A clear and logical aid to the revised coding of industrial activities for the United Kingdom in accordance with European regulations, introduced in 2008. This volume contains a hierarchical classification of all industrial activities. Also available: Index to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007.
This volume is a useful and practical companion to the 'UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007', offering an alphabetic and numeric index for ease of use. It is compiled by The Office for National Statistics, the UK government department. It accompanies UKSIC2007, which provides invaluable economic coding information - vital for all businesses. This volume is a useful reference tool to help you use UKSIC2007.It is a useful aid to the revised coding of industrial activities for the United Kingdom in accordance with European regulations, introduced in 2008.
Designing and Conducting Business Surveys provides a coherent overview of the business survey process, from start to finish. It uniquely integrates an understanding of how businesses operate, a total survey error approach to data quality that focuses specifically on business surveys, and sound project management principles. The book brings together what is currently known about planning, designing, and conducting business surveys, with producing and disseminating statistics or other research results from the collected data. This knowledge draws upon a variety of disciplines such as survey methodology, organizational sciences, sociology, psychology, and statistical methods. The contents of the book formulate a comprehensive guide to scholarly material previously dispersed among books, journal articles, and conference papers. This book provides guidelines that will help the reader make educated trade-off decisions that minimize survey errors, costs, and response burden, while being attentive to survey data quality. Major topics include: • Determining the survey content, considering user needs, the business context, and total survey quality • Planning the survey as a project • Sampling frames, procedures, and methods • Questionnaire design and testing for self-administered paper, web, and mixed-mode surveys • Survey communication design to obtain responses and facilitate the business response process • Conducting and managing the survey using paradata and project management tools • Data processing, including capture, editing, and imputation, and dissemination of statistical outputs Designing and Conducting Business Surveys is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in designing and/or conducting business or organizational surveys at statistical institutes, central banks, survey organizations, etc.; producing statistics or other research results from business surveys at universities, research organizations, etc.; or using data produced from business surveys. The book also lays a foundation for new areas of research in business surveys.
This manual has been designed and written with the purpose of introducing key concepts and areas of debate around the "creative economy", a valuable development opportunity that Latin America, the Caribbean and the world at large cannot afford to miss. The creative economy, which we call the "Orange Economy" in this book (you'll see why), encompasses the immense wealth of talent, intellectual property, interconnectedness, and, of course, cultural heritage of the Latin American and Caribbean region (and indeed, every region). At the end of this manual, you will have the knowledge base necessary to understand and explain what the Orange Economy is and why it is so important. You will also acquire the analytical tools needed to take better advantage of opportunities across the arts, heritage, media, and creative services.
A comprehensive guide to companies legislation in a convenient paperback volume. Written from the perspective of the 2006 regime, it gives detailed section-by-section commentary alongside the Companies Act 2006 and surviving parts of the previous legislation as well as including the text of relevant statutory instruments.
Contains both an alphabetical and numerical lists of a wide range of typical economic activities. The indexes are used as a look-up guide for matching economic activities to SIC codes. Includes a list of typical activities, or products for each class or subclass.
The 2019 British general election saw a dramatic redrawing of the electoral map, with the Labour Party losing seats to the Conservatives in former heartlands in the North of England and Midlands. Yet this had been a long-term shift, with the opposite trend occurring in major cities and university towns, where Labour's support has been increasing. What has driven these changes in electoral geography? Why do they matter? This book offers a definitive account of the changing electoral geography of England and Wales over the past half century. Jamie Furlong and Will Jennings argue that long-term trends in social and economic structure have significantly altered the spatial distribution of voters and, combined with changes in the parties' appeal to those voters, have led to a gradual, though recently accelerating, realignment of the geographical basis of electoral competition. Constituency-level analysis of voting at general elections between 1979 and 2019 reveals a swing from Labour to the Conservatives in demographically 'left behind' areas (areas with largely white, working-class populations and lower levels of educational attainment), while Labour's support has remained stable in areas characterized by high levels of economic deprivation and insecure employment. Areas that have experienced improvements in their socioeconomic condition - typically cities where Labour have inefficiently stacked up votes - have swung towards Labour, whereas areas characterized by economic and population decline have swung towards the Conservatives. Spatial analysis reveals clusters of seats where each party has more support than expected based on sociodemographic composition - places where, in short, place matters. In Merseyside, Labour's vote is much higher than would be predicted by demographics, while this is similarly the case for the Conservatives in Lincolnshire and parts of the West Midlands. But what makes these areas distinctive? We present qualitative case studies for Merseyside and Lincolnshire to identify the place-based, contextual factors that help explain their unusual political characteristics. The book argues for the need to recognize the importance of people, places, and parties in shaping the geography of electoral outcomes.
China and India, the two largest developing countries, are developing rapidly both inside themselves and towards global markets. Are these two economies dual or dueling? This 3-volume set tries to answer this question by providing comprehensive analyses scoping varied economic issues.This volume set covers both China's and India's strategies and objectives in international governance, their bilateral and multilateral trade agreement negotiations, financial liberalization, growth prospects, rural development and agriculture, income distribution, labor market mechanism, manufacturing and competitiveness upgrading, as well as environmental and other social issues.The set collects papers (most unpublished until now) written by Chinese and Indian researchers who have rich experiences and strong backgrounds in policy analyses and are well connected to Chinese and Indian policy makers. Thus, these papers contain valuable first-hand information about China's and India's development strategies. This makes this volume set an essential source of reference for China-India comparisons and studies.