Preliminary Material /G. Quispel -- Einführung /G. Quispel -- Die eigenart des syrischen christentums /G. Quispel -- Makarius und das jüdische christentum /G. Quispel -- Makarius und tatian /G. Quispel -- Makarius und das thomasevangelium /G. Quispel -- Makarius und das lied von der perle /G. Quispel -- Das thomasevangelium und die gnosis /G. Quispel -- Ausblick /G. Quispel -- Register der bibelstellen /G. Quispel -- Personenregister /G. Quispel -- Autorenregister /G. Quispel.
A splendid new translation of an extraordinary work of modern literature—featuring facing-page commentary by Kafka’s acclaimed biographer In 1917 and 1918, Franz Kafka wrote a set of more than 100 aphorisms, known as the Zürau aphorisms, after the Bohemian village in which he composed them. Among the most mysterious of Kafka’s writings, they explore philosophical questions about truth, good and evil, and the spiritual and sensory world. This is the first annotated, bilingual volume of these extraordinary writings, which provide great insight into Kafka’s mind. Edited, introduced, and with commentaries by preeminent Kafka biographer and authority Reiner Stach, and freshly translated by Shelley Frisch, this beautiful volume presents each aphorism on its own page in English and the original German, with accessible and enlightening notes on facing pages. The most complex of Kafka’s writings, the aphorisms merge literary and analytical thinking and are radical in their ideas, original in their images and metaphors, and exceptionally condensed in their language. Offering up Kafka’s characteristically unsettling charms, the aphorisms at times put readers in unfamiliar, even inhospitable territory, which can then turn luminous: “I have never been in this place before: breathing works differently, and a star shines next to the sun, more dazzlingly still.” Above all, this volume reveals that these multifaceted gems aren’t far removed from Kafka’s novels and stories but are instead situated squarely within his cosmos—arguably at its very core. Long neglected by Kafka readers and scholars, his aphorisms have finally been given their full due here.
As the most prominent German-Jewish Romantic writer, Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) became a focal point for much of the tension generated by the Jewish assimilation to German culture in a time marked by a growing emphasis on the shared ancestry of the German Volk. As both an ingenious composer of Romantic verse and the originator of modernist German prose, he defied nationalist-Romantic concepts of creative genius that grounded German greatness in an idealist tradition of Dichter und Denker. And as a brash, often reckless champion of freedom and social justice, he challenged not only the reactionary ruling powers of Restoration Germany but also the incipient nationalist ideology that would have fateful consequences for the new Germany--consequences he often portended with a prophetic vision born of his own experience. Reaching to the heart of the `German question,' the controversies surrounding Heine have been as intense since his death as they were in his own lifetime, often serving as an acid test for important questions of national and social consciousness. This new volume of essays by scholars from Germany, Britain, Canada, and the United States offers new critical insights on key recurring issues in his work: the symbiosis of German and Jewish culture; emerging nationalism among the European peoples; critical views of Romanticism and modern philosophy; European culture on the threshold to modernity; irony, wit, and self-critique as requisite elements of a modern aesthetic; changing views on teleology and the dialectics of history; and final thoughts and reconsiderations from his last, prolonged years in a sickbed. Contributors: Michael Perraudin, Paul Peters, Roger F. Cook, Willi Goetschel, Gerhard Höhn, Paul Reitter, Robert C. Holub, Jeffrey Grossman, Anthony Phelan, Joseph A. Kruse, and George F. Peters. Roger F. Cook is professor of German at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
The Myth of Power and the Self brings together Walter Sokel's most significant essays on Kafka written over a period of thirty-one years, 1966-1997. Franz Kafka (1883-1924) has come to be one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. The Myth of Power and the Self brings together Walter Sokel's most significant essays on Kafka written over a period of thirty-one years, 1966-1997. This volume begins with a discussion of Sokel's 1966 pamphlet on Kafka and a summary of his 1964 book, Tragik und Ironie (Tragedy and Irony), which has never been translated into English, and includes several essays published in English for the first time. Sokel places Kafka's writings in a very large cultural context by fusing Freudian and Expressionist perspectives and incorporating more theoretical approaches--linguistic theory, Gnosticism, and aspects of Derrida--into his synthesis. This superb collection of essays by one of the most qualified Kafka scholars today will bring new understanding to Kafka's work and will be of interest to literary critics, intellectual historians, and students and scholars of German literature and Kafka.
Jewish anthropological beliefs during the Hellenistic-Roman period are an important but previously neglected area of biblical exegesis and Jewish studies. In an effort to address this deficiency, this volume brings together 20 essays related to the subject of sin and death, with special emphasis on integrating material from neighboring cultures. Thus, the volume provides an exemplary foundation for further research on ancient Jewish anthropology.
As the Christian doctrine of Incarnation asserts, “the Word became Flesh.” Yet, while this metaphor is grounded in Christian tradition, its varied functions far exceed any purely theological import. It speaks to the nature of God just as much as to the nature of language. In Philology of the Flesh, John T. Hamilton explores writing and reading practices that engage this notion in a range of poetic enterprises and theoretical reflections. By pressing the notion of philology as “love” (philia) for the “word” (logos), Hamilton’s readings investigate the breadth, depth, and limits of verbal styles that are irreducible to mere information. While a philologist of the body might understand words as corporeal vessels of core meaning, the philologist of the flesh, by focusing on the carnal qualities of language, resists taking words as mere containers. By examining a series of intellectual episodes—from the fifteenth-century Humanism of Lorenzo Valla to the poetry of Emily Dickinson, from Immanuel Kant and Johann Georg Hamann to Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Kafka, and Paul Celan—Philology of the Flesh considers the far-reaching ramifications of the incarnational metaphor, insisting on the inseparability of form and content, an insistence that allows us to rethink our relation to the concrete languages in which we think and live.
In Alois Riegl in Vienna 1875-1905, Diana Cordileone applies standard methods of cultural and intellectual history for close readings of Riegl’s published texts, several of which are still unavailable in English. Using archival and other primary sources this study also illuminates the institutional conflicts and imperatives that shaped Riegl’s oeuvre. The result is a multi-layered philosophical, cultural and institutional history of this art historian’s work of the fin-de-siècle that demonstrates his close relationship to several of the significant actors in Vienna at the end of the nineteenth century.
Wir laden Sie ein, das Werk des beliebtesten Autors des Unterhaltungsgenres der 1920er Jahre zu entdecken. Vor allem die Kriminal- und Abenteuerromane sind von den persönlichen Erfahrungen des Autors inspiriert, der als Frontoffizier im Ersten Weltkrieg kämpfte. Diese außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen haben auch die Figuren des Autors geprägt: Sie sind selbstbewusst und finden immer einen Ausweg aus jeder Situation. Wir haben über 200 seiner berühmtesten Romane für Sie gesammelt. Inhalt: Der Goldschatz der Azoren Die Geheimnisse von Malmotta Die Goldkarawane. Reiseabenteuer in Nordafrika und in der Sahara Die Mumie der Königin Semenostris Die Wolkenkönigin Das Haus der Geheimnisse Die Zauberinsel Die Höhlen von Saint-Pierre Der Mumiensaal Die Schlucht in der Wüste Der Gespensterlöwe Unter den Muka Lari-Zwergen Ibrahim ben Garb, der Pirat der Wüste Die Rätsel des Dschebel el Dachali Die Schätze des Wahhabiten Der versteinerte Wald Der Tempel Salomonis Das Tagebuch des Steuermanns Das Gold der Najade Die Meuterer der Frigga Das Land Gigantea Die Insel im Sargassomeer Das weiße Eiland Die Überlebenden der "Skandinavia" Die Pirateninsel C. 15 Ein Luftschifferabenteuer Kapitän Bergers Kinder Das Piratennest auf Neu-Helgoland Der goldene Geiser Am Ende der Welt Das Loch im Ozean (Fortsetzung von Am Ende der Welt) Gräfin Trixchen Des Schicksals Wunderwege Das Glück unterm Dach Der Millionär ohne Geld Die grüne Wand Die Verschleppten von Krapschaken Die Perle der Königin Das gesperrte Schloß Das Herz von Stein Seine Frau - sein Schicksal Die Fackel des Südpols Der Reiter am Himmel Im Niemandsland Der Erbe von Monte-Christo Das Grab der Namenlosen Die Stadt der Verbannten Die Wunderinsel im Tsad-See Erstarrte Tränen Das Schlangenhaupt der Medusa Der Mäusebussard von Norwood Das Wrack D O XII Die Treppe der Büßer Die Galgenbrüder Das Reich der Toten Das heilige Lächeln Die Säulen des Herkules Die Landstreicher Die blonde Geisha Die Kreuzspinne Der gestohlene Ruhm Das Mädchen für alles Das graue Gespenst Das Katzenpalais Das Geheimnis eines Lebens Das Dogmoore-Wappen Das Geheimnis um die Ginsterschlucht Der Schlingensteller Der Ring der Borgia Auf falscher Fährte Spuren im Neuschnee Der hüpfende Teufel Der Tempel der Liebe Das Haus am Mühlengraben Die Liebespost Das Gift des Vergessens Im Schatten der Schuld Das Haus des Hasses Die blaue Königin Der Doppelgänger Der Kobrakopf Der Obstkahn am Elisabethufer Der Stein der Wangerows Der Tote in der Burgruine Irrende Seelen Thomas Bruck, der Sträfling Das stille Haus Die Hand des Toten Die gelbe Wachskerze Der tote Missionar Die Insel auf dem Wyßtyter See Ming Tschuan Die rote Rose Das Atlantikgespenst Die Schildkröte Die grüne Schlange Das Teekästchen Die Todgeweihten Der Krokodillederkoffer Treff-Aß Der Wilddieb Die leere Villa Der Mann mit der Narbe Die silberne Scheibe Die Billionenbeute Die Tigerinsel John Goodsteaks Hochzeitsreise Das Radiogespenst Das Teufelsriff Der Zauberblick Die Ladygaunerin Zwei Taschentücher Das Geheimnis des Czentowo-Sees Der Sultan von Padagoa Der Fakir ohne Arme Das Kranichnest Das Kreuz auf der Stirn Der Spiritistenklub Die drei Päckchen Der rätselhafte Gast Lydia Salnavoors Testament Traudes Hochzeitsabend Amalgis Ahnengalerie Dämon Rache Einer von der Hammonia Die schwarzen Katzen Der neue Graf von Monte Christo Das Eiland der Toten Auf dem See des Schweigens Wie Doktor Amalgi starb Die Millionenerbin Doktor Amalgis Vermächtnis Timitri, das Leichenschiff Robbenfang Fürst Spinatri Das Urwaldrätsel Jakob Maschel, der Hausierer Die unerforschte Stadt Die Geheimnisse der Prinz Albert-Berge Pension Dr. Buckmüller Vier Tote Dr. Haldens Patient Das Ende einer Mainacht Drei Löwen Moderne Verbrecher Dämon Chanawutu Wer?! Salon Geisterberg Die Talmifabrik...