"Now in its second edition, the Structural Engineer's Pocket Book is a comprehensive pocket reference guide for professional and student structural engineers, particularly those taking the iStructE Part 3 Exam. The combination of tables, data, facts, formulae and rules of thumb make it a valuable aid in scheme design for structural engineers in the office, in transit or on site." "Concise and precise, this second edition is updated to reflect changes to the British Standards, which are used and referenced throughout, as well as the addition of a new section on sustainability. Other subject areas include timber, masonry, steel, concrete, aluminium and glass." --Book Jacket.
Ideal for students on all construction courses Topics presented concisely in plain language and with clear drawings Updated to include revisions to Building and Construction regulations The Building Construction Handbook is THE authoritative reference for all construction students and professionals. Its detailed drawings clearly illustrate the construction of building elements, and have been an invaluable guide for builders since 1988. The principles and processes of construction are explained with the concepts of design included where appropriate. Extensive coverage of building construction practice, techniques, and regulations representing both traditional procedures and modern developments are included to provide the most comprehensive and easy to understand guide to building construction. This new edition has been updated to reflect recent changes to the building regulations, as well as new material on the latest technologies used in domestic construction. Building Construction Handbook is the essential, easy-to-use resource for undergraduate and vocational students on a wide range of courses including NVQ and BTEC National, through to Higher National Certificate and Diploma, to Foundation and three-year Degree level. It is also a useful practical reference for building designers, contractors and others engaged in the construction industry.
The Global Engineers: Building a Safe and Equitable World Together, is inspired by the opportunities for engineers to contribute to global prosperity. This book presents a vision for Global Engineering, and identifies that engineers should be concerned with the unequal and unjust distribution of access to basic services, such as water, sanitation, energy, food, transportation, and shelter. As engineers, we should place an emphasis on identifying the drivers, determinants, and solutions to increasing equitable access to reliable services. Global Engineering envisions a world where everyone has safe water, sanitation, energy, food, shelter, and infrastructure, and can live in health, dignity, and prosperity. This book seeks to examine the role and ultimately the impact of engineers in global development. Engineers are solutions-oriented people. We enjoy the opportunity to identify a product or need, and design appropriate technical solutions. However, the structural and historical barriers to global prosperity requires that Engineers focus more broadly on improving the tools and practice of poverty reduction and that we include health, economics, policy, and governance as relevant expertise with which we are conversant. Engineers must become activists and advocates, rejecting ahistorical technocratic approaches that suggest poverty can be solved without justice or equity. Engineers must leverage our professional skills and capacity to generate evidence and positive impact toward rectifying inequalities and improving lives. Half of this book is dedicated to profiles of engineers and other technical professionals who have dedicated their careers to searching for solutions to global development challenges. These stories introduce the reader to the diverse opportunities and challenges in Global Engineering.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
The comprehensive reference on the basics of structural analysis and design, now updated with the latest considerations of building technology Structural design is an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult to learn. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a building project, architects need to know enough structural theory and analysis to design a building. Most texts on structures for architects focus narrowly on the mathematical analysis of isolated structural components, yet Building Structures looks at the general concepts with selected computations to understand the role of the structure as a building subsystem—without the complicated mathematics. New to this edition is a complete discussion of the LRFD method of design, supplemented by the ASD method, in addition to: The fundamentals of structural analysis and design for architects A glossary, exercise problems, and a companion website and instructor's manual Material ideally suited for preparing for the ARE exam Profusely illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs, and including new case studies, Building Structures, Third Edition is perfect for nonengineers to understand and visualize structural design.
Presents professional information designed to keep Army engineers informed of current and emerging developments within their areas of expertise for the purpose of enhancing their professional development. Articles cover engineer training, doctrine, operations, strategy, equipment, history, and other areas of interest to the engineering community.
This third edition of a popular textbook is a concise single-volume introduction to the design of structural elements in concrete, steel, timber, masonry, and composites. It provides design principles and guidance in line with both British Standards and Eurocodes, current as of late 2007. Topics discussed include the philosophy of design, basic structural concepts, and material properties. After an introduction and overview of structural design, the book is conveniently divided into sections based on British Standards and Eurocodes.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.