With the expansion of the World Wide Web during the last decade, libraries and their standards face an ever-complex environment, with new types, genres and forms of information resources. Changing information network structures and the emergence of new retrieval methods all play their roles. A three day conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal in March 2006, in order to review the current state of bibliographic standards and to discuss a number of questions in charting a future for their development.
This is the first book to examine standards specifically as they apply to cataloging and classification, while at the same time considering the field of library science as a whole. The developments in standards detailed in Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules portend great time savings in the cataloging process for those catalogers willing to advocate the necessary programming to their systems officer or bibliographic utility. Standards in the library and information science community underlie and impact the work of librarians and information specialists on a daily basis, yet, remain inconspicuous to even the most knowledgeable in the field. Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules reviews the state of a full range of formal and informal standards and rules utilized in cataloging and classification. It also provides historical perspective, commentary, assessment of significance, and anticipation of future developments and evaluates the connections and interrelationships that exist among the various standards. Chapters in Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules are written by professionals who have been key figures in the development of standards and have accessed primary source material for the preparation of their articles. They address these: what exactly constitutes a standard how something becomes a standard how standards undergo change evaluation of and commentary on the effectiveness of current standards the latest information on several standards currently in development, testing, or implementation what the future may hold Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules is a valuable reference book for both beginning and experienced professional librarians. As managers and consumers of bibliographic information, it is crucial that librarians understand the nature and status of a variety of formal and informal standards. This book will assist them in this task. Library school students specializing in cataloging and classification will also find this book an indispensable guide as they prepare themselves for employment in the field.
International authority control will soon be a reality. Examine the projects that are moving the information science professions in that direction today! In Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience, international experts examine the state of the art and explore new theoretical perspectives. This essential resource, which has its origins in the International Conference on Authority Control (Italy, 2003), addresses standards, exchange formats, and metadata—with sections on authority control for names, works, and subjects. Twenty fascinating case examples show how authority control is practiced at institutions in various nations around the world. Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information provides an essential definition of authority control and then begins its sharply focused examinations of essential aspects of authority control with a section entitled “State of the Art and New Theoretical Perspectives.” Here you’ll find chapters focusing on: the current state of the art—with suggestions for future developments the importance (and current lack) of teaching authority control as part of a library/information science curriculum the guidelines and methodology used in the creation of Italy’s SBN Authority File Next, “Standards, Exchange Formats, and Metadata” covers: Italy’s Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana UNIMARC database, which was created using authority control principles the past and present activities of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and an examination of IFLA’s Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR) metadata standards as a means for accomplishing authority control in digital libraries traditional international library standards for bibliographic and authority control the evolution and current status of authority control tools for art and material culture information the UNIMARC authorities format—what it is and how to work with it “Authority Control for Names and Works” brings you useful, current information on: changes and new features in the new edition of the International Standard Archival Authority Record (Corporate Bodies, Persons, Families) Encoded Archival Context (EAC)—and its role in enhancing access to and understanding of records, and how it enables repositories to share creator description the LEAF model for collection, harvesting, linking, and providing access to existing local/national name authority data national bibliographic control in China, Japan, and Korea, plus suggestions for future cooperation between bibliographic agencies in East Asia authority control of printers, publishers, and booksellers how to create up-to-date corporate name authority records authority control (and the lack of it) for works “Authority Control for Subjects” updates you on: subject gateways—with a look at the differences between the Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s SACO program and browsable online subject gateways MACS—a virtual authority file that crosses language barriers to provide multilingual access OCLC’s FAST project, which strives to retain the rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use the efforts of Italy’s National Central Library toward semantic authority control the interrelationship of subject indexing languages and authority control—with a look at the “semantics vs. syntax” issue how subject indexing is done in Italy’s Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale “Authority Control Experiences and Proje
Since its inception in 1997,the EuropeanConferenceon Researchand Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) has come a long way, creating a strong interdisciplinarycommunityofresearchersandpractitionersinthe?eldofdigital libraries. We are proud to present the proceedings of ECDL 2005, the ninth conference in this series, which, following Pisa (1997), Heraklion (1998), Paris (1999), Lisbon (2000), Darmstadt (2001), Rome (2002), Trondheim (2003), and Bath (2004), took place on September 18–23, 2005 in Vienna, Austria. ECDL 2005 featured separate calls for paper and poster submissions, resu- ing in 130 full papers and 32 posters being submitted to the conference. All - pers were subject to a thorough peer-review process, with an 87-person-strong Program Committee and a further 68 additional reviewers from 35 countries from basically all continents sharing the tremendous review load, producing - tween three and four detailed reviews per paper. Based on these, as well as on the discussion that took place during a one-week on-line PC discussion phase, 41 papers were ?nally selected for inclusion in the conference program during a 1. 5 day PC meeting, resulting in an acceptance rate of only 32%. Furthermore, 17 paper submissions were accepted for poster presentations with an additional 13 posters being accepted based on a simpli?ed review process of 2–3 reviews per poster from the poster submission track. Both the full papers as well as extended abstracts of the posters presented at ECDL 2005 are provided in these proceedings.
The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, comprising of seven volumes, now in its fourth edition, compiles the contributions of major researchers and practitioners and explores the cultural institutions of more than 30 countries. This major reference presents over 550 entries extensively reviewed for accuracy in seven print volumes or online. The new fourth edition, which includes 55 new entires and 60 revised entries, continues to reflect the growing convergence among the disciplines that influence information and the cultural record, with coverage of the latest topics as well as classic articles of historical and theoretical importance.
With the introduction of the Bologna Process, the emphasis on the importance of international librarianship and its activity between governmental or non-governmental institutions, organizations, and groups of nations has continued to grow. Collaboration in International and Comparative Librarianship highlights the importance of international librarianship in governmental and non-governmental institutions, organizations, and groups in order to promote, develop, and maintain librarianship and the library profession around the world. This publication is essential for graduate students, researchers, teachers, and LIS administrators in the field of library science.
This third edition of Taylor's modern classic continues to articulate the theory, principles, standards, and tools behind information organization. As with previous editions, it begins with strong justification for the continued importance of organizing principles and practice. Following a broad overview of the concept and its role in human endeavors, Taylor and Joudrey provide a detailed and insightful discussion of such basic retrieval tools as inventories, bibliographies, catalogs, indexes, finding aids, registers, databases, major bibliographic utilities, and other organizing entities; and subsequently trace the development of the organization of recorded information in Western civilization from 2000 B.C.E. to the present. Standards of codification (MARC, SGML, and various DTDs), controlled vocabularies and ontologies, and Web 2.0 technologies are but a sample of its extensive topical coverage. The Organization of Information remains the title of choice for students and professionals eager to embrace the heritage, immediacy, and future of this fascinating field of study.