Sampling Protocol, Estimation, and Analysis Procedures for the Down Woody Materials Indicator of the FIA Program

Sampling Protocol, Estimation, and Analysis Procedures for the Down Woody Materials Indicator of the FIA Program

Author: Christopher Woodall


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 72



The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service conducts a national inventory of forests of the United States. A subset of FIA permanent inventory plots are sampled every year for indicators of forest health such as soils, understory vegetation, and down woody materials (DWM). The DWM indicator provides estimates of down and dead woody materials in forest ecosystems. Estimates of DWM are used in assessments of forest-ecosystem attributes such as fuel loadings, carbon stocks, and structural diversity. As defined by the FIA program, DWM comprises fine and coarse woody debris, slash piles, duff, litter, and shrub/herbs cover and height. Components of DWM are sampled using the line-intersect method, point sampling, and fixed-radius sampling. DWM data analyses are an integral part of national inventory reports, multi-scale forest-health reports, and wildlife-habitat, and fuel-loading assessments. The DWM inventory began in 2001 and currently is implemented in 46 states and two territories. In this report we provide the rationale and context for a national inventory of DWM, describe woody material components sampled by the DWM indicator, discuss the sampling protocol used to measure the DWM components and corresponding estimation procedures, and provide guidance on managing and processing DWM data and incorporating that information into pertinent inventory analyses and research projects.