Los niños les encantarán el sentimiento de sus cuerpos cuando visualicen o imaginen los colores del arco iris. Los niños se unen al Niño de Mar y la Tortuga, mientras que toman un paseo en una burbuja a través del mundo de la relajación. La Visualización, también conocido como '¿¿creación imaginaria'¿¿, puede reducir los niveles de estrés y ansiedad. Puede tener un impacto positivo en la salud, creatividad y rendimiento de su hijo(a). Puede ser usado para disminuir dolor y enojo. La colorida imaginación de esta historia pone en blanco la mente y relaja el cuerpo, así su hijo(a) puede controlar el estrés y quedarse dormido(a) tranquilamente.
Todos los seres humanos tenemos la posibilidad de recuperarnos de manera efectiva frente a las adversidades y de sacar provecho de las mismas. En La otra cara de la tragedia, un libro basado en la ciencia y en la solidaridad de las personas, Paulo Daniel Acero, muestra a los lectores cómo frente a grandes dificultades y experiencias traumáticas siempre existe la posibilidad de recuperación, de sobrevivir psicológicamente y de crecer como seres humanos. El autor, psicólogo experto en trauma y resiliencia, concibe un interesante libro de psicología positiva, desde una perspectiva optimista que promueve el desarrollo humano basado en la ciencia y en las potencialidades de los individuos y de los grupos. De gran utilidad tanto para psicólogos, especialistas y acompañantes de procesos de duelo, como para aquellas personas que buscan superar la adversidad y experimentar, a partir de la misma, el crecimiento humano.
Esta amplia introducción al bilingüismo en español abarca los contextos sociales, políticos y culturales del español en EEUU, España y Hispanoamérica. Escrito para estudiantes no nativos de español, es el primer libro de texto de estas características para los estudiantes de lingüística hispánica. Este libro de texto en español presenta los temas fundamentales en el estudio del bilingüismo a estudiantes y profesionales Explora comunidades bilingües en Estados Unidos, Hispanoamérica y España Crea conciencia crítica sobre la complejidad del bilingüismo como un fenómeno sociopolítico y cultural Se organiza en tres secciones principales centradas en la sociedad y el individuo: el bilingüismo y la sociedad; el bilingüismo y el individuo; y la política y la educación Incluye mapas, recuadros de resumen del capítulo, vocabulario y conceptos clave y preguntas de comprensión, así como preguntas para reflexionar, investigar y comentar al final de cada capítulo This wide-ranging introduction to Spanish bilingualism covers the social, political, and cultural contexts of Spanish in the US, Spain, and Hispanoamérica. Written for non-native Spanish learners, it offers the first textbook of its kind for students of Hispanic linguistics. This Spanish-language textbook introduces students and professionals to the fundamental issues in the study of bilingualism Explores bilingual communities in the United States, Hispanoamérica, and Spain Raises critical awareness of the complexity of bilingualism as a sociopolitical and cultural phenomenon Organized in three main sections which focus on both society and the individual: bilingualism and society; bilingualism and the individual; and politics and education Includes maps, chapter summary boxes, key terms and concepts, and comprehension questions, as well as questions for reflection, research and discussion at the end of each chapter
Children books are fascinating! They often leave us with fond and great memories. One of the most important things in life is being able to read something that stays in your mind and you feel in your heart forever. This is what you will find in Ralph Brooks book of poems. Mr. Brooks honors the Philippines country with the cover of this book, front and back. A sow of appreciation for their love and support to him and his best friend, Darrell Ingram during their travel that started in 2010 and continues today. This book focuses on poems that are easy to read to kids from ages six and up. This book will help children build upon his or her reading skills. Reading development in the first few years of life is very important. It stays with the children for the rest of their life. The more children read, the better they become at reading. It adds to the success of the growing child later on in life. This book encompasses many different styles of easy reading, a variety of children’s poems from sports icons, animal poetry, bedtime poems, inspirational quotes for kids, and an activity colorful page for parents and kids to engaged and appreciate the magic of reading!
Recent developments in linguistic theory, as well as the growing body of evidence from languages other than English, provide new opportunities for deeper explorations into how language is represented in the mind of learners. This collection of new empirical studies on the acquisition of Spanish morphosyntax by leading researchers in the field of language acquisition, specifically contributes to the characterization of the L1 / L2 connection in acquisition. Using L1 and L2 Spanish data from children and adults, the authors seek to address the central questions that have occupied developmental psycholinguists in the final decades of the previous century and that will no doubt continue engaging them into the present one.
El Niño is a meteorologic/oceanographic phenomenon that occurs sporadically (every few years) at low latitudes. It is felt particularly strongly in the eastern Pacific region, notably from the equator southwards along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. The El Niño is a component of the ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) which accentuates the intimate and causal connection between atmospheric and marine processes. Obvious manifestations of El Niño in the eastern Pacific are anomalous warming of the sea; reduced upwelling; a marked decline in fisheries, and high rainfall with frequent flooding.The 1982/83 El Niño was exceptionally severe, and was probably the strongest warming of the equatorial Pacific Ocean to occur during this century. The warming was intense and spread over large parts of the Pacific Ocean and penetrated to greater depths than usual. Many eastern Pacific coral reefs that had exhibited uninterrupted growth for several hundred years until 1983 were devasted by the disturbance and are now in an erosional mode. Marine species were adversely affected. The consequent depletion of the plant food base resulted in significant reductions in stocks of fish, squid etc. This led to a mass migration and near-total reproductive failure of marine birds at Christmas Island.Emphasis in this volume is placed on disturbances to benthic communities; littoral populations; terrestrial communities and extratropical regions.
Uno de los grandes problemas de la infinidad que existe, referente a la escasa cultura de la lectura en México es la poca promoción de actividades de sensibilización a la lectura. Me refiero desde luego a las instituciones oficiales que por antonomasia le corresponde realizar todo lo referente a esta área. Por lo mencionado a priori, al no existir espacios o escaparates donde los niños y jóvenes puedan dar a conocer su gran creatividad e imaginación, simple y sencillamente la sociedad deja de evolucionar para quedar en el oscurantismo, como en el Medioevo. En esa patética pasividad, a los niños se les coarta la posibilidad de seguir desarrollando a su máxima capacidad su creatividad. Una vez analizado profundamente durante muchos años y como docente de la Primaria "Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez", de Palenque, Chiapas; México; vi que existía la necesidad imperiosa de hacer realidad todas las actividades del gran proyecto cultural visionario, pero cultura en el amplio sentido de la palabra; que inicié hace aproximadamente veinte años, y precisamente la publicación de la presente obra que contiene las producciones literarias de alumnos de primaria y secundaria, solo es uno de los elementos cristalizados del proyecto. Pero enfatizo algo, no solo es suficiente realizar todo lo mencionado a priori, sino debe existir la necesidad imperiosa de ser filántropo para realizar todo aquello que para la gran mayoría de los entes lo tienen concebido como imposible, es decir; su chip ya se lo programaron para que piensen y actúen como tal. Es nuestra responsabilidad evitar a toda costa que esto le ocurra a las nuevas generaciones.
Written by a team of experienced teachers of Spanish, this textbook is designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish, giving balanced attention to the four key language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). It puts language learning into its real-life context, by incorporating authentic materials such as newspaper articles, poems and songs. It contains a learner and a teacher guide and is intended to complement study both inside and outside the classroom, by providing pair and group activities, as well as materials for independent learning. It also includes helpful reference features, such as a guide to grammatical terms, verb tables, vocabulary lists and a pronunciation guide. This extensively updated second edition features extra exercises to support the acquisition of good pronunciation, and is accompanied by a web companion that hosts expansion exercises, activities, solutions and useful links for each unit, as well transcripts, and access to brand new recordings of all the audio examples found in the book.
This two-part book on collections of paintings in Madrid is part of the series Documents for the History of Collecting, Spanish Inventories 1, which presents volumes of art historical information based on archival records. One hundred forty inventories of noble and middle-class collections of art in Madrid are accompanied by two essays describing the taste and cultural atmosphere of Madrid in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.