Concentrating on the classic animated feature films produced under Walt Disney's personal supervision, Robin Allan examines the European influences on some of the most beloved Disney classics from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The Jungle Book. This lavishly illustrated volume is based on archival research and extensive interviews with those who worked closely with Walt Disney.
Originally published in "Good Housekeeping" magazine, these 50 legendary one-page features translated Disney's newest releases into rollicking comic poems illustrated by master Disney painters Tom Wood and Hank Porter.
Easy-to-read, step-by-step instructions for ten magic tricks that can be performed with a dollar bill, yarn, ruler, playing cards, and other common items.
Long considered a figurehead of family values and wholesome adolescence, the Disney franchise has faced increasing criticism over its gendered representations of children in film, its stereotypical representations of race and non-white cultures, and its emphasis on the heterosexual couple. Against a historical backdrop of studio history, audience reception, and the industrial-organizational apparatus of Disney media, Seán Harrington examines the Disney classics through a psychoanalytical framework to explore the spirit of devotion, fandom, and frenzy that is instilled in consumers of Disney products and that underlie the fantasy of the Magic Kingdom. This compelling study demystifies the unsettling cleanliness and pretensions to innocence that the Disney brand claims to hold.
United Artists was a unique motion picture company in the history of Hollywood. Founded by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and director D.W. Griffith—four of the greatest names of the silent era—United Artists functioned as a distribution company for independent producers. In this lively and detailed history of United Artists from 1919 through 1951, film scholar Tino Balio chronicles the company’s struggle for survival, its rise to prominence as the Tiffany of the industry, and its near extinction in the 1940s. This edition is updated with a new introduction by Balio that places in relief UA’s operations for those readers who may be unfamiliar with film industry practices and adds new perspective to the company’s place within Hollywood.