Ultrafast Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Complex Materials Probed by Time-resolved Resonant Soft X-ray Diffraction

Ultrafast Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Complex Materials Probed by Time-resolved Resonant Soft X-ray Diffraction



Published: 2014

Total Pages: 110



In processing and data storage mainly ferromagnetic (FM) materials are being used. Approaching physical limits, new concepts have to be found for faster, smaller switches, for higher data densities and more energy efficiency. Some of the discussed new concepts involve the material classes of correlated oxides and materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. Their applicability depends critically on their switching behavior, i.e., how fast and how energy efficient material properties can be manipulated. This thesis presents investigations of ultrafast non-equilibrium phase transitions on such new materials. In transition metal oxides (TMOs) the coupling of different degrees of freedom and resulting low energy excitation spectrum often result in spectacular changes of macroscopic properties (colossal magneto resistance, superconductivity, metal-to-insulator transitions) often accompanied by nanoscale order of spins, charges, orbital occupation and by lattice distortions, which make these material attractive. Magnetite served as a prototype for functional TMOs showing a metal-to-insulator-transition (MIT) at T = 123 K. By probing the charge and orbital order as well as the structure after an optical excitation we found that the electronic order and the structural distortion, characteristics of the insulating phase in thermal equilibrium, are destroyed within the experimental resolution of 300 fs. The MIT itself occurs on a 1.5 ps timescale. It shows that MITs in functional materials are several thousand times faster than switching processes in semiconductors. Recently ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials have become interesting. It was shown in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo, that the transfer of angular momentum between two opposed FM subsystems with different time constants leads to a switching of the magnetization after laser pulse excitation. In addition it was theoretically predicted that demagnetization dynamics in AFM should occur faster than in FM materials as no net angular momentum has to be transferred out of the spin system. We investigated two different AFM materials in order to learn more about their ultrafast dynamics. In Ho, a metallic AFM below T ≈ 130 K, we found that the AFM Ho can not only be faster but also ten times more energy efficiently destroyed as order in FM comparable metals. In EuTe, an AFM semiconductor below T ≈ 10 K, we compared the loss of magnetization and laser-induced structural distortion in one and the same experiment. Our experiment shows that they are effectively disentangled. An exception is an ultrafast release of lattice dynamics, which we assign to the release of magnetostriction. The results presented here were obtained with time-resolved resonant soft x-ray diffraction at the Femtoslicing source of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and at the free-electron laser in Stanford (LCLS). In addition the development and setup of a new UHV-diffractometer for these experiments will be reported

Photo-induced Phase Transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3

Photo-induced Phase Transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3

Author: Yi Zhu


Published: 2013

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9781303444333


One of the most important scientific challenges in condensed matter physics is to understand and ultimately control the emergent properties of complex materials, i.e. crystalline solids that are not well-described by single-electron band structure models. In such materials, unique and technologically relevant properties often emerge from strong interaction among electrons, and coupling between charge, spin, orbital, and vibrational (lattice) degrees of freedom. The focus of this thesis is on a model complex material, Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3, and on the application of time-resolved x-ray techniques to advance our understanding of the physics that underlie the remarkable properties of this material.As an important member of transition metal oxides family, manganites have attracted huge research interest since the discovery of Colossal Magneto-Resistance (magnetic-field induced insulator-to-metal phase transition) phenomenon in 1950's. Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3 is among the most studied manganite compounds since it exhibits the highest magneto-resistance ratio. Recently, it was found that the insulator-to-metal phase transition in this material can be induced through other external stimuli (in addition to magnetic field), such as pressure, electric field and even ultrafast laser excitation. This transient photo-induced phase transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3 (x=0.3) has been a hot research topic, not only because it has potential applications for future ultrafast data storage technology, but also because it provides a model system to study the physics of a strongly correlated system far away from its equilibrium state. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy and transport experiments have been previously used to study the photo-induced phase transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3 (x=0.3); however, the mechanism behind the phase transition is still an open question because the dynamics of the coupled lattice and electronic structure changes associated with the phase transition cannot be directly probed through traditional experimental methods. X-ray techniques have been indispensable experimental tools in studying the lattice and electronic structure of solid state materials. With the development of ultrafast time-resolved x-ray beamlines at synchrotron light sources and at x-ray free electron lasers, ultrafast time-resolved x-ray techniques have become more and more widely used to study structural dynamics in condensed matter systems. This thesis reports a series of experimental studies on the photo-induced phase transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3 (x=0.3, 0.5) by ultrafast time resolved x-ray spectroscopy and scattering techniques. New insight regarding the mechanism of the photo-induced phase transition in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3 (x=0.3, 0.5) is provided through these studies. Important background information is introduced in chapter 1, including the physics of manganites, the photo-induced phase transition, and the ultrafast x-ray experimental techniques used in this thesis. In chapters 2 and 3, x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy is used to measure the electronic structure changes in Pr[0.7]Ca[0.3]MnO3 while it is undergoing an insulator to metal phase transition. The photo-induced electronic structure change is introduced in chapter 2, and the magnetic field induced electronic structure change is shown in chapter 3. The direct comparison between the two x-ray absorption spectra indicates that the photo-induced metallic phase in Pr[0.7]Ca[0.3]MnO3 is highly similar to the magnetic field induced metallic phase. Electronic excitation is the first step in photo-induced phase transitions in solid state materials. In order to elucidate the electronic excitation corresponding to the 1.5eV photon used to induce the phase transition, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) is used to measure the elementary excitations in Pr[0.5]Ca[0.5]MnO3. In chapter 4, temperature dependent RIXS studies at the Mn L-edge is introduced and a d-d transition is found around 1.5eV whose intensity is associated with the charge/orbital ordering melting process in Pr[0.5]Ca[0.5]MnO3. Chapters 5 and 6 present static and ultrafast time resolved resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of the electronic ordering in Pr[1-x]Ca[x]MnO3. Spin ordering is found to be dominant in the low temperature ground state of Pr[0.7]Ca[0.3]MnO3. An ultrafast "two step" melting process and glassy recovery dynamics of the spin ordering are found in Pr[0.7]Ca[0.3]MnO3. Based on the findings from all the experiments, a microscopic picture of spin-order melting from photo-induced inter-site d-d transitions is proposed to explain the photo-induced phase transition Pr[0.7]Ca[0.3]MnO3.Finally, chapter 7 summarizes the thesis, and discusses future directions on the research of strongly correlated materials via ultrafast x-ray techniques.

Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Collective Excitations in Quantum Materials

Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Collective Excitations in Quantum Materials

Author: Edoardo Baldini

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2018-03-28

Total Pages: 360

ISBN-13: 3319774980


This book studies the dynamics of fundamental collective excitations in quantum materials, focusing on the use of state-of-the-art ultrafast broadband optical spectroscopy. Collective behaviour in solids lies at the origin of several cooperative phenomena that can lead to profound transformations, instabilities and phase transitions. Revealing the dynamics of collective excitations is a topic of pivotal importance in contemporary condensed matter physics, as it provides information on the strength and spatial distribution of interactions and correlation. The experimental framework explored in this book relies on setting a material out-of-equilibrium by an ultrashort laser pulse and monitoring the photo-induced changes in its optical properties over a broad spectral region in the visible or deep-ultraviolet. Collective excitations (e.g. plasmons, excitons, phonons...) emerge either in the frequency domain as spectral features across the probed range, or in the time domain as coherent modes triggered by the pump pulse. Mapping the temporal evolution of these collective excitations provides access to the hierarchy of low-energy phenomena occurring in the solid during its path towards thermodynamic equilibrium. This methodology is used to investigate a number of strongly interacting and correlated materials with an increasing degree of internal complexity beyond conventional band theory.

Photoinduced Phase Transitions Studied by Femtosecond Single-shot Spectroscopy

Photoinduced Phase Transitions Studied by Femtosecond Single-shot Spectroscopy

Author: Taeho Shin


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 228



Single-shot femtosecond spectroscopy has been developed and employed for the study of phase transitions of solid-state materials. Using two crossed echelons, a two dimensional spatial delay gradient was generated across a single probe pulse profile. This novel scheme enables us to monitor irreversible change in solids by acquiring many time-resolved data points with a single laser pulse. With the integration with a non-collinear optical parametric amplifier (NOPA) and a conventional pump-probe instrument, ultrafast dynamics of coherent lattice vibrations and photo-induced phase transitions were examined in two different systems. Ultrafast dynamics such as coherent lattice vibrations and bond softening were investigated for Bi thin films and bulk single crystals. Depending on the thickness, transient reflectivity was changed significantly. The variations are ascribed to different electronic structures possibly originating from quantum confinement. Bond softening exhibits a strong thickness dependence due to hot carrier dynamics as well as to the different electronic structures. At high pump fluences, no phonon oscillations were observed suggesting a phase transition to liquid or to a higher symmetry crystalline phase (reverse Peierls distortion). Together with thermal modeling, double pump measurements reveal nonthermal melting occurring in bulk and thin Bi films. A higher threshold fluence for nonthermal melting is observed in bulk bismuth as compared to thin films, suggesting ultrafast carrier dynamics such as ballistic transport. In addition to nonthermal effects, thermal effects such as inelastic electron-phonon scattering and nonradiative recombination play a crucial role in melting and cooling at later times after nonthermal melting takes place. A quasi one-dimensional platinum iodide complex showed strong oscillations in reflectivity which are attributed to oscillatory motions of wave packets on a selftrapped exciton (STE) potential surface., As optical excitation increased, electron transfer from Pt 2+ to an adjacent Pt4+ occurred over a wider range of lattice sites and weakened the oscillations. Above a certain pump fluence, oscillations disappeared completely indicating that the mixed valence, charge density wave state changed to monovalent, Mott-Hubbard phase. The reverse phase transition, i.e., from the MottHubbard phase to the charge density wave state began within 3 ps of the optical pump.

Probing Charge Density Wave Dynamics in TiSe2 Using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

Probing Charge Density Wave Dynamics in TiSe2 Using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

Author: Paul Xhori


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 0



The origin of the charge density wave (CDW) state in TiSe2 has been under intense scrutiny since its discovery in 1976. Theoretical and experimental evidence of the origin of the CDW has been inconclusive, with findings in favor of either correlated electron effects such as the excitonic insulator mechanism, or conventional electron-phonon coupling mechanism, or the Jahn-Teller effect. The recent discovery of superconductivity upon application of pressure or doping with copper has renewed the interest in the material, as has the discovery of the chiral nature of the CDW, neither of which have an accepted theoretical explanation.We have used an ultrafast electron diffraction setup, that has been developed over the course of this thesis, to observe the ultrafast relaxation dynamics in thin (~50 nm) single crystals of TiSe2. The dynamics are initiated by a 100 fs laser pump pulses that almost instantaneously excite the electronic subsystem and create a non-equilibrium state with highly excited electrons in the presence of cold ionic lattice. As the energetic electrons interact with ionic lattice of the crystal, the ultrafast electron diffraction method is used to monitor the electron-phonon relaxation dynamics. Both incoherent processes as well as the coherent breathing modes initiated along the van der Waals bonded layers are studied with time resolution of ~100 fs over several hundreds of picoseconds. The complex lattice dynamics are initiated by the photoinduced strain that originates from combination of thermoelastic effects due to lattice heating, displacive forces related to the sudden modification of electronic screening in the crystal, and non-thermal phase transitions initiated in the material. The above processes contribute to the complex relaxation dynamics observed through the changes in the instantaneous electron diffraction pattern. The dependence of the photoinduced strain on the pump laser fluence is monitored on picosecond timescale at low temperatures (TiSe2 in CDW phase) and at room temperature (TiSe2 in normal phase). The experimentally observed chirality of the CDW can be explained by the existence of a metastable chiral phase that can be accessed within a certain range of electronic temperatures. Our observed strain dynamics correlates with recent density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The DFT results reproduce the experimental findings without the need to invoke correlated electron effects such as the excitonic insulator condensate. Our results suggest that the chiral nature of the CDW as well as the observed non-thermal melting of the CDW under ultrafast laser excitation, could be explained solely through the modification of the electronic susceptibility at elevated temperatures. The findings in this work will stimulate further study of the chiral nature of charge ordering with possible future application of these phenomena in electronic devices and systems.

Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Layered Transition Metal Oxides

Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Layered Transition Metal Oxides

Author: Kelson James Kaj


Published: 2023

Total Pages: 0



Ultrafast and time-resolved THz techniques have emerged as an important tool not only for measuring the equilibrium properties of quantum materials, but also for exhibiting control over their phases and degrees of freedom. This thesis focuses on the use of THz light to drive nonlinearities, probe strong coupling, and probe photoinduced phase transitions in layered transition metal oxides. After a brief introduction to the thesis in chapter 1, the physics behind the materials discussed in this thesis will be described in chapter two. Then an introduction to the experimental techniques used in this thesis will be given in chapter three. Chapter four consists of a project measuring the THz nonlinearities in a superconducting cuprate. Strong coupling in the THz range on the same superconducting cuprate is the subject of chapter five. Finally, experiments concerning the photoinduced insulator-to-metal transitions are discussed in chapter 6. This will be followed by a conclusion, summarizing the work of this thesis.

Photoinduced Phase Transitions

Photoinduced Phase Transitions

Author: Keiichiro Nasu

Publisher: World Scientific

Published: 2004-09-09

Total Pages: 354

ISBN-13: 9814483192


A new class of insulating solids was recently discovered. When irradiated by a few visible photons, these solids give rise to a macroscopic excited domain that has new structural and electronic orders quite different from the starting ground state. This occurrence is called “photoinduced phase transition”, and this multi-authored book reviews recent theoretical and experimental studies of this new phenomenon.Why and how do photoexcited few electrons finally result in an excited domain with a macroscopic size? How is the resultant photoinduced phase different from the ordinary thermal-induced phase? This review volume answers those essential questions.This book has been selected for coverage in:• CC / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences• Index to Scientific Book Contents® (ISBC)

Photoinduced Phase Transitions

Photoinduced Phase Transitions

Author: K. Nasu

Publisher: World Scientific

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 360

ISBN-13: 9789812565723


A new class of insulating solids was recently discovered. Whenirradiated by a few visible photons, these solids give rise to amacroscopic excited domain that has new structural and electronicorders quite different from the starting ground state. This occurrenceis called photoinduced phase transition, and this multi-authoredbook reviews recent theoretical and experimental studies of this newphenomenon.