This manual suggests design operating and performance criteria for specific surface water quality conditions to provide the optimum protection from microbiological contaminants.
Legionnaires' disease, a pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacterium, is the leading cause of reported waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States. Legionella occur naturally in water from many different environmental sources, but grow rapidly in the warm, stagnant conditions that can be found in engineered water systems such as cooling towers, building plumbing, and hot tubs. Humans are primarily exposed to Legionella through inhalation of contaminated aerosols into the respiratory system. Legionnaires' disease can be fatal, with between 3 and 33 percent of Legionella infections leading to death, and studies show the incidence of Legionnaires' disease in the United States increased five-fold from 2000 to 2017. Management of Legionella in Water Systems reviews the state of science on Legionella contamination of water systems, specifically the ecology and diagnosis. This report explores the process of transmission via water systems, quantification, prevention and control, and policy and training issues that affect the incidence of Legionnaires' disease. It also analyzes existing knowledge gaps and recommends research priorities moving forward.
"Well-written and informative." --Richard Lewis, Lewis Information Systems "This [book] combines information which could possibly haverequired as many as four reference sources in the past." --Steven C. Messer In its first edition, John De Zuane's popular reference drewwide praise for being an insightful theoretical resource. Now, inthe second edition of Handbook of Drinking Water Quality, DeZuane builds on that legacy with the same practical and conceptualemphases, adding a wealth of new information that providesimmediate access to the data and guidelines needed to * understand the impact of drinking water parameters on publichealth * help build and operate water supply facilities * conduct reliable drinking water sampling, monitoring, andanalytical evaluation * implement potability standards from the source to the treatmentfacility, to storage, to the tap * write new standards and expand/modify existing standards asquickly as needed Preventing contamination of drinking water requires amultidisciplinary perspective, one that incorporates elements ofbacteriology, chemistry, physics, engineering, public health,preventive medicine, and control and evaluation management. In aconcise, easy-to-use format, Handbook of Drinking WaterQuality, Second Edition, describes * Data and guidelines from the World Health Organization and theEuropean Community used to develop drinking water standards * U.S. drinking water standards--their physical, chemical,microbiological, and radionuclide parameters and monitoringrequirements * EPA-approved analytical methods and the most effectivetreatment technologies for each contaminant * Critical concepts of water quality control as applied in watertreatment in conventional or chemical treatment plants * Disinfection and fluoridation requirements * Common problems with water distribution systems, including deadends, sediments, bacterial growth, insufficient pressure, and mainbreaks To keep pace with recent breakthroughs in scientific research,water analysis, and program implementation and monitoring, thisSecond Edition features expanded and updated informationon * All drinking water regulations issued since the previousedition in 1990 * Current drinking water standards adopted by the EuropeanCommunity * Lead poisoning, radon, and Cryptosporidium * Compulsory water treatment for lead and copper * Coliform Rule compliance (disinfection and filtration) * Trihalomethane reduction with ozonation As a quick reference, handbook, and technical manual Handbookof Drinking Water Quality, Second Edition, is an essentialvolume for engineers, water supply and treatment personnel,environmental scientists, public health officials, or anyoneresponsible for assuring the safety of drinking water.