuals in the darkest of times, and its grace never falters. No one need be completely captive to history's downward trajectory. Its dream unfolds, and we can actually love that dream if we are awake to the fact that it is we ourselves that are, collectively, the immortal Dreamer. The message of YUGA is the message of Tradition, the Sophia Perennis. -- Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions, etc. For those seriously concerned with the plight of present-day humanity and the unprecedented crises through which human society is passing, this book offers many profound insights. It can offer guidelines and openings onto the understanding of the traditional world and that perennial wisdom whose loss has brought about the present age of spiritual darkness. -- Seyyed Hossein Nasr, author of Knowledge and the Sacred, etc.